Chapter Seventy

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Chapter Seventy – Liam

Liam's pouting, and the thing is he knows he's pouting, and not being entirely fair, but he doesn't care, not really. He's only home and with Zayn for four days, (three of which are going to be mostly spent in the Gallery) and he doesn't like to share. Astrid has taken Zayn into her office to discuss something business related, and that's where he's been since they arrived at the gallery thirty minutes ago. Liam's bored and lonely, and he just wants to spend a few more minutes alone with Zayn before he has to share him with a giant crowd (again) for the rest of the day. Footsteps behind him makes Liam spin around, to come face to face with a very smiley Louis and Harry, he sighs “it's just you guys” he pouts a little more. Louis scoffs and Harry furrows his eyebrows, “nice to see you too Popstar” Louis sasses, and Liam feels a tiny bit bad about his reaction to the pair, “sorry” he mumbles, but Louis waves him off, before his eyes narrow in on one of the visible lovebites Zayn left behind, “looks like you had a good night” he teases and Liam groans, slapping a hand over the mark. “Where is Zayn?” Harry asks after a moment, and Liam pouts again, “in there” he mumbles, gesturing to Astrid's closed office door, “ah now the pout makes sense” Louis grins, flicking him in the lip. Liam swats at him, just as the door to the office opens and Zayn steps back into Liam's line of vision a huge grin on his face.

Liam crosses the space in a few steps and pulls Zayn into a hug, all while glaring at Astrid over Zayn's shoulder, “oh stop it cousin” she sighs, “Zayn, you've got about thirty minutes before we open the doors to everyone again, alright?” Astrid asks. Liam feels Zayn nod and then Astrid is disappearing again, “what was that all about?” Liam asks as he pulls away, but slides his hand into Zayn's locking their fingers together. Zayn bites his lip, “Astrid was telling me she spoke to her boss last night, they um, they want my art to be a permanent fixture at London Arts. Like always have something of mine on display” he murmurs. Liam can't help himself he pulls Zayn into a bone crushing hug “Zayn, babe that's amazing!” he exclaims, pulling back to press kisses all over his boyfriend's face, before finally attaching his lips to Zayn's in a heated kiss. Gagging noises from behind them, make Liam pull away to glare at his best friend who's pretending to look innocent, “leave them alone Lou” Harry scolds lightly, “yeah, leave us alone Lou” Liam parrots, ducking away as Louis throws a shoe at him (when did he even take it off?). “Can I uh borrow Zayn for a minute?” Harry asks suddenly and Liam knows he has to let Zayn go talk to his best friend but he wants to be selfish and keep Zayn to himself, but Zayn is suddenly pressing his lips to his ear, “lemme go talk to Haz, and I promise I'll make everything up to you tonight” Zayn murmurs quietly. Liam can feel himself blushing and nodding, as Zayn nips at his ear, before pulling away and moving a few feet away with Harry.

Louis is suddenly in his space, putting his shoe back onto his foot, “so how was your night last night?” Louis asks and Liam rolls his eyes at his best friend, slash assistant, slash manager “I'm not giving you details” he mutters. Louis laughs and rests a hand on Liam's shoulder, “I don't think I want them” he teases and Liam sticks his tongue out at him. “I told him, last night, you know that I love him” Louis mumbles his weight shifting from foot to foot. Liam turns to look at him, “and...?” he asks. Louis blushes, “I'm not giving you details” he mocks and Liam chuckles, “did he run away screaming, like you thought?” he asks. Louis makes a face, “no, you were right, he got all excited and started rambling, then he ended with I love you too. It was all very sweet, actually” he explains, Liam grins and pulls Louis into a hug, “I'm happy for you Lou” he says, and he means it, he's really glad his best friend gets to be as happy as he is. Zayn is suddenly flying towards them, but it's not Liam he launches himself at, it's Louis, “Harry just told me!” he exclaims, and Liam can't help the fond look he gives them, “I'm so happy for you guys. But don't you dare hurt him” Zayn threatens. Louis rolls his eyes “thanks, but I just told him I love him. And you don't have to worry about that Zee. I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if I did hurt him” he answers. Zayn grins and bounces back over to Liam as Harry appears and glues himself to Louis' side, “”he told him he loves him” Zayn murmurs happily, and Liam chuckles “I know, love” he murmurs fondly, pressing a kiss to Zayn's forehead.

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