Chapter Eighty

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Chapter Eighty – Liam

Liam's sleeping, or he was until he was woken up by the loud banging and sound of Louis yelling at him to open his front door, he would really, but Zayn is still completely asleep and draped on top of him, which makes it difficult. There's also the fact that he knows Louis has a key, so he can let himself in, and he will once he gets tired of banging, so Liam is really in no hurry to move. Zayn stirs, mumbling slightly in his sleep, “'s'just Lou lovely, go back to sleep” Liam coos carding his fingers through Zayn's messy hair, it's been just over a week since he left the hospital and Liam knows he'll have to go back to work soon, but he really doesn't want to leave Zayn again, so he's putting it off as long as he can. A minute later Louis comes storming into the bedroom, “I know you heard me” he growls, once he sees Liam awake, Liam smirks at him and nods, “and I know you have a key” he retorts, making Louis glare, “I also have news, that you and Zaynie-boy will want to hear, so wake him up and meet me in the living room” Louis says, before leaving as quickly as he came. Liam's not sure what the news could be, but he's pretty sure it probably has to do with Eleanor and the accident, so he gently shakes Zayn's shoulder to wake him. He's careful not to jostle him too much, as he knows the poor boy's ribs are broken. Zayn groans and swats at Liam's hand, which makes him chuckle, “Louis has something to tell us, you need to wake up” Liam murmurs, pressing a kiss to Zayn's forehead. Zayn's eyes blink open at this and he sits up slowly, wincing in pain as he does, Liam frowns and reaches for the bottle of pain pills, he left on his own bedside table the night before, handing Zayn two and a cup of water.

It takes ten minutes, but Liam is walking into his living room Zayn following slowly behind on his crutches, to find Louis, and another man, who Liam can only assume is Tanner. He eyes the stranger curiously for a moment, until he feels Zayn burrowing into his back, obviously not impressed he wasn't warned there was a stranger in the apartment, but to be fair Liam hadn't known either. Liam clears his throat, “um, Louis, who's your friend?” he asks, as politely as he can this time of the morning, Louis goes to speak but the stranger beats him to it, “sorry, I'm Tanner” he introduces himself, sticking his hand out to Liam, Liam shakes his hand slowly, and smiles, “I'm Liam, and this is Zayn” he says slowly. Tanner grins, “I know who you are, and I have some news you're either going to like or not, depending on how you look at it” he explains. Liam frowns but tugs Zayn out from behind him so they can have a seat on the couch Louis and Tanner aren't occupying. “Zayn, I'm sorry about your...accident for lack of a better word” Tanner starts, Liam grins as Zayn just shrugs, in response and leans into Liam's side a little more. “As you both know, I've been tracking Eleanor, and listening to most of her phone conversations. Until recently there has been little mention of either of you and absolutely none of the incident” Tanner explains further, Liam resists the urge to roll his eyes, because this is all stuff he knows, when Louis stormed into the apartment this morning he was expecting something more, something bigger. Louis chuckles, “I know that look Liam, he's getting to it” he teases and Liam makes a face at him.

Tanner chuckles and pulls some papers out of a bag at his feet, passing them over to Liam, “this is Lance, he's the guy she mentioned the van to, a couple days ago. It took a while but we found him” Tanner explains as Liam examines the picture he's been given. Zayn peeks at it for a second before shaking his head and burrowing back into Liam. Tanner takes the papers back, “what does this all mean?” Liam asks, as he does, Tanner sighs, “not as much as I want it to, but I do know that Lance was driving the van, and Eleanor paid him to do it” he explains. Liam can't help it a smile stretches across his face, “you mean she said something?” he asks, Louis nods excitedly and Zayn pulls himself upright a little more, as Tanner nods slowly. “Yes, but she called him Zack” Tanner says, gesturing at Zayn, Liam feels himself deflating, because Eleanor's inability to remember Zayn's name, may be the reason she gets away with this, and he's not happy about it. “She thinks that's my name” Zayn mumbles and Tanner nods, “don't get too upset guys, it complicates things, but doesn't make them impossible” he says, Liam nods and Zayn chews on his lip, “is that all?” Liam asks slowly. Tanner nods his head and Louis shrugs, “we're not giving up though, we'll get her” Tanner adds. Liam nods and stands up to shake Tanner's hand again, “thank you” he murmurs, “it's my pleasure” Tanner responds before gesturing to Louis that he's leaving and making his way out of the apartment.

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