Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven – Zayn

Zayn wakes up the next morning with a pounding head, with his feet on the pillows of his bed, and his head at the opposite end, he hears Harry running into the bathroom and the door slamming shut. Groaning he climbs out of bed in search of some water and pain killers, he sees a sneaker covered foot sticking over the end of the couch and shakes his head, knowing Niall is still here as well. Zayn has just grabbed a glass out of the cabinet and is filling it with water from the tap when Harry staggers into the room, “you alright H?” Zayn asks reaching for another glass to fill, passing the first one to Harry who groans in response. Chuckling Zayn grabs their knock off Tylenol and shakes a few pills out handing them to Harry, before shaking a couple more out for himself, silently thanking Liam for telling him to drink water last night. Harry grunts his appreciation before disappearing to his bedroom once more, just as Niall stumbles into the kitchen, “morning Ni-” Zayn is cut off by the blond shushing him and shaking his head, as he reaches for the pills and a glass of water. Zayn chuckles lightly and drops into a chair at the table, Niall joining him a moment later, “I’m never drinking like that again” he groans and Zayn raises an eyebrow at him, Niall chuckles “yea you’re right forget that” he mutters and Zayn laughs, shaking his head. Harry stumbles back into the kitchen then and glares at both of them, “hey, it was your idea to go out, you have no one to blame but yourself” Zayn teases and Harry groans, dropping into another chair.

They sit in relative silence for a few moments before Zayn looks at his two best friends, “so Liam called me last night, to tell me about his talk with management” he starts biting his lip, “what did they say?” Harry asks quietly. Zayn sighs “apparently we can stay together, but they’re hiring him a beard” he groans letting his head drop to the table. He hears chairs scraping across the floor and suddenly both Niall and Harry have their arms around him, “I know it’s not ideal, and it sucks, but at least you can be with Liam still, right?” Niall tries and Zayn just groans in response. Harry doesn’t say anything but his soothing touch and occasional friendly kiss to Zayn’s head is, saying more than any words he could come up with ever could. “Thanks guys, I’m gonna go shower” Zayn mutters, disentangling himself from his best friends’ arms and making his way towards the bathroom. Once alone Zayn allows himself a moment to actually think about the situation he is now in, yes he gets to stay with Liam, but no one apart from Niall, Harry and Louis will know. And while Zayn sits at home and in hotel rooms Liam will have to make appearances with some girl on his arm, and Zayn isn’t entirely sure he can handle that. He knows he cares deeply for Liam, and he’s happier than he can ever remember being, but he’s not sure he’s strong enough to watch someone else be all over his man.

When Zayn emerges from the shower, wearing a loose fitting long sleeve t-shirt and a pair of sweats that, he’s stolen from Liam, he feels infinitely better. He finds Harry alone in the kitchen making tea, “where’s Ni?” he asks slowly, taking the cup of tea Harry offers him, “he went home, something about a game he wanted to watch” Harry answers shrugging, Zayn nods sipping his tea. They sit in silence after that each just sipping tea, and lost in their own thoughts, Zayn knows Harry is wondering how big a fool he made of himself the night before, and Zayn is still mulling over the situation with Liam. Harry stands, placing his empty mug in the sink, “I’m gonna shower and then maybe call Lou, and see just how embarrassing I was on the phone last night. Don’t let this beard business get to you, I’m sure Liam and Louis have a plan” Harry soothes, before exiting the room. Zayn wonders for a moment if Harry is right, if Louis and Liam are hatching a plan as he sits in his kitchen sulking, he decides it doesn’t matter and gets to his feet heading back to his bedroom. Zayn closes the door carefully before turning to his closet and pulling out a clean, new canvas, he grabs some paints from the various places around his room, and pulls up a picture of Liam on his phone. He stares at the picture for a minute, just admiring Liam and his beauty for lack of a better word, then turns to the canvas and starts sketching out what he will later paint. Going from a picture isn’t ideal, the actual person would be better, but as Liam is nowhere near him right now the picture will work.

Zayn’s been trapped in his room for three hours now painting, its well past lunch and he knows he should take a break to eat, but he really doesn’t want to. The painting is coming along well, although he’s struggling to capture the spark that’s always present in Liam’s eyes, he knows he can do it, has captured it before in a painting he did once of Harry. There’s a light knock on his door and then Harry is in the room, eyeing the half-finished painting appreciatively, “thought I might find you painting” he murmurs. Zayn glances back at him shrugging because he doesn’t have a response for him, he knows Harry knows he turns to his art when he’s stressed, or upset, or confused and right now it’s not exactly a secret he’s feeling all of those. Harry chuckles “are you going to show this one to him?” he asks quietly and Zayn shrugs again, because he’s drawn, and painted Liam dozens of times, but that was before he knew him, and he really isn’t sure if he will let Liam see this painting. Harry stays quiet after that just sits on the bed and watches Zayn work, he’s the only person Zayn has ever let just sit and watch him while he creates, maybe it’s because he feels safe with Harry, knows he won’t judge him or take advantage of his vulnerability, but he’s never felt comfortable with anyone else watching him paint ever.

Harry has disappeared and Zayn can hear the faint sounds of him playing a game out in the living room, he’s still painting, still trying to capture Liam’s essence in this painting. He’s been painting for nearly five hours and he’s still not satisfied with the eyes, he’s just reaching for a new brush when his phone rings, startling him, he wipes his hands off and reaches for his phone, pressing the answer button quickly “hello…?” he asks quietly, moving so he can sit on his bed away from the paints. “Hey, I’m on a break from rehearsal thought I would call and say hi” Liam’s says and Zayn notes he sounds tired already. “I’m glad you called Li, sorry about last night” he murmurs and Liam chuckles “it’s fine Zee, I didn’t mind” he answers. Zayn blushes, remembering just how rambling and odd he was on the phone the night before. “I don’t normally drink” Zayn admits and hears Liam laugh “I figured as much” he teases, and Zayn feels himself grinning in spite of himself. “How are rehearsals?” Zayn asks and hears Liam sigh “same as always, long, tiring, boring” he mutters, “what are you up to?” he asks and Zayn grins. “I was painting actually” he murmurs, “cool, painting what?” Liam asks, Zayn can hear the genuine interest in his voice. Zayn bites his lip, should he tell him or not “you, actually” he whispers and the phone goes silent, “Liam, you there?” he asks nervously, “y-yea I’m here. You’re painting me? Do I get to see it?” Liam asks suddenly, sounding entirely like a child on Christmas morning and Zayn laughs, “maybe when it’s done” he chuckles. “Sounds good to me” Liam murmurs, “I miss you” Zayn breathes, “I miss you too, but I gotta run Zayn, the choreographer is looking for me, I’ll call later though, yea?” Liam rushes, “yea, sure, knock ‘em dead Li” Zayn murmurs. Liam chuckles “always do” he teases before the call disconnects, and Zayn is alone once more.

Zayn returns to painting after that and is perfectly content to do so until Liam calls again, but Harry it seems has other plans, he barges into Zayn’s room around 6:30, “enough is enough Zee, you have to eat” he scolds, pulling the canvas away. Zayn sighs, “but Haz, painting” he whines, knowing it’s useless, “you can paint later Zayn, right now I made you dinner and you’re going to come and eat it” he says sternly and Zayn knows it will be useless to argue with him. Sighing he gets to his feet and follows Harry into the kitchen where an array of home cooked food is waiting for him, Harry’s always been an amazing cook and his mouth begins to water at the sight. He falls into his chair and accepts the heaping plate Harry passes to him, digging in quickly, suddenly very aware he’s barely eaten all day. 

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