Chapter Seventy Three

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Chapter Seventy Three – Zayn

Zayn watches until he can't see Liam anymore, before he turns away from the doorway he went through to face Niall and Harry, he pouts slightly before falling into Harry's opened arms. He knows he's being selfish, that Niall's and Harry's boyfriends also just got on that plane but he can't help it, not when Liam just left, without him, for who knows how long. Harry's rubbing his back gently and it feels nice, “you ready to go home Zee?” Harry asks gently and Zayn shrugs, because there's no point in staying at the airport but he's not sure he wants to go home either. “You can work on some new paintings, or sketches” Niall offers, and Zayn nods, because yea, he never even thought of that. “Yea, let's go” he mumbles pulling away from Harry, “you alright?” Zayn asks, directing the question at both Niall and Harry who nod, “yea, Louis promised to call me everyday, so I'm good” Harry smiles and Niall smirks “and Josh and I aren't as mushy as you guys are, but we are gonna talk all the time” he says. Zayn nods and smiles at his friends, glad he has them, not for the first time and that they understand him and what he needs.

The three make their way out of the private lounge and start heading out of the airport, but Zayn gets this prickling feeling like he's being watched as they walk. They're almost back outside but he can't shake the feeling so he stops dead in his tracks, looking around wildly, causing Niall to crash into him. “Jeez, why'd you stop Zee?” Niall asks, Zayn looks around again, not seeing anyone before he shakes his head, “do you ever feel like you're being watched?” he asks. Niall snorts “you probably are Zayn. You and Liam are like the couple to watch right now. I'm gonna bet there's paps everywhere trying to get shots of you” he explains. Zayn groans, because he doesn't want to be watched, all the time, he kinda enjoys being a nobody, just another face in the crowd. He knows it goes with the territory of dating an international popstar but it doesn't mean he has to like it. “Just keep moving Zee, we're almost to the car” Harry says, gently grabbing Zayn's arm, Zayn nods and allows Harry to pull him along the rest of the way to the parking lot, and the car.

Once they're back at the apartment Zayn completely ignores Niall and Harry and heads straight for his room, he needs to figure out what he wants to have displayed at London Arts, and which he wants Astrid to give to Mollie to put up at her diner. Plus he needs to get started on some new material as well, there's a couple ideas in his head for a new painting and he wants to get started before he forgets. He's rifling through his closet, looking for his paints and a new canvas, but he can only find a few half empty paint containers, his brushes, and his sketch book, there isn't a single canvas to be found. Zayn groans and runs a hand through his hair in frustration, he needs to get some new supplies apparently, but at least he has money for them now, thanks to the success of his art show. He pulls on his boots and jacket again, shoving his phone and keys into his pockets, and heads back out of his room, “where you going, Zee?” Harry calls from the couch where he and Niall are playing Call of Duty. Zayn bites his lip and stops behind the couch “to the art store, I need some new canvases and paint and stuff” he says slowly. Harry nods and waves him off groaning when Niall kills him in the game “Ni, I was talking to Zayn, you cheat” he mutters, Niall just laughs “should have paused it” he shrugs. Zayn shakes his head at his friends “I'll be back in an hour” he calls before heading out the door, and jogging down the stairs.

The walk to the art store isn't long, it's one of the things Zayn has always loved about where their apartment is, he can walk there in about fifteen minutes, although sometimes the walk back is a challenge (depending on what he buys). But it's a nice enough day, although cool and Zayn likes to be outside, likes to walk places when he can, not always depending on Harry, and Niall and now Liam to drive him around, because he doesn't have a car. As he walks he pulls out his phone to snap a few pictures of things he thinks would make good sketches or paintings, and he's at the shop before he even really realizes it. He opens the door and is hit with the familiar smell of paints and turpentine, he loves it really, it makes him feel comfortable and at home. “Zayn, haven't seen you in awhile” Craig, the owner of the store calls when he spots him, Zayn shrugs, “yeah didn't really have a lot of extra cash for a bit there” he answers, rubbing at the back of his neck. Craig chuckles “I understand that, man, you looking for anything specific?” he asks. Zayn shrugs “not really, need some new paint, a couple canvases” he mumbles and Craig grins, “you know where it all is man, yell if you need me” he says and Zayn smiles heading towards the back of the store.

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