Chapter Ninety Two

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Chapter Ninety Two – Liam

Liam groans as Ruth explains an old, and obviously embarrassing picture to Zayn, this is not what he expected when his sister came to visit. She'd brought a few of his mum's old photo albums and Zayn had been engrossed in them since she brought them out. Zayn coos and grins up at Liam, "you were so cute Li" he murmurs looking back to the photos "yeah and fat" Liam grumbles. Zayn gasps and gets up, coming to sit on Liam's lap, "no" he says simply, tapping Liam's nose. Liam furrows his eyebrows, "no what?" he asks confused, "no, you weren't fat Li, you were chubby, not to mention a baby" Zayn corrects. Liam frowns and pushes his head into Zayn's shoulder, "fine, are you done now though?" he asks. Zayn bites his lip and Liam's eyes narrow in on it, he's more than aware of Ruth in the room, but if Zayn doesn't stop soon he's not sure it will matter. They spent all night on the bus and have been in a hotel for a few hours this morning, Liam has sound check in a few hours, with the actual concert tomorrow. Zayn sighs and nods, turning away from Liam for a moment to look at Ruth, who Liam notices is staring at them fondly, "you can put them away Ruth, we'll look again when grumpy goes to sound check" Zayn says. Liam pouts "not grumpy" he huffs, which makes both Zayn and his sister laugh, Zayn leans down and pecks his lips lightly, "whatever you say" he murmurs, pulling away.

Ruth grins and tosses the photo album aside to come and sit beside Liam, he looks at her for a second before leaning slightly, with Zayn still on his lap, so his head rests on his older sister's shoulder. Ruth presses her cheek to the top of Liam's head for a second before sitting up, "so what's the plan now that the psycho bitch is gone?" Ruth asks. Zayn whines a little and Liam tightens his grip on him in response, before shrugging, "don't really have one, Roo. It's kinda like a huge weight has been lifted though, even bigger than the one when I came out with Zee" Liam mumbles. Ruth smiles at him and reaches out to squeeze Liam's arm, and rub Zayn's back a little, "you two are adorable, it's kind of disgusting" she teases. Liam groans and Zayn pulls his head out of Liam's chest to stick his tongue out at Ruth, who laughs and sticks hers out back. Liam shakes his head, rolling his eyes fondly, "you two are children" he mutters. Zayn scoffs "says the youngest person in the room" he teases, Liam rolls his eyes again, "by like eight months" he argues. Ruth laughs "he's still older" she points out, and Liam groans. "You're not supposed to take his side. You're my sister" Liam whines, Ruth shrugs and Zayn laughs as they exchange a look that makes Liam regret ever introducing them.

There's a knock on the door before Louis comes barrelling into the room, Liam groans, "why do you even bother knocking anymore?" he asks, and Louis shrugs, "no idea" he answers, coming to flop onto the couch on Ruth's other side. Liam watches him curiously for a minute, "what's up Lou?" he asks, but his best friend just shrugs, leaning into Ruth much like Liam had been before. "Nothing really, just bored, and Harry won't answer his phone" Louis pouts, Zayn chuckles and looks across to see Louis, "probably because he's working" he explains, but Louis waves him off, "no excuse" he scoffs playfully and Zayn rolls his eyes, before snuggling back into Liam. Liam tightens his grip on Zayn instinctively, "so how long til I have to leave for sound check?" Liam asks, Zayn pouts at him and Louis shrugs, pulling out his phone to check the schedule. Louis scrolls around for a minute, "you have to be there in two hours, apparently" he mumbles. Liam makes a face but nods his head, "you gonna come?" he asks Zayn quietly. His boyfriend shrugs "want me to?" he asks, Liam grins, "of course I do" he answers. Zayn nods then "I guess I can come" he murmurs, "don't sound too excited" Liam pouts, Zayn laughs leaning down to kiss Liam, "oh Liam, please, please let me come to sound check it would be the best thing ever!" Zayn squeals, "better?" he asks after arching an eyebrow. "Yes" Liam decides, just as Louis says "no" Liam laughs, "just maybe don't make that noise again though" he teases, making Zayn roll his eyes again.

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