Chapter Sixty One

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Chapter Sixty One – Zayn

Zayn wakes up the next morning to someone jumping on the bed beside his head, he slowly blinks his eyes open and sees Liam, fully dressed, jumping to wake him up. Groaning he reaches out and pulls on Liam's ankle gently, causing him to fall and land on his bum, “why?” he mutters rubbing at his eyes, Liam chuckles and leans down to kiss him gently. “Get dressed I'm taking you out” Liam answers climbing off the bed, Zayn watches him confused for a minute before a pair of jeans and a t-shirt followed by a hoodie come flying towards him. Zayn ducks to avoid the clothing “uh Li?” he asks confused, and his boyfriend turns to face him “yeah?” he responds. Zayn runs a hand through his messy hair, “um it's like seven in the morning, where are we going?” he asks as he stands to pull on the jeans Liam threw at him. Liam grins “to get breakfast, then I have to talk to Louis, and then we have to get on the bus” he explains, as Zayn pulls his shirt over his head. “But people will see us?” Zayn asks and Liam shrugs, coming back over to the bed, “did you forget about last night?” he asks. Zayn thinks for a minute before a smile crosses his face, “that actually happened” he murmurs Liam nods laughing, and Zayn chuckles “thought it was a dream” he mumbles. Liam shakes his head, “nope, all real and now I can take you out wherever and whenever I want” he murmurs pressing a kiss to Zayn's jaw that makes him shiver.

Liam's idea of taking Zayn out was foiled as soon as the pair stepped foot in the lobby, although Liam was all for being seen out in public with Zayn security were not prepared to allow them to leave the building, not with the swarm of fans that had turned up overnight. Zayn chuckles as Liam pouts in the chair at the hotel restaurant across from him, his arms crossed as their waitress sets menus in front of each of them. “Thank you” Zayn murmurs before she walks away, “stop pouting” he teases reaching across to flick Liam's lip, his boyfriend makes a strange sound but doesn't stop pouting. “I was supposed to take you out out, not just downstairs of the hotel out” Liam huffs. Zayn can't help but to laugh, “but we are out, together. And I can even do this” Zayn coos, reaching across and lacing his fingers with Liam's on top of the table. Liam eyes their hands for a moment before he sighs and grins at Zayn “and I guess I can do this then” he counters before leaning across the table and capturing Zayn's lips in a kiss. Zayn hesitates for a moment before he starts kissing back, loving the way Liam's lips feel on his own.

A loud bang makes them jump apart and Zayn blushes, as Liam glares over at the intruder, Zayn turns his head and rolls his eyes, because really they should have been expecting this one. Louis is sat in the extra chair at their table, grinning at them both while he sips on Liam's orange juice. “Loouu” Liam groans and he just smiles waving at the pair, “we're supposed to be on a date, actually Louis” Zayn explains, rubbing at the top of Liam's hand as he speaks. He doesn't miss the way that Liam instantly relaxes at his touch. “Why are you here?” Zayn asks curiously as Liam squeezes his hand gently, Louis shrugs “to check on you two. By the way you made me lose five pounds. Harry bet me I'd find you two kissing, I said no way. So thank you very much for that” he grumbles. Liam laughs loudly, throwing his head back in a way that makes Zayn smile widely, as he watches,him, “serves you right” Liam says childishly, sticking his tongue out.

Louis leaves them alone shortly after he interrupted them, not before finishing off Liam's juice, “I love him, but seriously” Liam sighs, Zayn laughs and leans across the table to kiss Liam once more, unable to resist any longer. He's surprised he lasted this long around him in public without attacking him if he's being honest. Someone clearing their throat makes them pull apart blushing, Zayn bites his lip as the waitress giggles, “can I take your order?” she asks. Liam grins up at her, “full breakfast times two?” he asks, she grins writing it down before turning to leave, “I'll bring you some more juice too” she teases before she's gone again. Liam smirks at Zayn across the table, “so, how does all this feel?” he asks gesturing around them, Zayn shrugs because honestly, it feels the same to him, “I was already out of the tell me” he counters. Liam frowns his eyebrows pulling together, “it feels right” he shrugs, as a new glass of juice is set in front of him. Zayn grins, “so you don't regret any of it?” he asks worriedly, because if he lets himself think about it, Zayn is always worried that Liam is going to change his mind about him, about them, and walk away. Zayn wouldn't blame him, not one bit, but it would break his heart completely. Liam shakes his head, “I regret nothing” he exclaims throwing his arms out wide, Zayn laughs shaking his head, because Liam seems completely at ease and he likes seeing him this way.

They're halfway through eating when Zayn catches sight of her, it must show on his face because Liam spins around so he can see what Zayn's looking at. “Hey, you're ok, she's not going to do anything to us, she can't...I fired her last night” Liam coos and Zayn's eyes widen, “you what?” he asks. Liam chuckles and squeezes his hand, “I fired her, for everything she's pulled from threatening Lexie and Sandy, and getting you fired. I'm sick of it, of her, so I fired her” he explains. Zayn bites his lip because that may be the best news he's heard all day, “how did she take it?” he asks, and Liam shrugs “not well” he shrugs taking another bite of his toast. Zayn shakes his head and opens his mouth to say something else, snapping it closed as Eleanor appears directly behind Liam, “Zack, Liam” she sneers, and Zayn sighs, not knowing what to expect from her. Liam spins in his chair to face her “I thought I made myself clear last night, you are supposed to stay away from me, Zayn, and everyone else we have anything to do with” he spits. Zayn blinks quickly he's never heard Liam this angry, and mean before, not in person and it's kind of scary, but Zayn also finds it kind of hot.

Eleanor rolls her eyes “I know it's just a tantrum, you'll be begging me to fix things for you in a week” she teases, Liam groans, “no, I won't be, there's nothing to fix, now if you'll excuse us” he says turning back to Zayn. Eleanor glowers and makes a screeching noise that makes Zayn's ears ring instantly, “you'll regret this” she exclaims and Liam shrugs, “doubt it. The only thing I regret is hiring you in the first place” he sighs, which makes Eleanor growl and Zayn bites his lip to hold back his laughter. “Also, I need your phone back” Liam adds holding out his hand, Eleanor screeches again and slams the device into his palm, “I hate you. I hate you both” she exclaims. Zayn's eyes widen and a small giggle slips past his lips, “feeling's mutual sweetheart” Liam answers, “now please leave, or I'll have security escort you out” he says. Eleanor goes to say something but is cut off when Jim, and a younger security member Zayn doesn't know appear, each gently, grabbing a hold of her upper arm and pulling her backwards away from their table.

Eleanor is still screeching obscenities from the lobby, ten minutes later and Zayn winces, hands coming up to massage his temples. Louis rounds the corner flopping into the empty chair at the table again, “Louis, can you make her stop?” Liam asks, slowly, as Zayn nods his agreement, Louis shakes his head slowly, “I wish I could, but no, hotel security is on their way, she's about to be ejected from the building. I figure your fans will handle the rest” he shrugs, reaching across to steal a piece of bacon off Liam's plate. Liam nods slowly, as Zayn shakes his head, “what is she even saying?” Zayn asks confused, trying again to make out what exactly Eleanor is shouting from the lobby, Liam shrugs and Louis laughs lightly, “a few things, one, how you're going to regret this, two, she'll be back and three, I don't really know I don't think it's English” Louis explains. A man in a uniform runs past and Louis gets up slowly to follow him, “that's the head of security, I'll see you boys later” he salutes before leaving as quickly as he came into the restaurant.

Zayn bites his lip as he watches several members of Liam's security team, and a bunch of the hotel's security work together to finally remove Eleanor from the building. The quiet settles quickly and Zayn is relieved, although his head is now pounding, from the sheer volume and pitch of her fit. Zayn reaches across the table for Liam's hand again, pouting when his boyfriend's hand stays limp in his grip “hey, Li what is it?” he asks gently, squeezing Liam's fingers. Liam looks up and shrugs, “this is not how today was supposed to go, we were supposed to go out, not get trapped in the hotel and accosted by Eleanor. We were supposed to be enjoying this, finally being free” he mutters, and Zayn shakes his head at him. “Liam, can you look at me?” Zayn asks gently, smiling lightly when Liam lifts his head to meet Zayn's eyes, “I don't care about any of that, as long as I'm with you, none of the other stuff matters. And really you don't think it was funny to watch you know who, get ejected from a fancy hotel, by security?” Zayn chuckles. Liam smiles slightly and shakes his head, “that was pretty good” he chuckles and Zayn grins, nodding glad to see his smile back. Liam squeezes Zayn's hand, “let's get out of here, go do something before we have to get on the bus” he says eyes lighting up, and Zayn's not sure he could actually say no to him if he wanted to so he nods his head slowly, laughing when Liam almost trips over his own feet as he stands. Zayn shakes his head and follows after him out of the restaurant.

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