Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen – Zayn

Zayn is still grinning as he follows Harry up the stairs to their fourth floor apartment, Niall and Gemma both following behind, cursing them under their breath, as if the broken elevator is Zayn and Harry’s fault. Harry trips over his shoes as they enter the apartment (as usual) and Zayn chuckles before pulling him to his feet, Harry pouts, “I still can’t believe I tripped in front of Louis” he whines and Niall cackles as he makes his way to their couch. Zayn shakes his head, “I think Louis thought it was cute, you should have seen how fast he dove out of his seat to come help you” he says, and Harry blushes. They arrive in their living room to see Niall and Gemma arguing, “oh, no way Niall, I get the couch I’m his sister” Gemma exclaims as Niall huffs and throws a pillow at her, “I don’t think so I’m their best friend I’m not sleeping on the floor” he shoots back, Zayn sends Harry a look and they both roll their eyes. Harry whistles loudly and Niall and Gemma both whirl to face them, “stop it both of you” Zayn groans, “Niall you can have the couch” he adds and Gemma gapes at him, but he holds up a hand to silence her before she can protest, “Gemma you can have my room, and I’ll bunk in with Haz” he finishes. Gemma grins happily knowing Zayn’s bed is more comfortable than the couch and skips from the room towards Zayn’s room, they hear his door shut a few moments later. Harry groans, “Why do you two always need to argue?” he asks and Niall shrugs as he makes himself comfortable on their couch, “it’s fun” he supplies and Harry rolls his eyes and storms to his bedroom. Zayn shakes his head at Niall and turns to leave as well, “Zee?” Niall calls and Zayn turns back around, “thanks for today, I had a great time” Niall yawns and Zayn nods, “no worries Nialler, what was with you and Josh?” he asks and Niall shrugs, “I like him, he’s funny, and well fit too, just sorta seeing where it goes” he says with another yawn. Zayn chuckles and nods “night Niall” he murmurs and follows after Harry to his bedroom.

Zayn wakes up the next morning alone in Harry’s bed, to the smell of pancakes, he smiles and pulls on one of Harry’s hoodies, and grabs his phone before following his nose to their small kitchen to find Harry, Niall and Gemma. “Morning” he yawns and the others turn to look at him Gemma waves while sipping her tea, “mornin’” Niall chirps from where he’s bugging Harry, who turns from the pancakes to grin at Zayn, “morning Zee” he smirks, turning back to his pancakes. Zayn slides down into a chair beside Gemma who smiles at him as Harry places plates in front of both of them, “did yesterday really happen?” Zayn asks around a bite of pancake, Harry chuckles as he sits across from Zayn, “I’ve been asking myself that all morning, but yea Zee it did, you hung out with Liam Payne, and got his phone number” Harry winks, and Zayn rolls his eyes, because yea he may love Harry like a brother, but he also knows he’s going to be teased forever about yesterday. Zayn’s about to say something else when his phone buzzes in his pocket, blushing Zayn pulls it out and looks at it, his blush darkening when he sees it’s a text from Liam;
From LiLi <3: Morning Zee, I hope you got some sleep last night. Just finished my first interview today, but I wanted to text you and say hi, Louis’ giving me funny looks, but I’ll talk to you later we still on for ice cream later? I’ve got 3 more interviews than I’ll call alright? Gotta run xx Liam
Zayn bites his lip grinning at his phone, for a minute before quickly typing a reply
From Zayn: Hey Li, yea I just woke up actually, hope you slept well too, ignore Louis, he’s just jealous, I don’t know of what but I’m sure there’s something. I’m definitely still in for ice cream, and I look forward to your call ;) Try and have fun in your interviews xx Zayn

Zayn is standing in the doorway to his apartment with Harry waiting to hug Gemma goodbye, she gathered all her stuff after breakfast and is about to leave to drive back home, “tell mum I love her and I’ll call her soon” Harry murmurs as he pulls away from hugging his older sister and she laughs, but nods. Suddenly Gemma’s arms are around Zayn, and she’s squeezing all the air out of him, “thank you Zaynie-pie” she coos and he makes a face at the nickname, she used to call him that to tease him when they were kids, and now she does it just because. “You’re welcome Gems, I don’t really know who else I would have taken anyways” he shrugs and she pulls back to look at him furrowing her eyebrows, “you do have your own sisters” she says gently and he shakes his head, “you know they haven’t talked to me since mum and dad, plus they never approved of my life choices” Zayn mumbles. Gemma nods and pulls him back into a hug, “it’s their loss, remember that Zayn” she says fiercely and he nods, although he doesn’t really believe her. Zayn kisses Gemma’s cheek “tell your mum I say hi, and I love her” Zayn murmurs and Gemma nods, grinning, “I want updates about you and Liam mister, keep me in the loop” she says sternly and Zayn nods, saluting her as he does, and she rolls her eyes. Gemma pulls away from Zayn then and turns to Harry once again “well I’m off, I’ll see you guys later, love you both” she calls heading out the door, “text me when you get home” Harry calls, Gemma sends a wave over her shoulder in response and heads down the stairs. Once she’s out of sight Zayn swings the apartment door shut and turns to Harry they are finally alone, (Niall left just before Gemma) and Zayn can finally ask Harry all about Louis.

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