Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten – Liam

As far as Liam can tell so far Zayn seems pretty normal, there was no, crying, screaming or fainting upon sight, and they have been having a very normal conversation for the past hour. “What about you?” Zayn asks snapping him back to reality, “what about me, what?” Liam asks confused, and Zayn laughs, and if Liam’s being honest it’s adorable and he wants to hear it happen, a lot, “do you have a girlfriend?” Zayn clarifies and Liam quickly shakes his head, even before Louis elbows him in the ribs, and turns, from where he is currently chatting up Zayn’s best friend to send Liam a meaningful look. Liam rolls his eyes at Louis, who sticks out his tongue and turns back to Harry, “no, no girlfriend” he mumbles, and Zayn nods, but doesn’t ask anything else, Liam decides before he really thinks about it, that he’s going to tell Zayn something else that nobody else really knows about him, just those in his circle. It may be the biggest mistake of his career, but he feels like he can trust Zayn. “Hey, Zayn can I tell you something, something that nobody outside of my team knows?” he asks, ignoring the sharp pain from where Louis is elbowing him furiously, Zayn nods, and his warm eyes look inviting, “yea, I did ask you to” he smirks. Liam bites his lip, and takes a deep breath, “ok I’m trusting you, which may be a mistake, but I feel like you can be trusted, please don’t tell the press this, alright?” Liam pleads and Zayn nods. Suddenly Zayn reaches out and rests his hand on Liam’s knee gently, “I know you don’t know me at all, but I swear I won’t say a word, and when I swear something I never go back on it” Zayn murmurs, and he looks so sincere that Liam nods. “Alright, well I may, kinda, like boys” Liam mumbles, Zayn’s eyes widen, and he leans a little closer to him, “so, you’re Bi?” he asks curiously and Liam bites his lip and shakes his head avoiding Zayn’s gaze. Liam feels a cool, slender finger on his chin lifting his face up, his eyes meet Zayn’s hazel ones, and he sees a gentle smile, before Zayn pulls his bottom lip between his teeth, which if Liam’s being honest with himself is a lot more attractive than should be legal. “Li, I’m sorry can I call you Li?” Zayn asks and Liam nods, because he’s not sure he can talk right now, “Li, you’re gay?” Zayn asks and Liam nods again, “you know it’s nothing to be ashamed of right? There’s a lot of male celebrities who are, and I can promise you I won’t tell anyone, but how long have you known? I mean if you don’t mind me asking” Zayn murmurs, finger still on Liam’s chin.

Liam takes a moment to take Zayn in, because how can he be real? This is the most intense conversation Liam has had with anybody apart from Louis, in almost three and a half years, and he has almost completely forgotten, that Zayn’s a fan and he’s only known him for about an hour, and that they aren’t alone in the room, there are eight other people here with them. When he lets himself look into Zayn’s eyes he sees no judgement in them, just a burning curiosity, and maybe affection, “I’m not ashamed Zee, and I’ve known since I was seventeen. But my management team thinks it would be bad for my image, teenage girls won’t like it if I’m completely inaccessible, right?” he finally answers and Zayn shakes his head, at what Liam isn’t sure though. He doesn’t get to find out right away either because Louis has excused himself from Harry and is yanking Liam to his feet dragging him towards the bathroom, “we’ll be right back” Louis grins tightly, and Zayn, Harry and everyone else nods at them. Louis pushes him roughly into the bathroom and slams the door shut, “what was that?” he hisses and Liam shrinks back, Louis is never angry with him, and although Liam is bigger than Louis, Louis is slightly terrifying when he’s angry. “What were you thinking Li? What if he goes running and sells the story to a paper, to pay for his apartment? What if he books a talk show, do you know how much damage this could do?” Louis groans, tugging on his hair in frustration. “And if Eleanor finds out I’ll never hear the end of her, God Li” Louis adds before Liam can say anything, pacing in the large bathroom. Liam waits until Louis stops, “are you done Lou?” he asks and Louis nods, “who cares” Liam says shrugging and Louis’ jaw drops. “I mean it Lou, I’m so sick of hiding who I really am, so who cares if Zayn goes and tells the world, he’d be doing me a favour” Liam adds, Louis is still speechless so he continues. “And I was thinking, this guy seems to get me, and actually seems to want to know me, Liam, not Liam the pop star. I know he’s a fan but I feel like I can trust him, and I need you to trust me Lou” he murmurs the last part, and Louis closes his mouth.

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