Chapter Eighty Four

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Chapter Eighty Four — Liam

Liam wakes up to the sound of someone giggling, and another person shushing them, he knows before he opens his eyes that it's Lux giggling, but can't decide who the adult with her is. He knows it's one of two people, and to be honest he might smack either one, he doesn't want to wake up, "Lili?" Lux asks, poking his cheek, and he groans before blinking his eyes open, "wake up" she demands. Liam chuckles and pushes himself to a sitting position, looking around his hotel room, he spots both Louis and Lou, over by the television and narrows his eyes. "Why are we all in my room?" he asks, pulling Lux up onto the bed and into his lap, she giggles and starts poking at his tattoos, Louis shrugs and gestures to his hairstylist, "she claimed she needed to see you" he explains, "and I brought you Starbucks" he adds on. Liam chuckles at that, and nods "what did you need Lou?" he asks, gesturing for his best friend to bring him the coffee, Lou smiles, "well, I was wondering if you could look after this little monster for a couple hours?" she asks. As if on cue Lux grins up at him and growls, Liam laughs, "sure, but can I ask why?" he asks tickling the girl gently, Lou shrugs, "I have a meeting, and she's been demanding to see you. I know you have most of today free, so I was hoping" she trails off. Liam smiles and nods his head slowly, "yeah, no problem, I would love to spend some time with Miss Lux" he answers. Lou lets out a relieved sigh, "good, I have to get going, love you all, bye" she chirps, kissing Lux quickly before she disappears completely. "Mum?" Lux asks pointing at the door and Liam chuckles, "yeah, she'll be back Luxie" he coos, the three year old appears to be thinking about it before she shrugs and goes back to poking at Liam's tattoos.

Louis apparently also has a meeting this morning so Liam is left alone with Lux, it's only been about thirty minutes but he's already running out of ways to entertain the tiny, blonde, bundle of energy. "Leeyum where Zen?" Lux asks, pausing in the middle of jumping on his bed, Liam smiles at her, "he's back home in London, love" he explains. Lux cocks her head to the side a bit before pouting, "miss Zen" she pouts, Liam chuckles and sits on the bed beside her, "me too, we can Skype him if you want" he tells her. Lux's eyes light up and she nods her head quickly, scooting back on the bed so she's leaning against the pillows "please?" she asks. Liam laughs and nods, moving to get his computer from off of the desk where he left it the night before, he quickly turns it on and clicks on Skype, silently hoping Zayn's online. When he clicks Zayn's contact it rings several times before Zayn appears on the screen, "hey, babe did we wake you up?" Liam asks, as Zayn looks not only tired, but almost murderous. "Who's we. And yes" Zayn mutters in response, "HI ZEN!" Lux shouts at the sound of his voice and Liam can see the way Zayn's features soften and his eyes brighten at the little girl's voice. "Hey, Lux. You hanging out with Liam today?" he asks, as Liam scoots up the bed to sit beside Lux, so they can both see, and be seen by Zayn. Lux nods, "Leeyum, boring" she pouts and Zayn barks out a laugh, "hey" Liam protests beside her. "I'm sure he's got lots of things you can do" Zayn tries, but Lux shakes her head, "nope" she says stubbornly, "in my defence we're kinda trapped in my hotel room" Liam grumbles. Zayn nods knowingly, "ah that can be boring, what do you want to do Luxie?" Zayn asks. Lux pouts out her bottom lip while she thinks, "see Zen" she decides, Zayn chuckles, "I can see you, on my computer" he points out. Lux shakes her head and glares at the computer screen, "no Zen. Come back, Leeyum misses you. I miss you" she pouts. Liam watches as Zayn pouts a little, at Lux's statement, it was no secret that Zayn developed a soft spot for his stylist's daughter, and that she adored him as well. Liam knows without Zayn saying anything that he misses the three year old, and wishes he could be there with them.

Zayn's quiet for a few minutes, and Liam starts to worry, "Babe, you alright?" he asks, Zayn shakes his head, before nodding, "yeah, just I um, I miss you?" he asks rather than says. Liam laughs, "I miss you too, Lux is right, you should just come back" he states. Lux nods emphatically at his statement and Zayn frowns, "I wish I could, but Li, we, I can't. Not with the cast and everything" he whines. Lux shakes her head, "no, come play" she grumbles. Zayn smiles, "I wish I could Luxie, why don't you get Liam to play hide and seek with you. I bet there's lots of places you can hide" he suggests, Lux's eyes light up and she jumps off the bed, "bye Zen!" she calls, before turning to Liam, "count. No peeking" she demands and runs giggling out of the room. Liam watches her run off before turning his attention back to his computer screen, "thanks for that" he says dryly, Zayn just grins, "you're welcome" he smirks. Liam shakes his head, "I guess I should go find her, I'll call you later?" he asks, Zayn smiles softly, "yeah, call me after your show tonight. I love you" he murmurs, Liam nods, "love you too" he replies, before they disconnect the call.

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