Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve – Liam     

Liam chuckles as Zayn looks at him bewildered, “what is, I mean this wasn’t part of the prize, I don’t-” Zayn rambles and Liam cuts him off with a finger over his lips, “no it wasn’t, we all wanted to see you lot again, before the night was over, I just hoped Jim could find you guys” he chuckles, removing his finger. Zayn nods and glances around the small dressing room, Liam takes this moment to drink Zayn in and sneakily snap a picture (or six) with his phone, he’s just stuffing it back into the pocket of his hoodie when Zayn turns back to face him still looking shocked, but now less confused. “So did you enjoy the concert?” Liam asks quietly enough that only Zayn can hear him, and inches slightly closer to where the tan boy is sitting, Zayn nods “it was amazing, you’re even better live” he exclaims blushing and Liam laughs “thank you, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself” he murmurs. Zayn nods excitedly and Liam chuckles again, “what was your favourite part?” he asks curiously and Zayn chews on his bottom lip, Liam supresses a groan, it’s still as attractive as it was earlier, he distracts himself by looking around the room, Louis is practically in Harry’s lap, giggling at something the curly haired boy said, Dan is leaning close to Gemma making her laugh, and Niall and Josh are, well he’s not entirely sure what they are doing. He looks back at Zayn just as the boy starts speaking again, “I don’t think I could pick one part, but the part that stands out was your dedication, you didn’t have to do that Li” he murmurs, and Liam blushes, “I wanted to, today was pretty special for me too, you know” he says seriously and Zayn shakes his head. “I don’t understand why, I mean, I’m nothing special” he mumbles, Liam can’t have heard him right, Zayn, nothing special? That’s the most ridiculous thing Liam’s ever heard, and he spends most of his life with Louis.

Zayn is currently looking everywhere but at Liam and Liam can’t stop himself from reaching out and grabbing Zayn’s hand in his own, “you are something special Zayn, I wouldn’t have told you any of what I told you today if you weren’t, nor would I have given you my personal phone number” he says seriously. Zayn bites his lip again and Liam groans out loud this time, Zayn furrows his eyebrows at him, but he shakes his head, “I’ll tell you another time” Liam chuckles and Zayn rolls his eyes “you said that earlier” he points out and Liam nods smirking, “and I meant it earlier, you’ll just have to spend more time with me to find out” he teases and Zayn nods, “I suppose I could do that” he sighs and Liam laughs. He’s about to pull Zayn into a hug when he gets hit round the head with a pillow, turning to glare at his best friend he growls “what?” as Zayn dissolves into a fit of giggles and Louis whistles innocently. When Liam glares harder Louis cracks, “can we go get food, I’m starving” he moans, and is answered by an excited agreement from Niall, Liam chuckles and nods at Louis who cheers excitedly and turns back to Harry. Liam shakes his head and turns back to face Zayn who is pouting, “I guess you gotta leave then?” he asks sadly and Liam shakes his head, “you guys are coming with us” he says cheerfully, standing up, holding his hand out to help Zayn up. Zayn takes his outstretched hand and allows him to haul him to his feet, Liam chuckles and waits for the others to all stand up, “where’re we going Lou?” he asks. Louis just chuckles already dragging poor Harry by the wrist, “you’ll see, LiLi” he winks, “can this many people fit in your car?” he asks. Liam laughs but nods, “it will be a tight fit, but yea we can” he shrugs, Louis cheers once again and leads the way into the hallway, where Jim and a few other security members fall instep behind the group.

Louis whispers their destination to Sebastian and Jim, so Liam is still in the dark about where they are heading, normally he’d be mad, but the fact that there are currently eight of them in his car, means he is sitting extremely close to Zayn. He catches Zayn yawning out of the corner of his eye and frowns, “tired?” he asks and Zayn shrugs “not all of us are used to this lifestyle Liam, but I’ll be alright” he teases. Liam rolls his eyes and pats his shoulder, gesturing for Zayn to rest his head there, Zayn raises an eyebrow, but quickly gives in when Liam pouts at him. Liam smiles slightly and Louis catches his eye, winking over top of Harry’s head which is resting on his chest, Liam looks around the car and sees Gemma has fallen asleep in Dan’s lap, and he’s playing with her hair gently, and Niall is leaning up against Josh, who looks happier than he has for most of the tour. Sebastian stops the car and Liam looks up to see they are at Taco Bell and raises an eyebrow at Louis who shrugs, “young Harold here happens to like tacos, and so I thought why not, plus it will be empty this late at night and we won’t be disturbed” he says with a defiant lift of his chin. Harry makes a noise of protest, “don’t call me Harold” he whines and Louis coos, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again” in a tone Liam knows means, he’s filed the information away to use against poor Harry later. They all get out of the car Gemma sleepily leaning on Dan, who now has his arm around her waist to keep her upright, and follow Jim into the building.

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