Chapter Eighty Eight

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Chapter Eighty Eight - Liam

Liam's tired as he finishes up the last song for soundcheck, he's tired and he just wants to grab Zayn and go back to bed, but he can't. The thing is he knows he can't he now has to meet the fans, and then get attacked with hair products and make up to get ready for the actual show, which starts in a little over two hours. Liam jogs over to the side where Zayn is now sitting, with Louis, and he silently thanks his best friend for finding Zayn a chair, because he knows his boyfriend will never admit it, but even with the walking cast he gets too tired standing up for too long. "Hey" Liam murmurs, when he's close enough Zayn will hear him, and Zayn grins looking up from his sketchbook to smile, "hey yourself" he answers. Liam notes that Zayn is once again drawing him, and wonders idly just how many sketches of himself there are in Zayn's apartment. Liam pushes himself in closer to Zayn's space, needing to be with the older boy, "so I would love to take you to my dressing room and curl up on the couch, but I need to meet some fans, maybe you want to come with?" Liam asks quietly, not entirely sure he'd intended to add the last bit. Zayn bites his lip and shrugs his shoulders, in a move that Liam knows means Zayn's uncomfortable with the idea, but is also seriously considering it. Louis chuckles and lightly elbows Zayn, "they're always asking him where you are anyways" he teases, and Liam rolls his eyes. Zayn's eyes widen, before they lock on Liam's "your fans ask about me?" he asks biting his lip again, and Liam has to fight to keep back a groan, before he nods, "yea, I mean they always want to know where you are and how you're doing" he answers. Zayn looks conflicted and Liam can't take it anymore he swoops down and presses his lips to Zayn's in a quick kiss, pulling away almost before Zayn has time to react, Zayn blinks up at him and grins before nodding his head slowly and reaching a hand out to be pulled to his feet.

Liam wraps his arm around Zayn's waist as he leads him down the halls towards the large room, he'll be using to meet the fans all in, before he's whisked back to his dressing room. Once inside the room Liam turns Zayn so he can look him in the eyes, "there's going to be a lot of people, and even more noise, if you're getting uncomfortable find Paddy and he'll take you back to my room, ok?" he asks seriously. Because Liam knows how Zayn feels about situations like these and he doesn't want his boyfriend to feel uncomfortable just to make him happy. Zayn playfully rolls his eyes in response, "I'm not a child Li, but yea, I will" he mumbles and Liam nods. Zayn then tugs Liam over towards the couch, pushing him down onto it, before climbing into his lap, "you really are great out there, you know" Zayn murmurs, pressing kisses that make Liam shiver, up his jaw, "out where?" Liam asks confused, frowning when Zayn stops kissing him, "on the stage, I know it's where you really love to be" he murmurs, leaning in to kiss Liam hard. Liam groans before taking over control of the kiss, it's just getting to the point that could be considered inappropriate when someone clears their throat beside them. Liam breaks away to glare up at Louis who waves, grinning, "hate to break up the Ziam love fest, but those doors are going to open in one minute, to let in a horde of teenage girls, you should probably not be doing that when they do" he smirks, and iam groans but carefully moves Zayn out of his lap.

Not too long after the doors open and the buzzing noise in the room increases, and all too soon there's a younger looking girl standing in front of Liam with wide eyes. "oh my God, you're really here, you're really you" she whispers, which Liam has come to realize is almost as bad as the ones who scream in his face. Chuckling Liam reaches out to hug the girl, "yes I am, what's you're name, Love?" he asks as they pull apart, "Macy" she mumbles and Liam grins, being on stage and performing is his number one, no question but he completely loves to meet his fans as well. "I just, love you and you're music, and I- is that Zayn?" she cuts herself off to ask, staring over Liam's shoulder with wide eyes. Liam chuckles nodding his head, "thank you so much for all our support, and yea, that's him" he answers. Macy giggles then and Liam smiles, "do you want him to be in the picture?" he asks gently, and she nods happily, Liam nods and turns his head, "Zee, c'mere a minute" he calls out to Zayn. Zayn furrows his eyebrows before pushing himself to his feet and slowly making his way towards them, "this is Macy, she wanted to say hello" Liam introduces, and the young teen looks about ready to pass out. "Hello, Macy" Zayn says reaching out to hug her quickly, "hi Zayn, I'm sorry you got hurt so bad" she mumbles but Zayn waves her away, just as Liam locks eyes with Jim who's gesturing at him to wrap it up. So Liam turns back to Macy and shrugs, "how about that picture?" he asks, positioning her between himself and Zayn while her mum snaps a quick picture on her phone, and Alec escorts her out the other doors, so she can be lead back outside to wait for show time.

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