Chapter Forty One

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Chapter Forty One – Zayn

Zayn pulls on his hair again and groans as Harry rolls his eyes from across the room at him, Harry and Niall are heading back home today with Louis and Josh in tow. While Zayn and Liam are going up to Liam's parents' house to spend a few days there, before Zayn returns back to his and Harry's apartment to look for a new job. Zayn knows he has to get back to his reality, knows that he's been on tour (and avoiding the issue) for several weeks now, and if he's being honest he misses his tiny apartment and his own bed. “Relax Zee, you're going to be fine” Harry tells him for the fifth time since Liam and Louis left for one last meeting before everyone has a break for a week. Zayn frowns and tugs at his hair some more, “but what if they hate me Haz?” he whines, he's fully aware of how needy he sounds, but also knows that Harry won't care, or get fed up with him, at least he hasn't yet and they've known each other for eighteen years. Harry gets up and comes to stand directly in front of Zayn grabbing onto each of his shoulders gently, “listen to me Zayn Javaad Malik, you are going to be fine. Liam's parents will love you. Stop freaking out about it” he says sternly, Zayn sighs and bites his lip, he knows Harry's right, at least partially, especially because he used his full name. He's about to respond when the door bangs open and Niall comes bounding into the room, “hey losers, what are we doin?” he asks and Zayn chuckles slightly, but it's Harry who answers the blond “Zayn here is freaking out, and I'm just enjoying the show really” he teases and Zayn pouts crossing his arms. Niall laughs, “I see what's he freaking out about?” he asks, and Zayn's pout deepens “meeting his boyfriend's parents” Harry shrugs and Niall rolls his eyes. “This again? Zee seriously they're gonna love ya, I mean everyone does” he exclaims, and Zayn shakes his head “my sisters don't” he mumbles before turning and walking out of the room.

Zayn knows he's being unreasonable and overly dramatic (he's been spending too much time with Louis) but he's been locked in the bathroom for the last twenty minutes and refuses to come out no matter what Harry and Niall bribe him with. He's curious now because his two best friends have fallen silent and Zayn knows that's never a good sign, not with those two anyways. He's pulled out of his thoughts by a light tapping on the door again, “go away Harry, I don't want to talk” he calls, but the tapping continues, “it's not Harry, although he's worried about you, please come out, Love” Liam's smooth voice comes through the door and Zayn sighs before standing and pulling open the door, to reveal Liam, with Harry, Louis, Niall and Josh behind him. Once he's taken one step out into the main room, Liam's arms are around him holding him tightly, and keeping him in place, “you need to hear your friends out” Liam murmurs by his ear making Zayn shiver as he nods, Liam kisses him gently before turning him to face the others keeping, his arms around his waist, Zayn notices the way Liam nods at Harry who steps forward slightly. “Look, Zee stop worrying about your dumb sisters, alright? I mean they have to be the stupidest people on this planet to not want to be in your life, everyone here loves you, for being you” Harry says slowly nodding at all the people Zayn hadn't noticed. Lexie, all of Little Mix, the rest of the band, even Lux and Lou are sitting on the couch smiling at Zayn and nodding at Harry's words, Zayn feels his eyes begin to water but makes no move to wipe the tears away. Harry steps backwards into Louis' arms and Niall steps forward “you're my best friend Zayn and I don't care what crap your sister told you, you are amazing and if they don't wanna be in your life screw 'em” Niall says before Josh pulls him back into his arms.

Zayn's speechless, he doesn't know what to say, he wants to believe them, they are his best friends after all, but a part of him will always feel what his sisters said to him is true. “Babe, they're right and honestly my parents will love you, because you're important to me. Now, do you feel better?” Liam asks lowly and Zayn nods slowly, because yea, he does feel better, enough to actually walk out and to the car Liam's rented to take them to his hometown for a few days. “Thanks guys” Zayn mumbles his voice thick with tears, and before he can do anything else he's being tackled in a hug by Harry and Niall, it only takes a second before Louis joins in, and soon everyone in the room is hugging Zayn tightly. He laughs before attempting to disentangle himself from the pile of people, on top of him and Liam, and it's only after Liam threatens everyone that they climb from them, and turn to leave the room, each murmuring a goodbye to the boys before they go. Zayn turns to Harry and Niall after everyone is gone, “did you guys really just do that?” he asks and the pair shrug “yea Zee, you needed to know how many people care about you, and this isn't even all of them” Harry answers from where he's snuggled into Louis. Zayn sighs and shakes his head, “you guys are ridiculous, but thanks” he chuckles pulling Harry and Niall into another hug, before releasing them. Liam laughs behind him then, “right Zee, I hate to do this, but we need to get on the road, or we'll be later than I told my mum, and she'll start having panic attacks” he says and Zayn nods, “I'll see you guys at home in a week, yeah?” he says grabbing his backpack, Niall nods, “absolutely” Harry murmurs and Zayn grins turning to follow Liam out of the room. Louis grabs his arm, as he passes and Zayn furrows his eyebrows at him, “don't worry so much Zayn, Karen and Geoff, just want Liam to be happy. You make him happy so they'll love you. Plus these two are right, you're kinda impossible to hate” Louis tells him, pausing to gesture at Harry and Niall. Zayn laughs, “thanks Louis, have fun with Harry but please don't contaminate my apartment” he says before heading out into the hall where Liam is waiting for him.

The trip through the hotel and out to the car is difficult and if Zayn's being honest absolutely no fun, he and Liam have to make sure they aren't seen by anyone. The car is around back, and the pair end up sneaking out through the hotel's kitchen to avoid any lingering fans. Once they're inside the vehicle Zayn lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding, “do you think anyone saw us?” he asks and Liam shrugs as he starts the car, “no clue, and honestly I don't care” he answers, before turning the radio up slightly and pulling slowly out of the parking lot. Zayn grins and leans back in his seat, singing along quietly with the radio as they drive, Liam's punched the destination into the GPS and is chewing his bottom lip as he concentrates on the road in front of him. Zayn watches him drive for a minute before turning and staring out the window, they aren't talking but it's not an uncomfortable silence. Zayn stays quiet another minute before he sighs, “Li?” he says quietly and Liam flicks his eyes towards him briefly and hums before turning his attention back to the road, Zayn fiddles with his seatbelt for a second, “just are you sure about this?” he asks quietly. Liam chuckles “I've never been more sure of anything, babe” he says, Zayn nods and flops back into his seat yawning, suddenly realizing how tired he really is. Liam seems to notice because he grins, “why don't you take a nap babe, we're gonna be driving for a couple hours at least, I'll wake you up when we get there” he says gently, Zayn knows he should stay awake and keep Liam company, but he also doesn't want to meet Liam's entire family when he's as exhausted as he currently feels. He bites on his bottom lip for a second, “you sure?” he asks and Liam nods as he exits onto a different road, “yea, I'll be fine, and you need to get some rest, I know you haven't really been sleeping all that well” he murmurs, reaching over with one hand to pat Zayn's leg. Zayn just nods and lets his eyes slip closed as he drifts off to sleep in the passenger seat.

The next thing Zayn knows he's being gently shaken awake, “I, who wha?” he asks jolting up, Liam laughs in the seat next to him, “it's me, and you need to get up, we're here” he chuckles and Zayn nods. But when he remembers where 'here' is his eyes widen and he starts to panic all over again, “I-I-I I can't do this Li, I'm sorry. I just can't” Zayn stutters and Liam sighs unbuckling Zayn's seatbelt to pull the smaller boy into his lap. Liam starts stroking his hair and and Zayn immediately relaxes into his touch, pouting up at Liam because he's not playing fair, he knows how Zayn feels when his hair is played with, and Liam is using it to his advantage right now. “Zayn, you can do this. Please for me?” Liam asks with the most pitiful puppy eyes Zayn's ever seen and he can feel himself giving in, he nods slowly, “fine, for you, but what if-” he sighs not finishing because Liam cuts him off with a quick kiss to his lips, “we'll stay for dinner, and if you're still uncomfortable afterwards, we can go stay in a hotel, alright?” Liam asks when he pulls back. Zayn just nods in response, because really, that sounds fair, it's only a few hours after all, Liam smiles at him, “ok, we're going to get out of the car now, and go to the door. But I have to warn you, my mum's a crier” Liam chuckles and Zayn grins, “I know, I saw the special on you with her in it” he says blushing and Liam coos, “sometimes I forget you were a fan” he says shaking his head. Zayn shrugs, “still am babe” he says as Liam rolls his eyes opening the car door and setting Zayn outside on his feet.

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