Epilogue 2

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Epilogue- Liam

Two More Years Later

Liam frowns as he comes in through the garage to hear all the chaos in his house, he's home from tour, just in time for the twins' fifth birthday party. He can hear Kendall and Keira arguing over something in the living room, and Jaxon crying somewhere else in the house. Zayn sounds exhausted as he stops trying to break up whatever fight the twins are having, to find Jaxon to console the upset two year old. When Liam walks into the living room, Keira cheers, and runs towards him "DADDY!" she shrieks wrapping herself around his legs, "what's going on in here?" he asks, seeing the mess in the room. "Keira broke it Daddy" Kendall whines, and when Liam looks down he sees scattered legos everywhere. Arching an eyebrow at the girl in his arms Liam gestures to the toys all over the floor, "did you break your brother's tower?" he asks carefully, Keira squirms slightly before nodding, "yes, but Daddy he took my book" she whines. Liam groans setting her on the couch gesturing for Kendall to sit as well, "guys I love you, but I don't like coming home to hear you two arguing like this, now what do you think you should say?" he asks. Kendall groans reaching under the couch cushions to give Keira her book back, "sorry" he mumbles. Liam smiles ruffling his hair, "sorry Kendall" Keira huffs, Liam sighs, it's not her most sincere apology, but it's better than nothing. "Now why don't you help him fix his tower while I go find Papa and Jaxon?" Liam asks, getting up to walk out of the room, shaking his head when the twins start bickering as soon as he's out of sight.

Liam makes his way upstairs where he can hear Zayn and Jax, stepping into the youngest's room he smiles, when he takes in the sight of his husband rocking their toddler gently, all while humming. "Hey, I'm home" he murmurs stepping further into the room, Zayn smiles at him as Jaxon reaches for him, making grabby hands at him "Daddy" he calls. Liam grins scooping the toddler into his arms, "hey buddy, I missed you" he murmurs, pressing a kiss to his head, "missed Daddy" Jaxon confirms, pressing a sloppy kiss to Liam's cheek. "I missed Daddy too" Zayn mumbles and Liam smirks, "I bet you did, c'mere" he chuckles holding his free arm out towards Zayn, who steps across the room and into his arm for a hug. "I didn't think you'd be home until tomorrow?" Zayn asks, stepping away from the hug, as Liam sets Jaxon down on the carpet, where the toddler immediately starts playing with some of his toys. Liam shrugs, "I convinced everyone to let me come home a day early, wanted to surprise you guys" he answers, reaching out and pulling his husband back into his arms, nuzzling into his neck. "I'm glad you did, there's so much to get done before tomorrow" Zayn mumbles,snuggling closer to Liam. Their moment doesn't last long, because a loud thump from downstairs makes them pull apart, just as the twins start yelling again, "welcome home" Zayn deadpans, as they head back downstairs.

Liam groans as he and Zayn walk into the living room to see the twins rolling around on the floor, as they fight, "I'll get Kendall, you take Keira?" Zayn asks. Liam nods as both step into the room, he reaches down to pull his daughter off her brother, wondering when they went from being adorable toddlers who did everything together, to the kids in front of him who can't seem to coexist for five minutes. Liam carries a struggling Keira to the kitchen, watching as Zayn takes Kendall to sit on the couch, "now what was that about?" Liam asks, setting the almost five year old on the counter, so they're eye level with each other. Keira shrugs, avoiding Liam's gaze, and he frowns, knowing something's bugging the girl, who looks so much like Zayn, especially when she pouts, like she is now. "Kendall called me stupid Daddy, said you didn't come home to see me" Keira mumbles, tears glistening in her chocolate brown eyes, that mirror his own. Liam sighs and pulls Keira back into his arms, before moving to sit on one of the kitchen chairs with her in his lap, "you know that's not true, right?" he asks, smoothing back her unruly hair. Keira bites her lip before shrugging, "well, it's not" Liam clarifies, "you aren't stupid, and of course I came to see you, and your Papa and brothers. You'll always be my favourite girl" he adds. Liam laughs when Keira makes a face, "I'm your only girl" she points out, "true, but still my favourite" Liam grins, hugging her tightly, "I love you Daddy, missed you" she sighs. Liam smiles pressing a kiss to her hair, "I missed you too, and I love you more" he answers. Keira doesn't say anything just snuggles into his chest a little.

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