Chapter Sixty

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Chapter Sixty – Liam

Liam chuckles as Zayn turns to glare at him, phone still in hand, “was that really necessary?” he asks and Liam shrugs “you said she was a fan, I was just being nice” he explains. Zayn sighs and motions at him to come closer, Liam doesn't hesitate, crosses the room in three strides to sit beside Zayn where he's flopped across the large bed. “Hi” Liam murmurs, unable to resist anymore and nuzzling into Zayn's neck, Zayn whimpers slightly “hi” he mumbles back tilting his head to give Liam a little more access, which Liam happily takes and begins pressing his lips gently up the side of Zayn's neck and across his jawline. Zayn shivers, and squirms on the bed, Liam decides this is his favourite Zayn, the one who doesn't try to hide how he's feeling the Zayn who lets his pleasure show on his face and in the small noises he makes, this Zayn isn't guarded which is something Liam loves. Liam pulls Zayn's shirt down slightly so he can press kisses to his collarbones, which makes Zayn whimper and Liam smirk slightly against his skin, before he reattaches his lips and sucks a small lovebite, right beneath the collar of Zayn's shirt.

Zayn squirms away and pushes at Liam until he's able to sit up, “hang on a second, please?” Zayn murmurs and Liam nods because he would give him anything he wants, no matter what it is. Zayn is quiet for a moment afterwards and Liam can tell by the look on his face that something is bothering his boyfriend, it's similar to the look he had the first time he heard about Lexie, the first time he met Eleanor, and when he lost his job. Liam's not sure what's causing it but would do anything in his power to make that look go away. “Hey, what is it?” Liam asks gently, and Zayn runs a hand through his already messy hair “um, I need to tell you something” he murmurs, and Liam suddenly feels like he's going to be sick, this is the moment when Zayn changes his mind, the moment when Zayn tells him, what he's been terrified of hearing since they started dating, that he can't do this anymore and he wants out. “Hey, no, no, no, Liam whatever you're thinking I swear it's not that” Zayn says quickly pulling him into his arms, which makes Liam relax slightly, because Zayn doesn't want to break up with him, so whatever it is can't be that bad at all.

Zayn crawls into his lap once Liam's calmer and Liam grins at him before wrapping his arms around him securely, this is where he wants Zayn to stay, all the time, no matter what he's doing. He feels Zayn take a deep breath and knows the other boy is about to start speaking about to tell him whatever is bothering him, so he waits. “So remember how I lost my job, and the reason I got given was complete bullshit?” Zayn asks quietly, and Liam nods slowly a little unsure of where this is going. Zayn picks at a fingernail for a second, “well, tonight I found out the real reason” he mumbles. Liam frowns and stares blankly at the boy curled up in his lap, because how could he have found that out when he was with him the whole night, but he waits quietly for Zayn to continue, knowing Zayn sometimes needs a little time to organize his thoughts. Zayn takes another deep breath, “it was Eleanor, she offered Mr. Jackson a whole bunch of money, to fire me, to try and get me out of the way” he says quickly biting his bottom lip nervously.

Liam feels like he's just been punched, he knew management was concerned about what it would mean for his career when he started seeing Zayn but he didn't think they would take it this far. Anger starts to course through him, white hot and burning, as he realizes that no it wasn't all of management there's just no way, it was Eleanor acting alone, and as much as he says he can't believe it, he actually can. She's always been manipulative and mean, and Liam is sick of it, of her if he's being honest. “Li?” a quiet voice asks, snapping him back to the present moment, “you ok?” Zayn asks quietly. Liam sighs and attempts to unclench his fists, “honestly? No” he mumbles, Zayn frowns and presses in closer to Liam, “I'm sorry” he mumbles and Liam furrows his eyebrows, because how is any of this possibly Zayn's fault. “Don't apologize Zayn, you've done nothing wrong” he murmurs, pressing a kiss to Zayn's head, “this is all her fault, and I'm going to fix it” Liam mutters. Zayn doesn't say anything else, just stays cuddled into Liam, and Liam couldn't be happier about it, he needs Zayn close to him, needs to know the other is there, so he can calm himself down. He plays with Zayn's hair until the other boy's breath evens out and he realizes Zayn has fallen asleep, chuckling Liam gently shifts him so he's laying on the pillows.

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