Chapter Forty Nine

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Chapter Forty Nine – Zayn

Zayn chews on his thumbnail as he waits in the Starbucks Saturday morning, Harry slides into the seat beside his, passing him his coffee, Zayn takes it with a grateful smile “thanks Haz” he murmurs Harry just nods as a response, turning his gaze to look out the window. There's a million different scenarios playing out in his head none of them good, and each a little more outlandish and ridiculous than the previous one. “Harry, maybe you were right, this is a terrible idea, I can't do this” Zayn mumbles attempting to stand up from his seat, Harry rolls his eyes and pushes Zayn back down, “no I was wrong you need to do this, so you're staying” he says sternly and Zayn sinks back down into his chair. He's not even sure if he'll recognize Waliyha, it has been three years since he's seen her, and people change a lot between the ages of thirteen and sixteen, he figures she'll recognize him, though not much has changed about him, except for a few more tattoos and facial hair. “Stop it, I can see you over thinking, if this turns into a disaster, we'll leave and you'll never have to see her again” Harry grumbles and Zayn smiles slightly, “sorry, I'm just nervous” he mutters and Harry rolls his eyes, just as Zayn's phone vibrates in his hand, it's a text from Liam.
From: LiLi <3
Everything will be fine today. Remember you've been wanting a relationship with your sisters again, also remember if this is a set up, (which I doubt) I'll always be here for you, and you'll always have Harry and Niall. Skype me when you get home, I'm on the bus all day. Miss you xoxo

Zayn's re-reading the text again, when someone clears their throat beside him, he looks up to see a much older, but still the same, Waliyha chewing nervously on her bottom lip, Harry gets up quickly, “I'll just be over here” he says before darting away to another table. “C-can I sit down?” she asks quietly and Zayn nods unable to speak, because he's suddenly forgotten not only how the English language works but also how to breathe properly. “Sorry I'm late, I had to lie to Doniya about where I was going and she was getting suspicious” Waliyha adds, Zayn nods “it's fine” he mumbles, playing with his fingers, because he understands, and she's only about five minutes late anyways, it's not like he was convinced she had stood him up or anything. “How's Safaa?” Zayn asks, curious about his youngest sister, Waliyha shrugs, “a pain in the arse, honestly. But she's good” she answers and Zayn nods wishing this wasn't so awkward. “And Doniya?' Zayn asks hesitantly, wondering why he even cares about the answer, Waliyha gives him a funny look, and shrugs “she's Doniya” she says as an answer. “How have you been Zayn?” she asks after a minute and he sighs wondering slightly what he's going to tell her, “um, I'm doing good actually. Still living with Harry, and I um, I have a boyfriend” he answers, not willing to tell her more about Liam, not yet anyways. Waliyha grins “you do? What's he like?” she asks with a grin and he shakes his head, “I don't think we're there yet Wali” he chuckles the old childhood nickname just rolling off his tongue. Waliyha nods her head and grins, “I understand Zee, but I hope you can trust me again one day” she mumbles looking away.

They've been sitting in silence since she asked about Liam and the awkwardness is killing Zayn slowly, “tell me about you, though, I've missed you Wali, I really have” he says shyly and she smiles at him. “I've missed you too Zee, and um there's not much to tell, I'm like most sixteen year old girls actually. I love shopping, I listen to music a lot, and hang out with my friends. I go to school and my favourite artist right now is Liam Payne” she says quickly. Zayn grins at the nickname and feels himself smiling wider at the mention of Liam, “I've tried to see him in concert but Doniya says I'm too young and won't ever let me go” Waliyha pouts and Zayn chuckles. “I like Liam Payne too, and I saw him earlier this year in concert” Zayn says winking at her when she pouts more, crossing her arms, “I wish I was so lucky, he's so gorgeous” Waliyha says dreamily and Zayn has to bite his lip hard to keep from laughing. Although it is a little strange hearing his younger sister talk about how gorgeous his boyfriend is, and a part of Zayn wants to tell her everything, but he knows he can't, not yet anyways, he needs to know she's actually here to reconnect with him, and not for some other purpose altogether. Instead he nods at her smiling widely “yea he's definitely a dream boat” he agrees and she giggles in response.

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