Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen – Liam

They’ve been driving in silence for a couple minutes although it has felt like an eternity to Liam, his throat is sore, and his voice raspy, from the London week of torture, but he still wants to talk to Zayn, get to know the boy who is sitting (in Liam’s opinion) too far away. Zayn is looking around the car taking it in, in the daylight, he grins at Liam as he pulls off his hood and sunglasses, “ah there you are” Zayn smirks and Liam chuckles “sorry, need to take precautions you know, don’t want to be mobbed. So I hope you don’t mind Zayn, but Jim and Alec are going to be nearby all day” he says, noticing how Zayn frowns. “Li, your voice, are you ok?” Zayn asks sliding closer to Liam, he just nods, waving his hand dismissively “yea I’m fine this happens when I work as much as I have this week. My voice is just tired, I’ll be fine” Liam murmurs, as Zayn grabs shyly at his hand. Liam smirks and grabs Zayn’s hand in his tighter lacing their fingers together. Zayn smiles shyly and bites his lip, Liam groans and Zayn raises his eyebrows, “let me guess you’ll tell me another time, right?” he asks and Liam nods grinning, “you catch on fast” he chuckles and Zayn rolls his eyes. “So where are we going?” Zayn asks leaning against Liam, who grins and wraps his arm around Zayn, “Mollie’s, it’s a little diner Louis and I have gone to since we moved to London when I first got signed. It’s never very busy, so we’ll have less chance of being interrupted” he murmurs and Zayn nods. Just as they pull up outside a small diner, that Liam has grown fond of, and he smiles, pulling his hood up and putting his sunglasses back on, the door opens and Sebastian is standing there holding it open. Liam climbs out “thanks Sebastian” the driver just nods, as Liam reaches in and helps Zayn out, making sure he’s steady on his feet, before walking towards the door. Liam hears familiar footsteps behind them and knows that Jim and Alec have fallen into step a few feet back.

Liam chuckles as they enter the diner and Zayn’s eyes dart around the small, homey room quickly, before landing on a picture of Liam from before his first single was released, “really Li, signed pictures?” he asks with an arched eyebrow, Liam chuckles and feels his cheeks heating up as he shrugs. He doesn’t get a chance to respond as a familiar older woman with her greying hair pulled into a bun rushes towards them, “Liam, darling it’s been so long, you home for a while, or just a quick stop?” she asks, pulling him into a hug, Liam hugs her back tightly, “just for a few more days” he sighs and she shakes her head. Liam pulls out of her arms and steps back beside Zayn, who is still looking around the room, a confused frown on his face, “Mollie, this is Zayn, a friend of mine” he says, emphasising the word friend. Mollie cocks her head to the side clearly appraising Zayn, she smiles widely and pulls Zayn into a hug as well, “it’s great to meet you dear” she coos before releasing him and turning to look at Liam “your usual table then Liam?” she asks and Liam nods, before wrapping his hand around Zayn’s once again and following Mollie towards the back of the restaurant. Once they’re seated Mollie drops two menus on the table and smiles before walking away, winking at Liam.

Zayn follows the woman with his eyes before turning back to Liam “what was that?” he asks and Liam shrugs, fiddling with the napkin dispenser, “what was what?” he asks innocently. Zayn scoffs, “the way you said friends back there Liam, I know I don’t know you that well, but I thought you knew I wasn’t just here because I was, am your fan” he mumbles, looking away from Liam. Liam frowns and reaches across to trap Zayn’s hand between his own and the table, “no, no, no Zayn, you’ve got it wrong” Liam says frantically, Zayn just raises an eyebrow at him, “I didn’t mean it the way you took it, I just meant it as you were…are special. See Mollie knows about me, and, I guess I just wanted her to know that you were hopefully more than just another friend” Liam murmurs and Zayn’s eyes soften. Zayn opens his mouth to speak, but snaps it shut as Mollie comes back over carrying two glasses of coke, she sets them in front of each of them and Zayn’s eyebrows furrow, “we didn’t order yet” he says confused and Mollie chuckles, “I know dear, but Liam always gets coke, I just assumed you would too, if you want something else I’ll be glad to get it for you” she says kindly, as Zayn shakes his head, “no, I was gonna order one, I just…thanks” he stutters and Liam chuckles as he takes a sip of his own drink. Mollie pats Zayn’s shoulder “Mollie, two of my regular, please?” Liam smirks passing the menus to her as she smiles and takes them, “coming right up” she hums, before leaving again. Zayn watches her go and then turns back to glare at Liam, “what did you just order me?” he asks skeptically and Liam laughs, “you’ll see” he answers mysteriously and Zayn shakes his head, pouting. Liam chuckles, smiling affectionately at him because yea, pouty Zayn is definitely the cutest Zayn, he’s encountered so far.

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