Chapter Ninety Four

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Chapter Ninety Four – Liam

Liam sighs as he pulls Zayn into his apartment, it's been too long since he was home, and not long enough, given he was home just after Zayn's accident. Zayn's fidgeting beside him and Liam chuckles, gesturing for him to enter the apartment further and find a spot to finish his sketch. The thing is Liam has a feeling he knows exactly where Zayn's going to go, there's a window seat in Liam's office that he knows Zayn loves especially when he's drawing. Just like Liam thought Zayn beelines for his office, and when Liam enters after him he's getting settled in the window, and flipping open his sketchbook. Liam takes a minute to take Zayn in, from the pencil lead smudges by his eye, to the walking cast covering half of his leg, and wonders how he got so lucky. Liam often wonders about what his life would be like right now if it hadn't been Zayn that won the contest so many months ago. Liam likes to think he would have met Zayn some other way, because he can't imagine living without him, but he has no way of knowing for sure. Liam sighs and steps into the room, leaning down to press a kiss to Zayn's forehead, the raven haired man barely even registering it happening, as he's already lost in his work. "I'm going to unpack, then I'll be back" Liam murmurs, his only response is mumbled and hard to catch, and accompanied by a wave of Zayn's hand,so he leaves him to it and goes to grab his suitcases and set about unpacking everything.

It's been an hour and Liam's just finishing unpacking his third and final suitcase, he's made three piles, one: dirty laundry, that he knows he needs to take care of in the next day or so. Two: things he didn't own before the tour, this pile always surprises Liam when he looks at it, because generally he doesn't remember purchasing most of it, and wonders what he could have been thinking. Three: gifts he's bought for his family and close friends, which he intends to deliver to everyone over the next week, figuring a trip to his mum's would be good for him, and Zayn. Liam eyes the piles for a moment before deciding to just leave them where they are and go find Zayn. So he exits his room and heads back towards his office to see Zayn exactly where he left him, Zayn actually looks up at him when he enters the room, which is a good sign as far as Liam thinks, "hey, you almost finished?" he asks quietly. Zayn bites his lip and nods slowly,turning the sketchbook around so Liam can see, from what Liam can tell it looks finished and also amazing, but he thinks everything Zayn does is amazing, he might be a little biased. "Zee, that's beautiful" Liam murmurs, stepping closer to Zayn who blushes, biting his lip and looking away, "seriously babe, I love it" Liam adds, "thanks Li" Zayn murmurs. Liam pulls Zayn to his feet carefully removing the sketchbook from his hands and setting it down,"now do I get your attention again?" he asks quietly, Zayn grins and nods slowly, "what are you going to do with it?" he challenges. Liam growls lightly, it's been so long since he and Zayn have been completely alone, and picks his boyfriend up, carrying him towards the bedroom, where he drops him on the bed and crawls on top of him.

Liam's quick to catch Zayn's lips in a hungry kiss, that leaves them both breathless and panting, when they pull apart. Liam watches as Zayn turns his head and eyes the three large piles he's lying beside his eyebrows furrowing as he takes them in, "what?" Zayn asks, and Liam sighs, climbing off his boyfriend. Pouting Liam points to the piles, "laundry, things I apparently bought, and gifts for other people" he explains watching as Zayn bites his lip before laughing lightly, nodding his head, "I get it" Zayn says finally. Liam grins and leans over to peck Zayn's lips, knowing the moment is gone and Zayn's probably gone off somewhere else in his head. Liam sighs and tangles his fingers with Zayn's who chuckles and shakes his head,"we just got back, we have all kinds of time for that" he points out. Liam knows he's right, knows that he has several weeks off,before he's needed in the studio to record, and that's several weeks to spend with Zayn, but he can't help wanting some alone time with the other man now.

They end up cuddling on Liam's large leather couch, and watching a The Little Mermaid, because "please Liam" accompanied by Zayn's puppy dog eyes apparently works every time. But Liam can't really complain because Zayn is snuggling into his chest and idly playing with his fingers as they watch, and honestly Liam would do anything as long as Zayn stays in his arms. Zayn's reciting the lines under his breath as he watches and Liam can't decide if there's anything more adorable,he decides there probably isn't and bends to press a kiss to Zayn's messy hair, making the raven haired man look up at him, blushing."You're cute" Liam mumbles, and Zayn shakes his head, "not cute" he mutters, before turning his attention back to the movie and tangling his fingers with Liam's, as he slides himself down so now Zayn is laying across the couch with his head on Liam's lap. Liam doesn't mind though and moves his free hand to card through Zayn's hair, smirking slightly when Zayn lets out a whine and pushes closer into his hand. "Cheater" Zayn grumbles,and Liam chuckles "just relax and watch the movie, babe" he murmurs, still playing with Zayn's hair. Sure Liam would love to still be in his bedroom with Zayn, but if he's being honest he loves this kind of time with Zayn more than anything, where it's just the two of them, and they can relax and enjoy each other, without anyone interrupting them.

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