Chapter Six

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Chapter Six – Liam

 “I WIN AGAIN” Louis crows, jumping up to do a ridiculous victory dance, as Liam shakes his head at him from the couch, “yes Louis, you are way better at FIFA then me, now can you sit down” he sighs. It’s his last day off before the London week of torture starts and Liam and Louis are sat in Liam’s massive flat playing video games and eating junk food. Louis flops back onto the couch beside Liam with a sheepish grin, “I’ve always been better than you at video games Li, honestly” Louis chuckles, making Liam throw a handful of popcorn, followed by a peanut butter cup at him. Louis dodges the popcorn and grabs the peanut butter cup out of the air to eat it just as his phone rings, he sighs as he grabs it and presses talk “Louis Tomlinson speaking” he answers professionally, and rolls his eyes, and Liam knows its Eleanor on the other end. “I assure you Eleanor, Liam is ready, although I still think you are spreading him to thin” Louis groans into the phone and Liam presses an overly expensive throw pillow over his face to hide his laughter, Louis sends him a glare, before turning away from him. “Yes, oh the contest results, yes and who won?” Louis asks, a devious smirk on his lips, “oh really, by that many votes” he sounds shocked and Liam is now biting on the pillow to contain his laughter. “Yes, I’ll let Liam know, and the day with the winner is scheduled for Thursday? Alright, have a pleasant day Eleanor” Louis chirps, before hanging up his phone, Liam removes the pillow and allows himself to laugh loudly as Louis comes back to the couch, “who was that Lou?” he asks with a smirk. Louis growls and throws one of the pillows off the couch at him, “hey! Don’t throw my pillows” Liam protests, and Louis rolls his eyes “don’t call them throw pillows if you don’t want them thrown” he shoots back. “It seems that the results of the contest are in and amazingly that Zayn kid you wanted to win, won, by almost fifteen million votes” Louis says with mock seriousness and Liam’s eyes widen.

After the phone call Liam calls his favourite take out place and orders lunch for himself and Louis, as Louis looks through his massive collection of movies trying to decide what to watch. Liam walks into the room to see his DVDs strewn everywhere, “you’re cleaning this up” he mutters, “and lunch with be here in thirty minutes” he adds. Louis nods and waves a dismissive hand at Liam and goes back to searching for a movie. A few minutes later Louis lets out a triumphant noise, and turns around the first Avengers movie, clutched in his hands. Liam crosses his arms and glares at Louis, until he starts reluctantly shoving the DVDs back onto the shelf. Louis finishes just as their food arrives and Liam and him flop onto the couch with their food, to start the movie, they’ve both seen it at least five times, but it’s still one of their favourites. Liam finishes his food first and flips around so his head is in Louis’ lap, Louis immediately starts carding his fingers absently through his hair both of their attentions still on the movie. Liam drifts into a light sleep at Louis’ actions and misses the second half of the movie.

As the credits roll Louis shakes Liam awake, “Li, the movie’s over” he murmurs, when he gets no response he leans down and licks Liam’s face. Liam groans and shoots up “ugh, gross Lou” he mutters wiping his face with his sleeve, Louis laughs maniacally, falling off the couch, causing Liam to laugh as well. Once they’ve both calmed down Louis puts on his ‘serious work face’ and turns to Liam, “Li, about Thursday, what do you expect to happen?” he asks gently, and Liam shrugs, “hopefully a good day with some great lads, why” Liam answers with a shrug. Louis sighs, “I just worry that you’re expecting too much Li” he murmurs, Liam frowns, “would it be so bad to make another friend Lou?” he mumbles. Louis frowns as well “no it wouldn’t just be careful Li, he is still a fan” he says. Liam sighs “I know, but not all my fans are absolutely insane you know. But I get it Lou, I’ll be careful, plus you’ll be there anyway” he chuckles and Louis hits him with another pillow, “but at least it was a guy that won, so your video game plan will probably work” he sighs, and Liam tackles him with a hug.

Louis has sprawled himself across Liam’s lap and they are watching a second movie, Liam is playing with Louis’ hair absently, “Lou do you know why we’re best friends?” Liam asks suddenly. Louis sits up and pauses the movie so he can look at Liam, he’s used to this, occasionally, especially during long tours, Liam needs someone to remind him of who he is and where he came from, that’s what Louis’ number one job is, looking out for Liam. “Yea, ‘cause my mum and I moved next door to you, and your family and our mum’s became friends and decided we should be friends too” he chuckles, “and after several forced play dates, we actually bonded, and we’ve been together ever since” he adds, looking into Liam’s eyes. Liam laughs and shakes his head, “that’s how we became friends not why” he chuckles and Louis furrows his eyebrows confused, “it’s the same innit?” he asks but Liam shakes his head. “No it’s not, we’re best friends because you get me Lou, you’ve always gotten me. You’re the only one who stood by me through the bullying in school, and the only one who didn’t change the way they treated me after my first single went to number one” Liam says with a small smile. Louis smiles back “you get me too Li, that’s why this works, and I love you” he murmurs. Liam smiles, “I love you too Lou” he murmurs, before gesturing for Louis to start the movie again. Louis chuckles, that’s how these conversations always end, and presses play on the remote.

Louis has fallen asleep in Liam’s lap, sometime during their third movie, he smiles fondly at his best friend and lets his mind wander. He remembers how he was the first one Louis told when he discovered that he liked guys not girls, consequently Louis was the first one Liam told when he realised he shared the same preference as him. Louis was there to clean up the mess left behind, all through school when Liam was bullied, and beat up, and he was the one to suggest Liam take up boxing as a way of protecting himself. Liam was there for Louis when his mum got remarried, and he really wasn’t sure he approved of it, and Louis in turn was there when Liam’s parents almost got a divorce. Liam remembers how Louis was the first person he had called when he had gotten a call back from a record label about a demo he had sent in, and how Louis had thrown him a surprise party with all their friends for him as a result. Liam had dragged Louis with him to the studio while recording his first album. Liam remembered how Louis had thrown a fit and insisted Liam take him as his date to an awards show, as if there had been another option. Liam smiles down at Louis in his lap as he starts mumbling in his sleep about unicorns, he chuckles before pulling the blanket he keeps across the back of his couch down and draping it over Louis, who mumbles again and snuggles into the blanket. 

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