Chapter Seventy Seven

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Chapter Seventy Seven – Zayn

Zayn finally manages to blink his eyes open, he's been stuck for the past two weeks, so he could hear everyone and everything around him, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his body to respond, beyond a slight twitch of a finger. He quickly shuts his eyes again as he's met with a bright white light, that makes his already pounding head feel worse. “Zayn?!” he hears Liam exclaim, and he turns his head slowly, despite the pain it causes him, and opens his eyes again. He's met with the sight of a tearful Liam, this time, and although he feels bad, for being the reason his boyfriend is crying, he's never been more relieved to see someone. “Hey” he manages to croak out, his throat dry, and voice coming out raspy, from lack of use, Liam offers him a cup with a straw, “want some water?” he asks, and Zayn nods slowly, before wincing from the pain of the action. Once he's slowly sipped some of the water, his throat feels a little better, but the rest of him, still feels like he's been run over by a truck, (or well a van). Zayn takes stock of his injuries as he adjusts to the light in the room, Liam has left, presumably to go get the doctor, and he just wants a minute to himself. His right leg is definitely broken, he can feel the heavy cast covering it from ankle to just above his knee, there's some kind of bandage wrapping around his torso, and he figures he's probably got a few broken ribs as well, he knows there's other injuries, there has to be. You don't get run over by a van and walk away with nothing.

The door opens and Liam comes back in, followed by a doctor and a young looking nurse, “welcome back, Zayn” the doctor jokes, and Zayn would laugh at the glare Liam sends him, but his head hurts too much for that. “You gave a lot of people quite the scare” he adds, and it's Zayn's turn to glare, “cause I chose this” he mutters, as Liam grabs his hand again. The doctor acts as if Zayn never spoke and continues to look at the clipboard in his hands, “we'll have to run some more tests, but like I was telling your boyfriend earlier, everything is going well as far as your general health, it was just a waiting game for you to wake up” the doctor says before leaving the room. Zayn turns his head back towards Liam, who shrugs, “yea he's not the most helpful” he says as an explanation. The nurse giggles, “you aren't the only ones, who don't enjoy Doctor Cole” she says, “and Zayn on a scale of one to ten, how bad is the pain?” Holly asks. Zayn thinks for a second, because he could say ten, but he feels like he can handle more, “around eight” he murmurs, and she nods, “I'll be right back with some more pain meds” she says, before following the doctor out of the room. Once she's gone Zayn turns his attention back to Liam, taking in the dark bags under his eyes, which are red rimmed, and he feels guilty, for putting everyone through this, for the past however long it's been.

Holly comes back and injects something into his IV before disappearing again, leaving him and Liam alone, “how are you feeling?” Liam asks, Zayn sighs, (because shrugging hurts) and looks at Liam, “honestly?” he asks, and Liam nods, “like I was hit by a van” Zayn finishes. Liam shakes his head at him, and Zayn grins, “can you help me sit up Li?” Zayn asks, slowly, wanting to not be laying flat anymore. Liam chews his lip, before nodding hesitantly and Zayn groans, “you won't hurt me, just please?” he begs, before Liam comes over and gently manoeuvres the bed around, adjusting the pillows until Zayn is almost sitting up. It hurts a little, if Zayn's honest, but he's not going to say anything out loud, as Liam looks close to tears again. “How have you been?” Zayn asks once he's situated, and smiles when Liam snorts, “I've been better actually, you aren't allowed to do this to me again, I missed you too much Zee” he says seriously. Zayn pouts, “I'm sorry, if it helps, I heard almost everything you've said to me in the past two weeks. And I have no intentions of going into another coma anytime soon” he mumbles. Liam nods his head, but isn't making eye contact with Zayn, and it's starting to frustrate him, “Li?” he asks, playing with the blanket slightly, Liam hums to indicate he's heard him, “will you kiss me?” Zayn asks.

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