Chapter Ninety Three

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ChapterNinety Three – Zayn

Zayn's bouncing happily in his seat, as he waits for Liam to finish packing up his clothes in the hotel suite. The last show of the tour was the night before and they're heading home today for some much needed time off for Liam, and Zayn's happy because he should be getting the stupid cast off in the next few days. Liam chuckles as he shoves some more clothes into where ever they will fit in his suitcase, "what are you so excited about?" he asks, making his way towards Zayn who shrugs, "home" Zayn answers simply, shrugging again. Liam laughs and bends down to kiss him gently, "you're gonna come to mine,right?" Liam asks carefully. Zayn rolls his eyes, biting his lip,"of course, Louis told me he was heading to my place to surprise Harry and I really don't want to be around for that" he answers with a shudder. Liam laughs loudly and nods, "good, I know we've been together for a couple weeks, but I'm not ready to be away from you yet" Liam says, leaning down to kiss him again. Zayn grins when they pull apart, "we should really finish packing" he murmurs.Liam rolls his eyes, and snorts, "we? So far Zayn, you've done nothing" he scoffs, Zayn grins, "you're better at it than me?"he asks, and Liam rolls his eyes at him, "you're lucky you're cute"he mutters, turning back to finish packing.

Zayn's aware he's not being helpful, in fact that was his goal all along, as much as he wants to get home and get his cast off, he's going to miss the bubble he and Liam create around themselves while they're together on the road. "Zayn" Liam whines again as he bounces out of reach as Liam tries to take the t-shirts from him, "I need to pack those" Liam mutters, crossing his arms. Zayn laughs and launches the t-shirts at Liam laughing maniacally when they land on his head, "you're a menace" Liam growls playfully as he puts them in the suitcase and finally zips it up. Zayn's eyes widen when Liam starts to stalk towards him, backing him up slowly until he's pressed against the wall and Liam is crowding into his space, "for someone who wanted to go home, you're not making this process go any faster"Liam murmurs, pressing his hips into Zayn's with just enough pressure to make Zayn whimper slightly. "I'm sorry?" Zayn asks biting his lip and watching as Liam's eyes darken and he leans down to connect their lips in a hungry kiss. Zayn groans when a knock at the door makes them pull apart, just before Louis bounds into the room, one look at Liam shows his frustration as well, "you two ready?"Louis asks. Liam groans and Zayn attempts to catch his breath, "um,yea Lou" Zayn manages but he can hear the hitch in his own voice,and knows the older caught it when he begins to full on cackle."Sorry, boys but I need to get you into the car to get to the airport, you will have plenty of time to yourselves once we get back"Louis says seriously, and Zayn knows him well enough now to know, he does feel a little bad about interrupting them, and he will leave them alone once they're at Liam's, but mostly so he can stay hidden away with Harry.

Louis disappears as quickly as he showed up and Liam growls, "some days I really hate him and his cock blocking ways" he mutters, Zayn laughs shaking his head, "no you don't" he chuckles because he knows Liam could never hate Louis, there's just no way, the pair have been through way to much together for that. Liam sighs and laces his fingers through Zayn's and Zayn looks at their interlocked hands,suddenly wanting to sketch the way they look when their fingers are wound together. Zayn's other hand starts to itch in the way it does when he's really inspired and just wants to paint or draw, but he knows they don't have time right now, they really do need to leave to get to the airport, just because Liam has a private jet, doesn't mean it's ok to make it wait for them. "What is it?" Liam hums, right by Zayn's ear which makes him shiver as he bites his lip and shakes his head "it's nothing" he mumbles, but Liam shakes his head at him, unconvinced. "It's not nothing I know that look, Zee what is it?" he asks again. Zayn sighs and idly plays with Liam's fingers,"I just really want to draw our hands, like this" he murmurs holding their intertwined hands up as an explanation. Liam nods slowly, "can you draw them on the plane?" he asks slowly, and Zayn shrugs, because he never even thought of that, "I promise I'll hold your hand the whole time and won't move so you can draw them"Liam adds. Zayn grins nodding, "yea, I can do that, although I might need my hand, so maybe we can take a picture?" he asks. Liam chuckles, "we can do that too" he agrees.

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