Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six – Liam

Liam frowns as he wakes up the next morning, his head is pounding and he feels like his skull might explode any second, his throat is sore and raw, and he winces as he coughs harshly. He definitely feels worse than he did yesterday and he’s never been more thankful for the fact he has three days off in a row. Zayn stirs next to him and he smiles as he remembers last night, it’s hazy, but he remembers Zayn having gotten into the bath with him after he begged, he doesn’t remember much else, but remembers Zayn kept his boxers on and he doesn’t think anything happened. “Morning” Zayn mumbles his voice still rough with sleep and Liam grins “morning” he whispers, his voice raspy for an entirely different reason, “what time is it?” Zayn yawns and Liam chuckles pulling his phone off the bedside table to check, he notes he has two missed calls from his sister and frowns “it’s a little after ten” he answers. Zayn nods and curls into him a little more, “how’re you feeling? Cause you sound worse” he asks and Liam sighs, knowing he won’t be able to lie about it to Zayn “honestly? Like I’m dying” he groans and Zayn frowns before pulling him closer, “poor baby” he mumbles, kissing his forehead. Liam closes his eyes and leans into Zayn’s touch, it’s gentle and soothing and he wishes he could get lost in him forever. Zayn rolls away and Liam instantly misses his warmth and he whines a little in protest, Zayn looks over his shoulder and chuckles, but continues with what he’s doing. He’s rummaging around in his bag and Liam is curious because he can’t see what he’s pulling out, when Zayn turns around he’s got a bottle of water and a box of cold pills in his hands and Liam groans as he comes back to bed.

Zayn is sitting on his chest and Liam would be lying if he said he doesn’t enjoy it, but Zayn’s only there because Liam is being stubborn and refusing to take the cold medication Zayn has clutched in his fist, “c’mon Li, you have to take these, you’ll feel better, and then we need to pack, so we can get on the bus” Zayn tries again and Liam pouts and shakes his head. “Will you kiss me?” Liam asks with a pout, and Zayn narrows his eyes at him as he leans in close, Liam grins he thinks he’s getting his way, Zayn dips close to his face and then shakes his head, “only if you take your medicine Li” he breathes and pulls away again. Liam pouts and groans, because Zayn isn’t playing fair, and because his brain is pounding against his skull, and his throat is so raw he doesn’t think he’ll be able to swallow the pills in Zayn’s hand. “It hurts Zee” he whines and Zayn smiles sadly, “I know, and these will help you, I promise” Zayn murmurs leaning down and pressing a light kiss to Liam’s temple. Liam sighs and opens his mouth as he gives in, Zayn grins and drops the two pills in his hand into Liam’s mouth before crawling off him so Liam can sit up. Zayn hands him the water and he takes a swig, wincing as his throat protests at the pills, he looks expectantly up at Zayn and pouts “you promised me a kiss” he whimpers and Zayn smiles, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Liam’s lips, he pulls away too quickly as far as Liam is concerned making him pout again. Zayn chuckles, “I’m sorry but we have to pack all your stuff up, so we can be on the bus in less than two hours” he murmurs and Liam sighs nodding his head slowly, wincing again as his head throbs. Zayn must notice because he shakes his head, “you stay in bed, I’ll pack, ok?” he asks and Liam wants to protest, knows he should help Zayn but he nods his head instead, snuggling back down under the blankets as he watches Zayn buzz around the room packing up all his stuff for him.

An hour later Liam is leaning heavily on Zayn as he leads him down to the lobby of the hotel where Louis and Lexie look at him concerned. Liam knows he looks as bad as he feels, he hasn’t styled his hair at all, and is wearing baggy sweatpants and a hoodie, and he’s pulled the hood over his head to hide from the world and to keep him warm. He hates to admit it but the pills Zayn forced on him did actually help and the pounding in his head has gone away, and his throat doesn’t feel as though he’s spent the morning swallowing knives. “Hey, how’re you feeling?” Louis asks as he reaches out and pulls Liam’s large suitcase out of Zayn’s grasp, Zayn nods his thanks as Liam coughs, “I’ve been better” he answers and Louis smiles tightly at him. After that Zayn steps back from Liam as they head outside and even through the haze of cold pills Liam doesn’t miss the way Zayn’s face falls a little, when Lexie steps up beside Liam to lead him towards the bus, Liam is grateful as Louis falls in step beside Zayn and whispers something to him that makes the raven haired boy laugh loudly. They all board the bus and the door is shut quickly behind them, Louis passes through to the bunks to deposit both his and Liam’s suitcases on the bunks and Liam flops down across the couch. Lexie giggles and moves to sit in the chair across from him. Zayn hesitantly sits by Liam’s head, pulling him down to lay in his lap, Liam smiles up and him and buries his face in the fabric of Zayn’s (which is actually his) t shirt. “So when we stop for fuel a little ways I’ll switch to the other bus” Lexie says pulling out her phone and Liam mumbles something that even he doesn’t understand, Zayn chuckles and begins massaging his temples and Liam decides that he’s never letting Zayn go home, and wonders if it would be weird to pay his boyfriend to stay on tour with him and give him head massages every day.

Liam’s in and out of it as they drive, he’s only catching snippets of the conversations happening around him, Louis is too loud for his head, where the headache is beginning to come back, Lexie is murmuring across the way and Liam thinks she must be on her phone. The only voice he can’t hear is Zayn’s but he can still feel the steady, gentle, pressure of his fingers on his temples and he knows that he hasn’t moved. Liam blinks his eyes open and is met with three worried faces, just as the bus lurches to a stop, Louis moves aside the blinds and grins, “ah, we’re stopping for fuel, I need snacks, you two want anything?” he chirps and Liam shakes his head slightly, “could you grab me some coke, and maybe a packet of Reese’s peanut butter cups?” Zayn asks quietly and Louis nods before turning to Lexie, “c’mon then, I’ll walk you to the other bus” he sings and she grins climbing off the couch to follow him out. She turns back and catches Liam’s eyes “feel better Li” she murmurs and he nods, though it sends a pounding through his skull, Lexie turns to Zayn, “take care of him” she hums and Zayn nods, fingers still never stopping in their massage. The bus door opens and closes after that and Liam and Zayn are temporarily alone, Liam knows Louis will be back with more junk food then the three of them can eat, especially because he has no intention of eating any of it any time soon. But he rolls slightly so he’s pressed closer to Zayn and whimpers Zayn chuckles and slouches down underneath him, so he can easily press a kiss to his temple, “I wanna do this with you all the time” Liam mumbles, “run away with me?” he whines and Zayn chuckles. “I do too, and where are we going?” Zayn hums and Liam shrugs, “anywhere, we can learn to breathe underwater and then find the lost city of Atlantis” he decides and Zayn barks out a laugh, “would we grow tails and become mermen, Li?” he chuckles and Liam pouts. “Don’t laugh, it’s entirely possible” Liam whines and Zayn becomes serious, pushing Liam so he’s sitting up, looking directly into his eyes, “I would go anywhere with you Li” he murmurs before surging forward and pressing his lips to Liam’s.

Louis' back all too soon and Liam winces as his best friend's loud voice interrupts his moment with Zayn, he pushes himself so he's sitting up still leaning on Zayn as Louis passes his boyfriend a packet of chocolate and a bottle of coke. Liam doesn't get a chance to say anything before Louis is passing a bottle of ginger ale to him, he frowns, “I don't, Lou, what?” Liam stutters and both Zayn and Louis laugh slightly, “it will help, but don't drink it if you don't want to” Louis chuckles and Liam nods attempting to open the bottle, pouting when he can't do it. He blinks up at Zayn who grins and reaches to open the bottle still in Liam's grip, “seriously Li I thought you were stronger than me” he teases. Liam pouts again, because he is stronger than Zayn, but he's sick and that makes him weaker, and he's sleepy, and his head hurts again, and his boyfriend is laughing at him. “But I'm sick Zee” he whines, taking a sip of the drink Zayn coos and Liam blushes, “I know babe, I was just teasing” he murmurs before pressing a kiss to Liam's temple. Louis gags from the other couch “ok, you two are not allowed to be all cute and coupley in front of me, not until Harry gets here in two days” he insists. Liam and Zayn both chuckle “alright Louis” Zayn soothes and Liam just nods, before leaning his head into Zayn's neck, and shivering slightly, suddenly feeling cold, even though he knows the heat is turned way up on the bus. Zayn frowns and he shifts to grab a blanket throwing it over them both, “you cold?” he murmurs and Liam nods, his teeth chattering as he does so, Zayn leans down and presses a lingering kiss to his forehead, before making a strange sound, Liam whimpers and cuddles further into the blanket and Zayn. “Louis, can you hand me the cold pills, please?” Zayn murmurs, Liam doesn't hear Louis' reply, but knows he must agree because he can hear Zayn shaking out some more pills for him. This time Liam doesn't fight, when Zayn presses them to his lips, just opens his mouth and allows Zayn to drop the pills into his mouth, before handing him his drink to wash them down with. “They'll help I promise” Zayn whispers, pressing another kiss to his cheek, Liam just nods and snuggles into Zayn, allowing himself to be pulled into sleep by the medication and the gentle rocking of the bus. 

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