Chapter Forty Four

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Chapter Forty Four – Liam

Liam smiles to himself as he hangs up the phone, he's been on it pretty much since he asked Zayn to go on a date with him, he's been calling in favours to his friends trying to make this date as private as possible. So far he has been able to convince one of his friends to shut down the restaurant he works in for an hour, (after the dinner rush of course) so he and Zayn can eat in private. He's also gotten one of Ruth's friends to give him permission to use her family's private beach, afterwards so he can spend some time star gazing with Zayn, without being spotted. Liam's pretty proud of himself, he knows this date isn't going to be spectacular, considering his popstar status, he could being whisking Zayn off to some tropical island vacation, and he intends to, one day, Liam can't wait for the day he and Zayn are free to go out in public together as a couple. Liam knows he can just come out and all this would be possible, but he's not ready yet, as much as he hates hiding who he really is, and hates the fact that his management support him being gay, as long as he doesn't tell anyone, and as soon as he got a boyfriend, they hired him a girlfriend, he's just not there yet. He knows he will be soon, and hopes Zayn will still be at his side when he is ready for that conversation, Liam knows Louis will be, but he also knows he wants it to be Zayn he comes out with. He shoves his phone into his pocket and heads back upstairs to his room in search of Zayn, they've got about two hours until they need to leave to get to the restaurant for dinner, and Liam's not sure what Zayn will need to do to get ready.

Liam's room is oddly silent and he sees why the second he steps inside, Zayn is fast asleep, curled around Liam's pillow. He can't help himself Liam coos and pulls out his phone snapping a quick picture of Zayn, he looks adorable right now and Liam doesn't want to disturb him and decides without really thinking about it to just curl up with Zayn, and take a quick nap as well. Liam quickly sets an alarm for an hour from now on his phone and crawls into bed with Zayn, wrapping his arms around Zayn's waist and snuggling into his neck. Zayn mumbles something incoherent and wriggles closer to Liam, flipping around so his face is now pressing into Liam's chest, he sighs contently, and Liam grins before closing his eyes and slipping into sleep as well. Liam's woken up a little while later but it's not by the alarm he set on his phone, he's being woken up by a weight sitting on top of him, and soft lips pressing onto his own, he grins into the kiss, his arms coming up to wind around Zayn's waist. “Hey” Liam croaks pulling away from the kiss, “not that I mind, but what's this for?” he asks and Zayn grins, “I woke up and you were there, and I couldn't help myself” he answers leaning back down to kiss Liam again. Liam wraps his arms around Zayn's shoulders pulling him closer to his body, he's really going to miss him when he goes back on tour in a few days, a part of Liam doesn't want to go back, wants to go home and spend all his time with Zayn, but he knows that's not the most realistic thing in the world. Liam also knows he can never disappoint his fans like that, they mean too much to him for him to just abandon them mid tour, plus there's only a little over a month left on the tour anyways, then Liam will be back in London, to record his next album and doing interviews and other little things, none of which will take him too far away.

Liam's pulled back to reality and away from Zayn's lips by his phone incessantly beeping as the alarm blares, Zayn pouts down at him as he fumbles around trying to find it. “What's that for?” Zayn asks and Liam sighs as he finally manages to stop the blaring alarm, “we need to get ready to leave for our date” he answers and Zayn nods. Liam wraps his arms around Zayn keeping him in place before the other can roll off the bed, “but first I want more kisses” he murmurs surging up to capture Zayn's lips with his own. Zayn makes a surprised sound and then he's kissing Liam back, Liam grins into the kiss and rolls them, so he's now on top of Zayn, controlling the kiss. He pulls back after a minute, chuckling when Zayn chases his lips with his own, unable to resist Liam drops down to press a quick kiss to Zayn's lips before rolling off of him and sitting up. Zayn pouts and whines a little as Liam moves away and Liam sighs, reaching across to pull Zayn up beside him, “I promise we can do more of that later, babe but now we really need to get ready” he says pecking Zayn's lips quickly. Zayn pouts further but nods, climbing out of the bed and heading towards Liam's closet to find something to wear. Liam grins as Zayn pulls out one of his shirts (the airline never found Zayn's luggage), and a pair of black skinny jeans, that Liam convinced Zayn to allow him to buy for him, before they came to his parents. Zayn turns back and looks at him, holding the clothes in his hands, “do I have time to shower, or...?” Zayn trails off and Liam chuckles “of course, Love” he answers nodding. Zayn sighs in relief and disappears into the bathroom, and Liam hears the shower coming on a second later.

Liam dresses quickly while Zayn's in the bathroom, and if he's being honest, he's more nervous for this date than he's been for anything in a long time. This will be the first time he's out with Zayn alone, without security following them, or Lexie, along to keep up appearances. Liam flops on his bed to scroll through his twitter while Zayn's in the shower, because he's learned over the past few weeks with Zayn that he can take forever to get ready. Liam's head snaps up when his bedroom door creaks open, but it's not Zayn standing there it's Ruth, he grins and motions for her to come sit beside him on his bed. She flops beside him and reaches for his phone to see what he's looking at, rolling her eyes at him when she sees the ridiculous things his fans have been tweeting him. “When are you gonna tell them about Zayn?” she asks quietly and Liam sighs and shrugs his shoulders, dropping his phone beside him on the bed. “I don't know Roo, half of them have it figured out anyways, they're just waiting for the confirmation, and the other half believe Lexie and I so completely, and I'm just not sure I'm ready yet, you know?” Liam groans. Ruth smiles and reaches over to rub his arm gently, “if you're not ready Li, then that's all that matters, and once you are ready, anyone who doesn't accept it, doesn't accept you isn't worth your time anyways” she says sincerely and Liam grins at her, “thanks sis” he mumbles. Ruth nods before reaching up and grabbing a pillow and hitting Liam across the face with it, Liam growls grabbing another pillow and jumping up to hit Ruth with it, she glares and swings at him again.

Liam and Ruth are still in the middle of their pillow fight when Liam spots Zayn coming back into the room, “whatcha doing?” Zayn asks and Liam shrugs, and Ruth hits him hard in the face with her pillow. Zayn chuckles while Liam pouts, “ok, that kinda hurt, we're done here” he groans overpowering his sister and taking her pillow away. Ruth pouts at him, before shrugging and hugging Liam quickly, “alright, have fun on your date then” she chimes releasing Liam, and bouncing over to Zayn pulling him into a hug too. “Make sure my brother treats you right” Ruth sings before running out of the room, Liam sighs and crosses the room to pull Zayn into his arms again, “you look good babe” he murmurs nuzzling Zayn's neck with his nose, Zayn groans and falls into Liam's embrace more, “thanks, Li. You look great too” he practically growls. Liam smirks, diving down to leave light kisses on Zayn's neck, grinning when Zayn tilts his head slightly to allow him better access. Liam pulls away after a minute and Zayn whines at him pouting, “trust me we can do that all night, but we need to get going, or we're gonna miss dinner babe” Liam explains flicking Zayn's pouted lip gently. Zayn huffs but nods allowing Liam to lace their fingers together, as he tugs Zayn out of the room and down the stairs.

Liam groans when his mum is blocking their path to the door, “Mum, we need to get going” he tries and she nods “I know you do sweetie, but just be careful, ok?” she asks and Liam rolls his eyes. “Trust me Karen, we'll be extremely careful” Zayn answers, making Karen smile, Liam rolls his eyes again, “yea what he said, don't wait up” he exclaims tugging Zayn behind him and out to their rental car. Once their safely in the car Zayn arches an eyebrow at him, “what?” he asks and Zayn shakes his head, “why were you so rude to your mum back there?” Zayn asks furrowing his eyebrows. Liam sighs “I didn't mean to be, I'll apologize later, yeah? I'm just excited to be going on this date with you” he explains and Zayn chuckles, “I'm excited too, so where are we going?” he asks, and Liam shakes his head. “Nice try, but you have to wait and see” Liam teases and Zayn huffs, crossing his arms and leaning back in his seat. Liam laughs and reaches over to pat Zayn's thigh, “we're not going far you'll find out soon” he soothes. Zayn rolls his eyes but grabs Liam's hand in his own lacing their fingers together as Liam drives.

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