Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One – Zayn

Two days, it’s been two days since his date with Liam, and two days since he last heard from him, Zayn can’t help but be panicking that he did something to scare him off. Zayn knows Liam is off for the next two weeks and knows he was planning on just relaxing at home. What he doesn’t know is why Liam hasn’t so much as texted him since they went out and then spent the most amazing evening of Zayn’s life at his apartment. Harry has been trying to assure him that its nothing he did, that Liam is just tired and taking a few days to himself, this would be reassuring if Harry wasn’t practically glued to his phone (and Louis) the whole time. He’s at work Harry’s somewhere as well, and Niall is in the kitchen, they’re on the lunch shift today which means two things, one; tips will be even worse than they are on the dinner shift, and two; Mr. Jackson won’t be in at all during their shift. The second is the best part about the day shifts, Mr. Jackson appears to hate all his employees and no one misses him when they work the day shift and he doesn’t appear all day. Cher isn’t working today, and Tristan’s roommate James is behind the bar, he looks just as distracted as Zayn feels, and although Zayn likes the boy well enough and would normally ask if he’s alright, he can’t bring himself to care today, too wrapped up in his own misery, to be bothered. Harry comes out of the kitchen, phone in one hand and plate with a burger and fries in the other, Zayn raises an eyebrow at him, but Harry waves him off and sits at the bar with his food, “Haz, what are you doing?” he asks as James passes a glass of coke across the bar to Harry, who smiles thankfully as he takes it. Harry smirks around his burger, just as Niall comes out of the kitchen as well carrying two plates, each the same as Harry’s. Zayn furrows his eyebrows as Niall sits beside Harry and accepts the drink James passes him, before the blond bartender comes around from behind the bar sitting beside Niall and tucking into the second plate Niall was carrying.

To say Zayn is confused is an understatement; his three coworkers have been eating in relative silence for a few minutes now, Harry chuckles, sipping his drink. “Relax Zaynie” he coos, and Zayn glares as Niall and James unsuccessfully hide their snickers, “there’s no one here and Niall made us all lunch, yours is in the kitchen, go get it, and have a seat” Harry says, patting the seat next to him. Zayn groans and goes into the kitchen, returning a minute later with a plate, to find a glass of coke at the spot beside Harry’s. He sits quietly and takes a small bite of his burger, it’s delicious as he expected, because if there’s one thing Niall knows, its food, but he’s still distracted by his thoughts and a little unsure on if they should really all be taking a break at the same time. “Zayn, I can hear you overthinking, we have no customers and its lunchtime just relax and eat” Harry soothes and Zayn nods, because yea he is hungry, and Harry’s right there’s no one except the four of them there. They’re joking as they eat and it feels normal to Zayn, he’s almost forgotten that Liam hasn’t contacted him in two days, and he’s just enjoying his friends, until the door opens and a rush of cold air makes them all turn to look at who just came in. Harry smirks, and it turns into a wide smile, Niall chuckles and James’ jaw drops. Zayn feels himself blushing and jumps out of his chair, standing just inside the door is Louis, but that’s not who Zayn cares about. Standing behind Louis wearing a baseball hat and sunglasses, with his hood pulled low is Liam.

Zayn’s eyes dart around for Liam’s security and realizes with a slight shock that they are nowhere in sight, that it’s just Liam and Louis, and this makes Zayn’s heart speed up a little. He shakes his head and approaches the pair at the door, grabbing a couple menus as he goes, “table for two?” he asks quietly, biting his lip and Louis chuckles, eyes darting behind Zayn to grin at Harry, Liam pulls off his hood and shakes his head, “I was hoping three?” he asks quietly. Zayn’s confused, because there’s no one else here, it’s just Liam, and Louis and then Niall, Harry, James and himself, he feels Harry come up behind him, and jumps, “yea, we have a table set up already” Harry says and Zayn turns to him confused, just as Niall appears as well, “and I already made your order” he chirps, running off to the kitchen. Zayn watches him confused as Harry leads Louis towards a table, Liam following slowly; he stops beside Zayn and leans down pecking his cheek, “you coming?” Liam asks and Zayn nods numbly, trailing them towards the table. Louis’ already sitting and you can see the fond in his eyes as he looks up at Harry, Liam gestures for Zayn to sit and he furrows his eyebrows “I can’t, but, I, Liam I’m working” he stutters and everyone laughs. Niall appears with two more burgers at the same time James comes over with two glasses of coke, and Zayn can’t help but feeling he’s the only one who doesn’t have a clue what exactly is going on.

Liam’s hand is wrapping around his and Zayn wants to pull away, anyone could walk in and see, it’s too dangerous, but he’s frozen and can’t move. He feels Liam squeeze his hand and tug him into a chair, before sitting beside him, “I, we Liam, what” Zayn manages, before mentally slapping himself because what even was that? Liam chuckles “it’s ok Zayn” he murmurs nodding at Louis across the table who turns and mutters something to Harry. Who nods and runs off towards the door, and Zayn notices numbly that he’s locking it, ensuring everyone inside’s privacy. “There, better?” Liam asks quietly and Zayn nods, as Niall comes back over with Zayn’s own plate and glass, and Louis picks up his and scampers away. Zayn blinks and turns to face Liam once Louis is gone, “what are you doing here Li?” he asks and is thankful it was a coherent thought this time. Liam chuckles and reaches up to cup Zayn’s cheek, “I came to see you, actually” he murmurs and Zayn feels himself blushing, “why didn’t you just text, or call?” Zayn asks suddenly remembering he hasn’t heard from Liam in two days and now he’s being ambushed at work. Liam sighs “I’m sorry, I kind of freaked out, and Louis was always texting Harry, so I made them set this up” he says quietly, and Zayn wants to be angry he just can’t decide with who. So he settles for taking a bite of his burger to try to organize his thoughts “I thought you didn’t want to see me again” he mumbles finally with a pout. Liam looks sad and Zayn wants to fix it, “of course I want to see you again, I just after the picture on twitter I had a moment where I thought management was going to kill me, and then you, and I didn’t want you to get caught up in it” he rambles and Zayn chuckles, holding up a hand to stop him, “I can handle myself Li” he sighs. “I know, that’s what Louis said too” Liam says sheepishly, “and I realized I didn’t care, I couldn’t stay away from you, so I got Lou to have Harry set this up” he shrugs taking a bite of his own burger.

Zayn gapes at him before turning to glare at Harry where he’s sitting with Louis, although the pair doesn’t notice, too wrapped up in each other to notice anything really. Zayn swivels his head to see Niall and James in conversation together at the bar and knows they were in on it too, he should be angry, with all of them really, but he’s just not, because Liam is here beside him, and holding his hand and he can’t be anything but happy. Liam chuckles “you still with me?” he asks and Zayn nods, “what are you doing tonight?” he asks, sounding braver than he feels, Liam bites his lip and shrugs “hopefully something with you” he murmurs and Zayn shivers. That’s what he wants, wants to spend every waking moment with Liam before he goes back on tour, “Harry’s going out with Louis, do you want to come over, maybe?” Zayn asks shyly, and Liam grins so wide Zayn’s worried his face might split. “I would love to Zee” Liam breathes before leaning down and pecking Zayn’s lips lightly. Zayn feels a tingling sensation in his lips where Liam kissed and yea, he wants that to keep happening, “I get off work at five” he mumbles and Liam nods, “I’ll come over with Lou when he comes to pick Harry up” he says and Zayn nods, before biting his lip and looking away shyly. Liam’s finger is under his chin tilting his head back to look at him, “hey what is it?” Liam asks and Zayn shrugs fiddling with his fingers “just my apartment, it’s nothing like yours” he mumbles and Liam shakes his head, “I don’t really care Zayn, as long as I can see you” he murmurs and Zayn nods.

The hour that Liam and Louis are there flies by and Zayn is now pouting as he stands by the door with Liam, “but I don’t want you to leave” he whines, hoping it doesn’t sound nearly as much like a preschooler not wanting his mummy to leave, as it does in his head. Liam chuckles, “and I don’t want to leave, but if I don’t you can’t finish work and then I can’t come over” he whispers stepping closer to Zayn. Zayn knows that Liam’s right, knows what he’s saying is true, but it doesn’t make him say goodbye, he reaches out and grabs Liam’s hand interlocking their fingers. Liam chuckles and kisses Zayn’s cheek, before trailing kisses along towards his mouth before finally planting his lips on Zayn’s. Zayn feels a warmth spreading over him as he kisses back, and he’s suddenly glad that Harry locked the door, Niall dragged James into the kitchen and Harry and Louis are absorbed in their own goodbye across the room. The kiss ends all too soon, and Zayn chases Liam’s lips with his own as the other chuckles, “I’ll text you, and I’ll see you tonight” Liam murmurs pecking his lips once more. Zayn nods biting his lip as Liam pulls away “promise?” he whispers and Liam nods his head “have fun at work, and thank Harry, Niall and James for me, ok?” he asks and Zayn nods unable to speak again, afraid of how it will sound coming out of his mouth. Liam nods and pulls his hat, sunglasses and hood back on, as Louis detaches himself from Harry and joins him at the door. With that they both step out of the now unlocked door and disappear around the building, Zayn watches after them for a moment before turning and with a strange smile on his face and happiness bursting in his chest heads towards the kitchen to find the others. 

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