Chapter Seventy One

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Chapter Seventy One – Zayn

Zayn wakes up to his phone ringing somewhere across the room, but he's warm and snuggled into Liam's chest, and has no desire to move. “Babe, your phone” Liam groans pushing gently on Zayn and Zayn sighs, “I know but I don't know where it is” he pouts and Liam chuckles, pushing himself up, which brings Zayn along with him. Zayn and Liam both glance around the bedroom in search of Zayn's still ringing phone, “check your pants from yesterday babe” Liam suggests. Zayn climbs out of the warm bed, hissing as his feet hit the cold floor, and makes his way to the small pile of clothes discarded the night before when they came back from dinner. He pulls his now silent phone from the pocket and makes his way back towards the bed as the device starts to ring in his hand once again. Zayn makes a face as he sees it's Astrid calling him, and he glances at the clock to see it is almost noon, he and Liam had apparently slept in.

“Hello...?” he asks as he pulls on Liam's arms to get back into his boyfriend's embrace, Liam chuckles but doesn't stop him from cuddling into him, “hey Zayn” Astrid chimes. “I'm just calling to let you know that every piece of artwork you brought, was sold this weekend, I'm working out the percentages and I'll be able to write you a cheque today. As you're a new artist, and with our fees it won't be a massive cheque, but Zayn this is amazing really” Astrid continues. Zayn bites his lip, and Liam wraps his arms a little tighter around him, “e-everything sold?” he asks in disbelief. Astrid giggles, “why is that so hard for you to believe? You really are talented Zayn” she says, “I, that's great, thank you” he murmurs, swatting at Liam when he starts pressing kisses to his neck. “Can you come in this afternoon, to pick up your cheque and maybe sign a few things, regarding what we talked about yesterday?” Astrid asks after a minute. Zayn leans into Liam and sighs before nodding, “yea we can come by” he decides Astrid giggles again, “see you soon then, and Zayn?” she asks, “yea?” Zayn mumbles, “you really are great for Liam, I'm glad he has you” Astrid says before she hangs up the phone. Zayn stares at it confused for a second before he tosses it onto the bedside table and turns to bury his face into Liam's neck.

It takes another two hours, a shower that resulted in both Liam and Zayn getting dirtier, rather than cleaner, followed by another shower, before Zayn is dressed and ready to go back to London Arts. He follows Liam down into the garage and waits, pulling on the sleeves of his leather jacket as Liam unlocks the car, “you ok?” Liam asks, eyebrows furrowed, once they're both inside the car. Zayn bites his lip, thinking for a minute before he just nods his head, unable to really explain what's on his mind right now. Liam gives him a look that Zayn knows means he's unconvinced, before he starts the car and carefully starts backing out of his parking space. Zayn's grateful Liam doesn't push him, knows he needs to talk to him, and he will, he's just not entirely sure what it is exactly that's bothering him, there's just a nagging thought in the back of his head that won't go away. Zayn reaches over and rests a hand on Liam's thigh as he drives and Liam glances over at him and smiles, reaching down to wrap his own hand around Zayn's. Zayn bites his lip and smiles to himself before reaching forward with his other hand and fiddling with the radio, until a song he likes comes on. They don't speak for the rest of the drive, but there's nothing awkward or uncomfortable, Zayn's trying to gather his thoughts so he can explain them to Liam, and he knows Liam is just waiting him out and letting him do what he needs to do.

Zayn waits as Liam locks the car and walks around to him before he laces their fingers together, Liam still hasn't said anything and Zayn's starting to worry, he knows it's probably nothing but Zayn is Zayn and he bites his lip nervously, worried Liam is upset with him. “You aren't mad at me, are you?” he asks quietly as they walk towards the back entrance to the gallery. Liam stops in his tracks which tugs Zayn back slightly, as they're still connected by their hands, Liam turns and Zayn can see the confused look in his boyfriend's eyes as he shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something, but then stops. Zayn squirms slightly and can feel himself beginning to get uncomfortable, he's not sure what's about to happen but he has a feeling it's not going to be something he likes. Liam's large hand is suddenly cupping his jaw and he leans into the familiar, comforting touch, “why would I ever be mad at you?” Liam asks quietly and Zayn shrugs, “because, I don't know” he shrugs and Liam sighs. “Zayn, babe, I just wish I knew what was going on in your head sometimes that's all, but I'm not mad, never mad” Liam murmurs, Zayn bites his lip as he looks up into big, brown eyes, leaning up to press his lips to Liam's. He knows they're in a parking lot, and really should move inside, but right now he doesn't care he needs to kiss his boyfriend. Liam kisses back, but pulls back after a minute, Zayn pouts at him and he chuckles “later, promise” Liam teases, flicking his pouted out lip lightly. Zayn huffs but nods his head, and turns to head inside, Liam following behind.

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