Chapter Sixty Eight

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Chapter Sixty Eight – Liam

Liam gently tugs Zayn from the elevator to his door, “Liii, 'm tired” Zayn whines for the fifth time since they left the art show. Liam just shakes his head fondly and pulls his boyfriend along behind him, “I know babe” he chuckles as they come to a stop outside his door. Zayn leans on the wall, with his arms crossed, and a pout on his face, Liam sighs and leans down, pausing in the middle of unlocking the door, to press a kiss to Zayn's pouted lips. Zayn kisses back, and when Liam pulls away they're both breathing a little heavier, “stop pouting, we'll be inside soon” Liam teases, eyes darkening as Zayn bites his lip. Liam growls low in his throat, before pushing the door open and grabbing Zayn's tan wrist in his own, and pulling him into the apartment. He watches as Zayn looks around, eyes scanning over everything, it's not the first time he's been there, but Liam notes, Zayn's reaction is similar every time he comes over. Liam kicks off his shoes, before helping Zayn out of his, as his boyfriend is apparently stuck in them, “did I tell you how proud of you I am, tonight?” Liam asks as he leads Zayn towards his couch. Zayn nods, still biting his lip, and it's taking all of Liam's self control not to pounce on the other man, “only about ten dozen times” Zayn murmurs, hazel eyes lighting up. Liam grins, “I love you” he murmurs, watching as Zayn grins lazily, “I love you too” he murmurs back and Liam smiles before pushing Zayn backwards and diving on top of him, capturing his lips in a kiss, that turns more aggressive with each passing second.

Liam pulls away when Zayn starts urgently pushing against his chest, he looks down on the other boy with a furrowed brow, “can't breathe” Zayn pants as an explanation, Liam pouts but nods and flops beside Zayn on the couch. Zayn starts pulling on his tie, “Lii, 'm stuck” he whines, batting his impossible eyelashes at Liam as he does. Liam chuckles “how are you stuck, in a tie?” he asks shaking his head, Zayn pouts, “I couldn't even put it on, Harry had to tie it, I don't wear stuff like this” he mutters, and Liam doesn't mean to but he can't help but laugh. Zayn's eyes narrow and he crosses his arms as his pout deepens and Liam stops himself from laughing, reaching over to quickly undo Zayn's tie, and the top few buttons of his shirt. “Better?” he asks, pressing a kiss to Zayn's now exposed collarbone, Zayn shivers and Liam feels him nod his head, as he sucks in a breath. Liam pulls back and his eyes sweep over Zayn, “you really should wear stuff like this more often, you look really good” he murmurs, Zayn blushes and bites his lip, which makes Liam growl lightly. Zayn pushes Liam away, when he attempts to kiss him again, “how much did this suit cost exactly?” Zayn asks and Liam groans, because this isn't exactly the turn he saw this taking, if he's honest. “As much as it needed to, why?” Liam answers, and Zayn rolls his eyes, “so more than I pay for rent in a month?” he asks and Liam sighs and nods his head slowly.

Zayn doesn't say anything after that and Liam's worried his boyfriend is upset with him, “Zayn?” he asks tentatively, Zayn shakes his head and turns to face Liam “you know I hate when you do things like that” he grumbles and Liam nods. “I know babe, but I wanted you to have a new suit for your big night. Harry told me the one you have, you've had for three years now” Liam explains, watching as Zayn bites his lip and turns away, Liam knows the only other suit Zayn owns is the one he bought to wear to his parent's funeral, and he wanted him to have a different one to wear tonight. Zayn turns back to him slowly, and Liam frowns when he sees a few tears glistening in the hazel eyes, “Zayn, babe” he murmurs, reaching out for him, “I'm sorry Li, I just I miss them you know. I wish they could have been there tonight, met you” Zayn murmurs before collapsing into Liam's open arms. Liam hugs him tightly and just strokes his hair gently, “I'm sure they were watching you tonight, and I know I never met them, but I know they'd be proud of you” he soothes. Zayn pulls back slightly and smiles at Liam, “please just no more super expensive suits? It's a silly waste of money, alright?” he asks, effectively changing the subject, Liam chuckles and nods his head, “alright” he sighs before surging forwards to kiss Zayn again, unable to stay away any longer.

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