Chapter Forty Eight

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Chapter Forty Eight – Liam

Liam frowns when he turns his phone back on as soon as the plane lands, reading the message from Zayn over five times, wondering what's wrong with his boy, and wants to just get to his hotel so he can call him and make sure everything is alright. He jumps slightly when Alec rests his hand on his back, “sorry Liam” he chuckles, “I've got you're luggage” he adds Liam nods slinging his backpack on to his back and allowing himself to be lead through the airport into the mass of screaming fans awaiting his arrival. This all feels wrong, this is one of the first (and only) times Louis hasn't been with him and he misses his best friend, he understands why Louis is taking the extra night to spend with Harry, Liam would be doing the same with Zayn if he didn't have to meet with Eleanor at tomorrow's venue tonight. He blindly signs autographs, and takes pictures with his fans, he really does love them, but he's tired and misses Zayn and as bad as he feels about it, he's just going through the motions, until it happens. “Where's Zayn?” one girl asks with a smirk, as Liam turns to her a confused expression on his face, “why?” he asks cautiously, the girl shrugs, “just, he seemed to be around for what a month?” she asks quietly. Liam was grateful for how quiet she was keeping this conversation, “I mean I know you two are 'friends' but...” she trails off, using air quotes around friends, Liam swallows thickly, “yea we're good friends, he was visiting me but now he's gotta get back to work, and so do I, so he's gone home” he answers slowly, hating that he has to call Zayn his friend. The fan snorts, “right, and I'm the Queen of France. Look I get it, I just want you to be happy Liam, and I think Zayn makes you happy” she finishes, pressing a folded up piece of paper into Liam's hand and disappearing into the crowd, just as Alec steers Liam out towards the awaiting car.

The car pulls up outside the venue and Liam sighs as he sees Eleanor's car, along with all the trucks that his stage and set comes to each place in, Alec smiles at him from the seat across from him, “I'm sure it can't be that bad” he soothes and Liam laughs, because a private meeting with his management usually is that bad. He climbs out of the car heading inside and immediately locates Eleanor, with Lexie at her side, and rolls his eyes, this really cant be good, Alec disappears once Liam's safely through the doors and Liam slowly makes his way towards the two women, the note from the fan still in his pocket unread. “Ah Liam, thanks for meeting me, I'll make this quick” Eleanor starts, the smile on her face telling Liam she's enjoying whatever is about to happen. Lexie sends him a confused look and he shrugs, “so it has been brought to my attention that although some people believe you two, the lack of public affection you two show to each other is leaving many unconvinced. So we're here now to discuss that, either you two step it up, this includes kissing, or Sandy can consider himself fired, and I'll make sure Zack never finds another job, are we clear?” she asks. Liam blinks slowly, trying to process what's going on Eleanor just threatened Zayn, and a part of him wants to hit her for it, Lexie steps forward beside him, “you can't do that, and his name is Zayn” she grinds out. Liam smiles at her defence of Zayn, and nods his head, “yea you absolutely cannot get rid of my bassist mid tour. But whatever, we'll do what you want, just leave Zayn out of this” he seethes and Eleanor smirks, “glad we could reach an agreement” she says. Before Liam or Lexie can respond again Eleanor is gone, and they are left surrounded by the crew as they set up the stage for tomorrow night.

He's barely in his hotel room, the door not even fully closed before Liam's pulling out his phone and quickly dialling Zayn's number, anger still coursing through him from Eleanor's meeting if you could even call it that. Zayn picks up on the fourth ring, his voice sounding groggy as if he just woke up “Liam?” he croaks and Liam smiles and feels himself relaxing at the sound of his boyfriend's voice “I'm sorry, Love did I wake you?” Liam asks as he sits on his bed toeing his shoes off. He can hear movement on the other line and what sounds like Louis in the background “no, no you didn't I was watching a movie with Hazza and Lou” Zayn mumbles although Liam knows he's lying knows he was definitely sleeping not watching the movie at all. “Right” Liam chuckles “you wanted me to call, is everything ok?” he asks and Zayn sighs “yea, it's I mean I don't know” Zayn mutters Liam bites his bottom lip, “tell me what happened, babe” he coaxes and Zayn huffs out a breath. There's no talking from Zayn's end for a minute and Liam hears a door closing before Zayn sighs again “you still there?” he asks and Liam laughs “yea I'm still here” he chuckles. Zayn exhales deeply, “right so I got a phone call today and when I answered it, it turned out to be my younger sister Waliyha, and she wants to meet up said Doniya would disown her if she knows about it. I was hesitant but I agreed to meet her for coffee, she apologized, and she was just a kid when she was forced to turn against me. I just, I don't know, Liam am I making a huge mistake?” Zayn says quickly and Liam struggles to keep up.

“Zayn, do you want to meet up with her?” Liam asks because even though its the most obvious thing to him, Zayn is probably over-thinking everything, and not worrying about his own feelings. “I don't know, I think so” Zayn answers quietly and Liam knows he's chewing his bottom lip as he speaks, “ok, so go meet her for coffee, just be careful, maybe take Harry with you. Don't let her in completely, not until you're sure Zayn. You can trust yourself, and like you said she was just a kid, and maybe she wants to make this right” Liam says slowly. Zayn sighs in relief, “thanks Liam, I just needed someone tell me that I'm not completely crazy for wanting to see her again” he murmurs and Liam chuckles, “oh you're crazy but not for that” he teases, “twat” Zayn mutters and Liam laughs.

“How was your meeting?” Zayn asks suddenly and Liam bites his lip, “it was what I expected Eleanor wants Lexie and I to seem more like a couple, like kiss apparently” Liam says hesitantly, waiting for Zayn to lose it, “she threatened Sandy again and then she threatened you, so we had to agree, I'm sorry” he adds quickly. Zayn makes a strange noise over the phone, “threatened me how? I don't work for her, or you?” he asks and Liam laughs lightly, “that's not important babe, how do you feel about the other thing?” he asks. Zayn groans, “I don't like it, but as long as you don't kiss her like you kiss me, I'll be alright” he murmurs. Liam grins because Zayn is officially the best, “I could never kiss anyone the way I kiss you, and you're sure?” he asks, Zayn sighs “yea, just can you warn me when it's happening and caught so I'm not blindsided though?” he asks. “Of course babe” Liam answers quickly, “good, so guess what Louis did?” Zayn asks and Liam laughs as his boyfriend has effectively changed the subject, “what?” he asks playfully, listening as Zayn launches into a story about Louis and Harry.

Liam feels a lot better when he hangs up with Zayn almost an hour later, after convincing him to go to bed because the poor boy kept yawning into the phone, he still misses him terribly, but he knows they'll be alright, at least for now. Liam's settling into his bed, his laptop on his lap as he searches through Netflix, trying to find something that he wants to watch, when there's a knock on his door. To say he's confused is an understatement because he isn't sure anyone else is in the hotel with him, when he opens the door he sees Sandy standing there with a pizza in one hand and a six pack in the other, Liam furrows his eyebrows at him, as he steps out of the way to let the bassist into his room. “Sandy, not that I mind but what are you doing here?” he asks and Sandy laughs as he plops down on the couch, “thought you might be lonely, and I kinda, wanted to talk to you” he chuckles. Liam nods sitting beside him and grabbing the drink he offers, “talk about what?” Liam asks curiously, and Sandy shrugs taking a bite of his pizza, “um, my sister” he mumbles and Liam nods slowly, he knows Lexie had sort of explained the situation to Sandy before they were all given the week off, and he just waits for Sandy to speak again.

“Right so Lex says Eleanor is threatening to fire me, if you two don't make everyone believe you, right?” Sandy asks and Liam nods, “yea but don't worry about it, Eleanor will lose her job before you do” Liam explains and Sandy chuckles, “thanks bro. But how does Zayn feel about all this, I mean I know if it were me I wouldn't be even partially ok with it” he says taking another bite of his pizza. Liam shrugs, “it's tough but I'm really open with Zayn about everything and Lexie is the same with Anna, so we'll be alright, I think” he says reaching to get his own pizza, Sandy nods, “Ok, and how do I make up for being a complete ass to my sister?” he asks, Liam laughs loudly “that I can't help you with, but I do know all she wants is for you two to be close again” he shrugs and Sandy nods, “so what I'm hearing is brother, sister bonding day, and expensive gifts” he chuckles. Liam nods “that would probably work. You up for some FIFA?” he asks, Sandy grins “as long as you're prepared to lose” he challenges. Liam rolls his eyes as he sets up the game, but he can't help thinking that Sandy's right and wonders if Zayn really is as alright with the Lexie situation as he says he is.

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