Chapter Eighty Seven

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Chapter Eighty Seven - Zayn

Zayn's been on tour with Liam for a few days now, Niall and Harry had left the night before to get back to work, because "Not all of us are crazy, talented, artist, type people, who can lose their jobs, only to have their dream land in their laps" to quote Niall. Zayn had rolled his eyes because that isn't entirely true, not really, before pulling both his friends into a hug and making them promise to call him as soon as they got home. Liam's busy in the other half of the hotel suite doing some phone interviews, and then he's going to have to go to the venue for soundcheck. Zayn's curled up on the large bed sketching furiously, the itch to draw hitting him suddenly and early enough it, could hardly have been considered morning. He's already completed one sketch of Liam completely conked out, sleeping, drawing it as his boyfriend slept soundly beside him, he's currently working on another one, this one of the insanely large flower arrangement that had arrived for Liam from some magazine this morning. Zayn's busy shading in one of the stems, his tongue poking out the corner of his mouth, as he works, when Liam steps into the room, "hey" Liam murmurs and Zayn looks up at him briefly, smiling, before turning his attention back to the current piece of art. "What are you working on?" Liam asks, coming to sit beside Zayn on the bed, Zayn shrugs and points across at the flower arrangement as an answer, he's not in the mood for conversation, never is really when he's completely in the zone with his art. The best part is Liam understands this and doesn't push him to talk, when he's showing signs he just doesn't want to.

The room is quiet, Zayn's too busy sketching to really notice anything else, and Liam is leaning against the door frame watching him. Zayn knows he's there, knows he's watching and he would normally be self conscious and unable to continue to sketch, but something has happened, and Zayn doesn't know when or what, but he's no longer uncomfortable at the very thought of someone (that isn't Harry) watching him draw. Liam clears his throat and Zayn's head snaps up to actually look at him, he takes in the way Liam's shirt is hugging his upper body, tight across his muscles, and his sweat pants are almost dangerously low on his hips. "Sorry" Zayn apologizes, setting his pencil down and moving to get off the bed, his muscles are tired and cramped from being in the same position for so long, and makes his way to wrap his arms around Liam. "I didn't mean to get so wrapped up in this, I just need to get some new work to Astrid soon" Zayn explains, but Liam's shaking his head before he even finishes, "no, Zayn don't apologize, I understand you're working. I just wondered if I could get some Zayn time before soundcheck?" he asks, leaning down to kiss Zayn. Zayn doesn't hesitate at all he's nodding his head before Liam even finishes his sentence because who would turn that down, honestly? "What did you have in mind?" Zayn asks pushing himself closer to Liam as he does, Liam laughs and shakes his head, holding Zayn just that much tighter. Liam shrugs, "I don't really care, as long as you're there" he says carefully and Zayn nods, he would suggest staying in, and staying in bed, but they've been cooped up for the past couple days and he really just wants to get out.

Zayn chews his bottom lip as he thinks, and suddenly Liam is reaching up to pull his lip from between his teeth, "if you want to do anything, that involves leaving this room, you need to not be doing that right now" Liam warns. And Zayn knows how Liam feels when he bites his lip, and he knows it usually results in them kissing until they cant breath, sometimes more. Zayn also knows that that isn't entirely conducive to leaving the hotel room, at all, but he also can't help what he does next. Zayn locks his eyes on Liam's warm brown ones, and very carefully and decidedly pulls his bottom lip between his teeth once again, biting down softly. Liam growls, low in his throat, before he's pushing on Zayn's shoulders, herding him towards the large bed, Zayn smirks slightly as he gets exactly what he's wanted really, and allows himself to be pushed until his knees hit the bed, and then he drops onto the mattress, Liam climbing on top of him. "Oh you really shouldn't have done that" Liam growls, but Zayn just rolls his eyes and bites his lip once again in response, knowing exactly what he's doing to Liam as he does. Liam growls again and before Zayn can think Liam's attaching his mouth to his, forcing him to release his lip as they kiss. It's sloppy, and heated, too much spit and not enough anything else, but Zayn doesn't hesitate to allow Liam to lick into his mouth.

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