Chapter Ninety One

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Chapter Ninety One – Zayn

Zayn sighs, he's bored and wants to go somewhere and do something. It's been two days since the whole Eleanor episode at the venue and since then he and Liam have been kept under a heavy watch. Zayn doesn't really understand it, if he's honest, because Eleanor was the threat and she's now in police custody, so why does he need to stay locked inside. He knows Louis claims it's just a precaution until they make sure she doesn't have anyone else working for her, but Zayn can't help but feel like he's being babysat, and he doesn't like it. He chews his lip as he looks across the suite to where Liam is on the phone with someone, Zayn doesn't know who and he honestly doesn't really care, he just wants his boyfriend's attention if he can't go anywhere to entertain himself. He's just looking for something that's heavy enough to throw at Liam, but light enough it won't actually hurt him when it hits, when his phone rings. Zayn abandons his search and grabs the device, answering quickly without looking at the caller ID. "Hello?" he asks to be met with a familiar giggle "hey, how's my favourite brother?" Waliyha asks and Zayn rolls his eyes, and flops against the pillows on the bed, "I'm your only brother, and I'm doing alright" he answers. Waliyha laughs again, "good, good. I just wanted to see how you're doing, and um..." she trails off, "what is it?" Zayn asks suspiciously, knowing there's something she's not telling him. Waliyha groans, "ok, I have a huge art project due at the end of the month and I was hoping my professional artist brother could help me out?" she asks. Zayn laughs and shakes his head, "I'm not doing your project for you" he warns, Waliyha scoffs, "I know that, I just need some help" she insists. Zayn bites his lip before he sighs, "fine, I'm on tour with Liam right now, but when I come home next week we can work on it, sound good?" he asks. Waliyha squeals into the phone, and Zayn grimaces pulling it away from his ear slightly, "Sorry, that sounds great. Tell Liam I say hi?" Waliyha chirps and hangs up before Zayn can respond.

Zayn tosses his phone beside him and looks up just as Liam hangs up his phone and starts walking towards him, Zayn grins and makes grabby hands in his direction. Liam laughs and slides up beside where Zayn is sitting, pulling him into his lap, Zayn lets him self be positioned and sighs happily when Liam wraps his arms around him. Zayn burrows into Liam "who were you on the phone with?" he asks quietly, Liam groans and leans down pecking his forehead, "just Jason from my management" he murmurs. Zayn makes a face "what did he want?" he asks, unable to keep from sounding petulant about it, Liam chuckles and hugs him a little tighter, "we were discussing what to do about the whole Eleanor situation, actually" he answers. Zayn makes a face, "and what did you decide?" he asks carefully, because he needs to know what's happening, Liam sighs, shaking his head, "I don't want you to worry about it" he mumbles. Zayn groans and pulls away from Liam slightly, "well I am worried about it, please just tell me" he argues, Liam sighs again and pulls Zayn back in closer, "alright, relax love. We're definitely pressing charges against her, and my lawyers are fairly confident that we'll get her locked away, she attempted to kill you, twice, and was stalking us both" Liam explains. Zayn can feel his face paling at the news, he knows she tried to kill him, he was there, still has the cast on his leg, but when he thinks about it, it make his blood run cold. "Hey, shh, you're ok. We've got her and your safe, and staying with me until she's safely locked up" Liam murmurs, pulling Zayn's face out of his chest to look into his eyes, Zayn nods, "have to go home Li" he mumbles. Liam shakes his head, "I've only got a week and a half left of tour, we can go home together" he insists, and Zayn knows he's going to agree, there's no other choice really.

They've stayed snuggled together on the bed not really talking, or doing anything and Zayn loves it, he loves to be in Liam's arms, he feels safe, and protected, and most importantly loved. The door suddenly crashes open and Louis bounds into the room, shaking his head at the couple snuggled on the bed, "seriously guys?" he asks, cocking his hip out and planting his hands on them. Liam nods slowly in response, Zayn chooses to just stay quiet, "are you at least packed?" Louis demands, "we have to get on the bus in the next hour, if we want to stay on time" he adds. Zayn rolls his eyes, because aside from a few stray t-shirts neither he or Liam ever unpacked "we're packed Louis, just breathe" he teases. Louis fixes his glare on Zayn then and Zayn matches the stare, Liam whistles lowly, but doesn't say anything else, as he generally does when Louis and Zayn get into it. "We can leave you here, you know" Louis hisses, pointing at Zayn, there's no real heat behind it, Zayn knows he's joking with him, so he shakes his head, "or I could get you replaced" Zayn points out, teasingly. Louis shakes his head, and stalks closer to the bed, "yea?" by who?" he asks, Zayn grins and points to himself "by me" he teases. Louis shakes his head again, "seriously though...bus" he insists. Liam chuckles and Zayn shakes his head "untwist the panties Lou, we're coming" Liam sighs. Louis narrows his eyes playfully "alright popstar, I got you two a present, but now I don't think you can have it. You two are mean" he pouts.

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