Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty Two – Liam

Liam’s sleeping, or at least he was until he feels the weight of a giggling toddler being dropped on top of him, he knows without opening his eyes that Louis has borrowed Lux and used her to wake him, so he wouldn’t have to do it himself. Groaning Liam blinks his eyes open, rubbing them to get rid of the sleep as Lux bounces beside him on the large hotel bed, “Louissss” he whines and Louis just chuckles reaching out to hand him the Starbucks cup in his hand. Liam grunts his approval and turns his attention to Lux, “and you Miss Luxie” he growls playfully reaching out to tickle her gently until she’s a giggling, squealing mess of limbs and blonde hair. “Stop, LiLi stop” she giggles and he relents leaning against the headboard to sip his coffee, his conversation with Zayn from last night weighing heavily on his mind. He still can’t believe that Zayn lost his job and from what he can understand of it, the reasoning he gave to Zayn for firing him is complete bullshit. Lux pulls him out of his thoughts by jumping onto his lap again “sorry girly” he says making a silly face to make her laugh before turning to Louis, “what’s on the schedule today Lou?” he asks as Lux tucks herself under his arm. Louis coos at the sight of them and snaps a picture with his phone, “well, Lou has a meeting so we’re babysitting for the morning, and then it’s on the buses to drive to the next stop, so really it’s a free day today” he says, but Liam can tell there’s something he’s not telling him, and narrows his eyes at him “awesome, but what aren’t you telling me?” he asks pointedly. Louis squirms under his gaze and Lux giggles, grabbing for the remote, punching buttons randomly, Liam chuckles and pulls the remote from her fingers and flicks the TV on, and to a channel playing children’s shows. Lux squeals “Peppa Pig, LiLi look!” she calls pointing at the cartoon pigs on the screen, Liam smiles fondly “Yes I see Peppa Pig, love” he murmurs and she settles in content on the show.

Liam turns his attention back to Louis, knows the coffee and Lux are all to soften him up for whatever it is his best friend doesn’t want him to know, “alright fine!” Louis exclaims pacing around the room, “Eleanor, called me this morning and before we roll out this afternoon, you have to make an appearance with Lexie” he mutters and Liam groans. Liam really doesn’t want to go out with Lexie today, was hoping that Lux would be the perfect excuse not to, but technically Louis is supposed to be watching the toddler, and there’s no way out of it, unless he wants Eleanor to follow through with her threat to fire Sandy. “I know, but after this morning you’ll be too busy they won’t be able to make you be seen with her” Louis sighs, reading Liam’s face, Liam frowns but nods his head, “what should we be seen doing?” he asks as Lux pulls on his arm trying to get his attention back on her. Louis shrugs and Liam turns to see what the girl is trying to show him, “just go shopping or something, you always want new shoes, buy Zayn a ‘sorry you got fired’ gift, just be seen with Lexie, and you have to hold her hand” Louis says, mumbling and slurring together the last few words, hoping Liam won’t catch them. Liam glares at him “Zayn hates when I throw my money around, so I think that would be rubbing it in, and what? I have to hold her hand, didn’t we just start dating?” he asks and Louis shrugs, “Eleanor told me to tell you guys to step up your game, or you know what will happen” he sighs. Liam groans but nods and climbs out of the bed careful not to hit Lux who glares at him when he disturbs her.

An hour and a half later Liam is standing in the lobby waiting for Louis and Lexie, with Lux hanging off his arm, he’s dressed casually, in loose fitting jeans, slung low on his hips in the way that makes Louis cringe and tell him to buy tighter pants, and a hoodie, with a snapback on his head. Lux squealing draws his attention to where Louis and Lexie are stepping off the elevator, “look LiLi, its Lou-Lou” Lux exclaims, bouncing on her toes, Liam chuckles crouching down, “yea it is” he smiles. Lux bounces into Louis’ arms as soon as he’s close enough, making him chuckle and hold her protectively against his chest, pressing a loud kiss to her cheek, “hey Luxie-Loo” he chirps making her giggle. Lexie comes to stand beside Liam, she’s also dressed casually, “I’m sorry about this Liam, I was hoping we’d have a day off” she mumbles, “not your fault, let’s go do some shopping, so we can get Lux back in time for her nap” Liam answers holding out his hand for her to take. Lexie’s hand feels wrong in his, too small and dainty, she doesn’t intertwine their fingers, instead holds his hand like he would hold Lux’s or his mum’s, Liam appreciates this, and knows it’s probably just as awkward for her as it is for him. Louis’ phone starts playing the Exorcist theme again and Lux pouts “scary Lou-Lou” she mumbles pressing her face into his neck, “you’re telling me” he mutters, reading the message from Eleanor, and pressing a kiss to Lux’s forehead. Liam coos at the scene, wonders what Eleanor could possibly want now, judging by the face Louis’ making it’s not something Liam’s going to like, and he honestly wants to punch the woman in the face at this moment. He won’t though, his mum raised him better than that, “what now Lou?” he asks, Louis shrugs, “Eleanor says to get on with it and make it believable” he answers and Liam and Lexie both nod, before making their way out of the lobby, Louis and Lux trailing behind, and Jim and Alec behind them.

An hour and a half later Liam as bought himself two new pairs of shoes and a couple new snapbacks, he ended up buying Lexie a bracelet in one of the jewellery shops they went in to (to keep up appearances). She had protested but Liam had waved her off, buying Zayn a watch as well, even though he knew his boyfriend was going to get mad at him for it. They’re all on their way back to the hotel, Lux practically asleep in Louis’ arms, when they run into a pair of girls who look about to faint at the sight of Liam, “hi, girls, would you like a picture?” he asks the pair who nod excitedly, Liam chuckles and moves to stand between the pair as one of them passes her phone to Lexie, “do you mind?” she asks shyly. Lexie giggles and shakes her head, “of course not, love” she murmurs taking the phone and aiming it at them, Liam shoots her a grateful look, just before she takes the picture. Lexie’s handing the phone back when the girl speaks again “are you his girlfriend?” she asks, not in a rude way just curious, Lexie bites her lip, “yea she is” Liam answers for her a forced smile coming to his lips. The girls both nod before the one who had spoken cocks her head, “weird, we thought maybe you were with that Zayn guy, who you were seen with so often” she says, before shrugging. Liam swallows thickly, as thoughts of Zayn cloud his mind, “n-no, Zayn’s just a friend” he stutters feeling queasy even as the words leave his mouth. The girls both give him a look that clearly says they don’t believe him, “whatever you say, and for the record, we think you would be really cute with Zayn” the girl says slowly, a small smile spreads across Liam’s face before he can stop it, and he chuckles, “thanks” he murmurs quietly and the girls giggle and run off in the other direction.

They make it back to the hotel without any more interruptions after that, Liam is tired and wants a nap as well, but he knows he can’t, as he tucks Lux into his bed. Louis is bouncing around out in the living room, and Lexie has gone back to her room, which is next to Liam’s, sighing Liam flops beside where Louis is sitting on the couch, “I don’t like this” he grumbles and Louis looks sympathetically at him, “I know Li, whenever you wanna say screw it to management and come out, I’m here for you” he murmurs pulling Liam closer to him. Liam smiles gratefully, glad Louis’ here, not just today but always, and he wonders where he would be without him, “running away to join the circus, that’s where” Louis smirks, clearly reading Liam’s thoughts, unless he said it out loud, which he doesn’t think that he did. Louis chuckles “don’t look so shocked, I know you inside and out, Li” he teases. Liam rolls his eyes and nudges Louis with his shoulder, “yea, yea, and I don’t think I could join the circus Lou, clowns are freaky” he shudders making Louis laugh and shake his head, “you’re such a dork” he sighs and Liam grins. They don’t speak much after that, both just watching whatever is playing on the TV, until it’s time to wake Lux up and return her to Lou, before boarding the bus and driving the rest of the day away.

A/N: Hey guys!!!! Alright I know I don;t usually put author's notes on this story but I needed to do this one. Thank you all so so much for the reads, it means the world to me that anyone is actually reading this. I noticed today it has almost 1400 reads, which I know doesn't seem like much, but considering I never thought anyone would read this it is amazing to me. So thank you all so much for taking an interest, and the few of you voting thank you so so much, it really means the world to me. Also a huge thanks and shout out to musicluvr10 for always commenting on my updates and sharing this story with your followers, you're pretty much the best, and your comments keep me inspired. Everyone else feel free to leave me comments, I read every one and will respond to them too, plus they make me super happy.  Sorry this got long and rambly in a hurry,  but the  main point is thank you all so much for reading and I love every single one of you! :) <3

I hope you keep reading and enjoying this story, I've still got a lot planned, xoxo  


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