Chapter Sixty Three

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Chapter Sixty Three – Zayn

Zayn pouts as he pushes his way through the airport four days later, he didn't want to leave Liam, and Liam had tried to come up with various reasons for Zayn to stay. Zayn wanted to but a part of him knew he needed to get back to find a new job, and if he's being honest he missed his tiny apartment. Zayn scoops up his bag before making his way towards arrivals where Harry and Niall are supposed to be meeting him, he sees a head of bleach blond hair first, then he spots the much longer and wildly curly hair. He quickly makes his way towards them, before dropping his bags at his feet and pulling Harry into a very tight hug. Harry makes to pull away, but Zayn resists, shaking his head “not yet” he mumbles and Harry nods wrapping his arms back around his best friend's waist. Zayn releases Harry a few moments later and turns to Niall pulling him into a hug as well, he really had missed his two friends, while he'd been away. Zayn pulls away from Niall a minute later and turns back to Harry to see he's already holding his suitcase, when he goes to grab his backpack, Niall grabs it with a smirk. “How was your flight?” Harry asks as they start walking towards the exit, Zayn shrugs, “it was alright” he mumbles as they step outside and make their way to Harry's car. Once in the car Zayn pulls out his phone, he needs to text Liam, let him know he's alright, Liam's in interviews all day so he won't be able to answer him until later.
To LiLi <3: I'm in Harry's car. I miss you already. Love you
Zayn presses send and pushes his phone back into his pocket just as Harry starts the car and begins to slowly make his way out of the parking lot.

The only sound in the car so far is the radio playing and Niall tapping in the back seat, Zayn turns so he can see the blond who grins at him, “how's the restaurant?” Zayn asks. Niall snorts and Harry flicks his eyes away from the road to give him a confused look, “literally everything to talk about and that's what you ask about?” Niall asks. Zayn shrugs because he misses it, sometimes “is it wrong that I miss it?” he asks quietly, Niall reaches over the seats to rest a hand on his shoulder as Harry shakes his head, “not at all Zee, you worked there for three years. You have friends there it makes sense” Harry assures him, before turning his attention back to the road. Niall makes a noise and squeezes his shoulder “it's not the same without you though” he says and Zayn shakes his head as he blushes a little. “I do know that James, Tristan, and Cher miss you though” Harry adds glancing away from the road again. Zayn bites his lip “I do miss them” he mumbles and Harry grins, “I'll see about setting up something where we can all hang out” Harry says and Zayn nods.

Zayn sighs, content, as he flops face down across his bed, in all honesty he's missed it as much as he doesn't want to be away from Liam, he's happy to be home in his tiny apartment and his own bed. Zayn feels the bed dip beside him, before Harry is rubbing his back gently, “hey” Harry says, “hi” Zayn answers his voice muffled by the pillows, Harry chuckles and keeps rubbing his back. “How are you, really?” Harry asks after a minute and Zayn frowns, before flipping around and pushing himself up so he's sitting beside Harry now. Zayn's trying to find the right way to say everything he's feeling and he's glad Harry will just sit quietly and wait for him to be ready, “I'm really happy Haz, but I'm nervous too. What if everyone turns on him, and I just cost him his career. I just, I don't know” he murmurs. Harry shakes his head, “that won't happen, and even if it did, Liam chose to come out, you didn't force him. Everything will work out you'll see. And I'm glad you're happy, you deserve some happiness” Harry says slowly and Zayn grins at him, nodding slowly. Harry looks at his phone and groans, “I have to get ready for work, you'll be ok here by yourself?” he asks. Zayn scoffs, because he can handle being alone in his own apartment for a few hours, he's not three. Harry must catch the look because he raises his hands in defence, “alright, alright. I was just asking” he soothes, before climbing off the bed, and heading to his own room.

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