Chapter Sixty Six

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Chapter Sixty Six – Liam

Liam bites on the end of his pen as he sits in the uncomfortable chair, as the head of his management drones on and on across the room. He never realized there were so many business meetings involved with being a popstar and he wishes someone had warned him, he may have done something else. Liam's not even sure what they're talking about anymore, and a glance to his left at Louis shows him half asleep against the table where he rested his head fifteen minutes ago. It's not that these meetings are all bad either, it's just this one is long and dragging on, today is the day of Zayn's art show and Liam just wants to get on with his interviews so he can get on the plane and get to Zayn. “Tomlinson, don't you agree?” the head of his management, Jason, snaps, and Louis shoots up, beside him “uh, yes sir?” Louis says hesitantly and Jason arches an eyebrow, “you think we should add cows to the live shows, for the next tour?” he asks and Louis bites his lip. “I mean, sure it would make life interesting” Louis shrugs and Liam muffles a laugh behind his hand, “I'm glad you're amused Liam, but no. What is going on with you two?” Jason asks a hint of amusement in his eyes. Liam shrugs, “Today's just an important day, and I've got a lot on my mind. Don't know about Louis though” he answers and Jason chuckles, “ah yes, Zayn's art show” he says and Liam's eyes widen. He never told management about the show or why he and Louis were going home for the weekend, Jason laughs, he really isn't a bad guy, just very business oriented, “I know a lot more than you think Liam. We'll wrap up soon just give me five more minutes, this is important stuff for your next tour alright?” he asks. Liam nods, “yea, sorry” he mumbles and Jason waves him away and starts talking again, Liam's confused though, because he's not even finished this tour and they're already working on the next one.

True to his word Jason wraps up the meeting five minutes later and Louis grabs Liam by the wrist dragging him out to the hall and towards the elevator, “that was the longest meeting ever” Louis groans and Liam laughs. “How did they find out about the art show though?” Liam asks and Louis shrugs as they step onto the elevator, “who knows, he finds out about a lot of things no one actually tells him about” he says. They're quiet after that until they get into the car and Sebastien is driving them towards the building where the talk show Liam's performing on and being interviewed is filmed. “You excited for tonight?” Louis asks, smirking and Liam turns to him, “yes, aren't you? You haven't seen Harry in way longer than I've seen Zayn” he says and Louis bites his lip, “I think I might tell him tonight, you know that I love him” he mumbles and Liam laughs, before pulling him into a hug. “It will all be fine Lou, you'll see” Liam soothes, Louis doesn't say anything but he burrows further into Liam as they drive.

Once they're inside the building Louis is on his phone discussing something important and business related, Liam always thinks it's hilarious when Louis goes into business mode, because he's usually so unorganized and carefree, that to see him so serious is odd. Lou Teasdale is suddenly grabbing Liam's wrist and dragging him off towards his dressing room, “Lou, what's the hurry?” Liam chuckles as he shakes her off, to scoop up Lux, who was waiting inside the room, “Leeyum!” she yells happily as he wraps the three year old in a hug. Lou shakes her head, “the show starts in just over an hour, and I still need to touch up the band, so put down my kid and get in the chair” she instructs. Liam and Lux both pout up at her, “you're gonna make me put my favourite girl down?” Liam whimpers and Lou rolls her eyes “fine she can sit with you while I do your hair, brat” she laughs, as Liam and Lux both cheer. Lux instantly starts telling Liam a story that he only half understands, something about unicorns, but he responds in all the right places so the blonde girl doesn't seem to mind. Lou is quick with her work and Liam's hair is styled in a matter of minutes, “ok Luxie, I need you to get down so mummy can do Uncle Liam's make up” Lou says and Lux pouts but slides off Liam's lap anyways. Liam pulls back as soon as Lou tries to touch his face with the make up “Liam” she groans and he chuckles “I don't like it” he whines, as she rolls her eyes. She finally gets his make up done and pushes some clothes into his hands, “wear these, and don't mess anything up, I'll be back” Lou instructs, Liam salutes her and she shakes her head “again I say, brat” she groans as she exits the room.

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