Chapter Eighty Three

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Chapter Eighty Three – Zayn

Zayn sighs, it's been six days since Liam left and he's been trying to get some work done, but he's struggling, he can't seem to get the sketches to look the way he wants them to and he's getting frustrated. Right now he's trying to sketch Liam (no surprise) from memory, but he can't get his nose right, it's not something Zayn has ever had trouble with before and right now he's about to rip up the whole paper and just give up. The other problem is that with Liam's new schedule the only time they really have to talk is after the shows, late at night, both of them cuddled under the blankets in their respective beds. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but the conversations are always short, because they're both tired, and Zayn misses Liam. He also hates the fact that he can't step outside his door without a body guard, something Zayn never imagined he would have in a million years. Paddy's not bad, as far as giant men who follow you everywhere go, he's actually pretty funny and Zayn doesn't mind his presence, he just misses being able to go get a drink from the store without having to call someone to escort him there. And he would just 'forget' to call Paddy when he leaves, except it means so much to Liam that he stay safe, and protected, plus he does feel better when he's out with the older man shadowing him.

A noise in his doorway makes Zayn turn away from his abandoned sketch to see Harry leaning against the door frame, arms and and ankles crossed, “how's it going Zee?” Harry asks, slowly making his way to sit beside Zayn on the bed. Zayn shrugs and gestures to the unfinished drawing, “I can't get his nose right” he pouts and Harry laughs, “it looks ok to me” he says, and Zayn rolls his eyes. “Ok isn't good enough Harold” he growls, and Harry laughs holding his hands up in surrender, “sorry, but you ready to go? We have to get you to your appointment” Harry asks. Zayn makes a face he'd almost forgotten about his appointment at the hospital today, but he is excited, they're going to check his cast and he may be able to get rid of the thing if everything is healing nicely. “Yea, yea, let's go” Zayn grumbles and Harry laughs again, “it's not my fault, Zaynie” he chuckles, and Zayn accidentally whacks Harry in the ankle with his crutch as they head towards the door. “I'm not going to miss you being able to do that” Harry grumbles, reaching down to rub at his ankle, Zayn gives him an innocent smile “do what?” he asks just as there's a knock at the door, “you know what” Harry shoots back, opening the door to let Paddy in. “You ready?” the man asks, and Zayn nods before following Harry out of the apartment, he just makes his way towards the stairs, knows Paddy will make sure the door is locked, he always does.

Zayn scrunches up his nose as they enter the hospital, the familiar, too clean smell giving him a headache almost instantly, Harry rests a hand on his shoulder as they wait for the elevator but doesn't say anything. Zayn frowns and steps onto the elevator and they all ride up in silence, once on the right floor Zayn signs in. Holly spots him and grins widely, “Zayn, so good to see you” she says, he can't help but smile at her, she really had been great the whole time he was in the hospital, not just to him, but to his friends as well. “Yeah, good to see you too” Zayn murmurs, Holly grins, “take a seat, Doctor Cole, will be back in a moment” she explains, Zayn nods and sinks into a chair, Harry on one side of him, and Paddy on the other. They aren't waiting long before Doctor Cole appears and calls Zayn into a room, Zayn follows after him slowly before sitting on the bed and waiting for the doctor to speak. “Right, Zayn, you seem to be healing well, but you still have a ways to go. Your ribs are much better, as are your other bruises, and cuts. Your leg however, needs more time to heal” Doctor Cole explains. Zayn nods but doesn't say anything, just wants to finish this appointment and get back home. “I think though we can take that cast off though Zayn, and put you in a walking cast, You'll still need the crutches at times, but you'll have more mobility” Doctor Cole, adds. Zayn grins he can't help it, he's going to get the itchy plaster cast off, in favour of a walking cast, he knows those can be removed so he'll be able to scratch his leg again. “Sounds good” Zayn says and the doctor nods, “I'll get Holly and some tools and be right back” he says before disappearing from the room for a moment.

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