Chapter Twenty Four

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Chapter Twenty Four – Liam

Liam’s pacing around his room trying to get everything packed before he leaves for tour, packing would be much simpler if Zayn wasn’t currently sat in his suitcase on top of the t-shirts, jeans and boxers he’s already packed. He tosses his favourite hoodie at the case and it lands on Zayn’s head causing him to protest, “Liam” he whines and Liam arches an eyebrow “well it would have gone into the suitcase if you weren’t sitting inside of it” he teases and Zayn pouts up at him peering through long thick eyelashes. Zayn’s making grabby hands at him while he pouts and Liam knows he should finish packing but who could resist Zayn, with or without the puppy dog face. He stops packing and comes to sit beside Zayn on his large bed, “I’m going to miss you when I leave tomorrow” he murmurs leaning close to press a kiss behind Zayn’s ear. Zayn pouts a little more and nods “I’m gonna miss you too, so you shouldn’t go” he answers and Liam chuckles, because yea he would love to stay with Zayn, but he has to get back to it, to performing and endless interviews, he loves what he does but sometimes he wishes he could go back to the way it was before. He pulls Zayn out of the suitcase and into his lap, wrapping his arms around him, “I wish I could babe, but I need to work” he murmurs and Zayn nods and buries his face in Liam’s shoulder as a response. They sit like this for a few minutes and Liam can feel Zayn burrowing into him, he knows he should get back to packing, knows he should be doing something, but he can’t bring himself to remove the raven haired boy from his lap. Another minute passes and Liam sighs “Zee, I have to pack love” he murmurs and feels Zayn shaking his head, pressing kisses to the side of his neck, “so pack” Zayn mumbles into his skin and Liam chuckles. “I can’t with you wrapped around me, sweetheart you have to get up” Liam teases and Zayn pulls back pouting at him, Liam grins and leans down to kiss the pout away “when I’m done we can do anything you want, yea?” Liam asks and Zayn sighs nodding and climbs from his lap.

Liam rolls his eyes he’s still trying to pack and Zayn is still not helping, he’s climbed back inside the suitcase and is now curled on his side taking up all the space so Liam can’t fit anymore clothes. Liam knows this isn’t exactly working for him and wonders for a minute why he thought Zayn coming to help him pack would result in anything actually getting done. They’ve spent a portion of everyday for the past week and a half together but it never seems to be enough, Liam wishes he could just zip up the suitcase around Zayn and count himself packed, who needs clothes anyways, he can always buy some wherever he ends up on the tour. “Zayn, babe, as much as I would love to pack you, I need you to get out of the suitcase so I can finish packing and then you and I can go snuggle on the couch and watch any movie you want” Liam pleads and Zayn frowns his eyebrows creasing as he pouts and huffs out a breath, before climbing slowly out of the suitcase and beginning to refold the clothes Liam’s been throwing at him for the past ten minutes. Liam chuckles and presses a kiss to Zayn’s forehead, grinning when he instantly smoothes out his brows, “thank you” he murmurs before returning to his closet, they spend twenty five minutes packing up most of Liam’s clothes with Zayn stealing one of his hoodies when he thinks Liam isn’t watching him, Liam smiles and lets him, loving the idea of Zayn in his clothes.

Liam smiles as he walks back into the living room where he had left Zayn, a bowl of popcorn and two beers in his hands. Zayn’s back is to him and he is standing by the shelf examining the framed pictures sitting there, as Liam gets closer he sets the items he’s holding on the coffee table, he sees Zayn is holding a picture of him and Louis, after they had won their first ever football game, they were both smiling widely and covered in mud. “What you got there?” Liam asks making Zayn jump and set the picture back on the shelf, before spinning to face Liam a slight blush on his cheeks, which makes his grin widen, “I’m sorry, I got bored and I wanted to see the pictures closer, I didn’t mean to pry” Zayn mumbles, and Liam wonders if he could be any more adorable. Liam chuckles shaking his head “it’s fine Zee, that one we had just won our first game, I was terrible but Lou, he was a star” he murmurs picking the picture back up and looking at it longingly, Zayn smiles stepping into Liam’s arms, “you look so happy” he mumbles and Liam nods setting the picture down again. He wraps his arms around Zayn and leans down to kiss him gently “what movie are we watching tonight love?” he asks as they pull apart and Zayn shrugs “I wasn’t really planning on watching it, so I don’t care” he murmurs and Liam grins before tugging Zayn down onto the couch. Liam fumbles for the remote and turns the TV on to some random channel, before he dives down and attacks Zayn’s lips with his own.

Liam and Zayn spent the last three hours molded together on Liam’s couch, they only separated to catch their breath, until Liam’s phone starts to ring “Liam, phone” Zayn murmurs pulling away slightly. Liam groans, trying to pull Zayn back to his lips, “ignore it, they’ll leave a message” he whines as his phone stops ringing, only to start again moments later. Zayn chuckles shaking his head “I don’t think they will, just answer it Li, I’m not going anywhere” he scolds gently. Sighing Liam grabs his phone rolling his eyes when he sees its Louis calling “Lou, as usual your timing is incredible, what do you want?” Liam hisses, as Zayn furrows his eyebrows behind him on the couch. Louis doesn’t answer right away and Liam briefly considers how he’s going to kill his best friend in the morning when he sees him, “hello to you too” Louis snaps and Liam almost feels bad. Liam pinches the bridge of his nose “what do you need Louis, I’m trying to spend time with Zayn before we leave tomorrow” he mumbles and Louis chuckles “I know I’m with Harry right now too” he answers and Liam frowns, “so why are you calling me?” he asks confused. Louis sighs and Liam knows without seeing him that he’s tugging on his hair on the other end of the line, “I got a call from Eleanor a few minutes ago” he mumbles and Liam’s frown deepens. “Why is she calling you so late?” Liam asks and Louis sighs again “apparently you and Zayn have been spotted a few times out and about and the pictures have gotten back to management. Li, they know and they aren’t happy” he murmurs and Liam knows he has lost all colour in his face and almost drops the phone. “H-how do they know, I mean I go out with friends all the time” Liam stutters and suddenly Zayn’s arms are around his waist hugging him close from behind and it actually helps relax him, but Zayn has a calming effect on Liam. Liam hears another voice on the other end of the phone and assumes its Harry wondering what Louis is doing “yea but you don’t kiss all your friends, one fan somehow caught you and Zayn kissing, Eleanor is about to have kittens over it” Louis says and Liam leans heavily on Zayn at the news. He knows the other boy is worried about him, wondering what’s happening on the phone, and Liam isn’t sure how he’s going to explain this to him. “So what, what happens now Lou?” Liam asks slowly, still leaning on Zayn who looks concerned and confused and it’s honestly adorable, “I talked Eleanor down said the photo was clearly photoshopped, I think she believes it but she still wants to know who Zayn is to you and why you always seem to be with him. But I think the best course is for you to come clean, management knows you’re gay, and I know they don’t want you coming out to your fans, but I think telling them you are in a relationship with Zayn is the best way to handle this” Louis says seriously. Liam feels himself shaking slightly, he doesn’t want to tell management about Zayn, because he’s worried they won’t let him see him, “are you sure Lou?” he asks quietly “yea Li, we’ll tell them tomorrow together, they can’t take him away from you, and you two are already planning to hide which they will help you with, I know it sucks but I think it’s your best option at this point” Louis murmurs.

They say goodbye after that and Zayn is suddenly in front of Liam a concerned look on his face, “everything alright?” he asks rubbing soothingly up and down Liam’s arm, Liam nods but changes halfway through and shakes his head, “I don’t know, that was Louis” he mumbles. Zayn nods waiting for Liam to say more and Liam sighs, rubbing a hand through his hair “apparently a fan posted a photo of us kissing and it got back to my management’ Liam starts, Zayn frowns but doesn’t say anything, “Louis talked them down, told them it was photoshopped, but they want to know who you are, and Louis thinks it would be best if we come clean to management, but I’m scared Zee, what if they tell me I can’t see you anymore” Liam finishes quickly. Zayn furrows his eyebrows, hugging Liam tightly “so tell them, I’m sure they can help, and if they don’t want us to see each other, we fight, I’m not giving you up” Zayn murmurs pressing kisses along Liam’s jaw, Liam practically melts at his touch and feels himself relaxing with Zayn’s words. Liam pulls away to look into Zayn’s eyes “you’re sure? They may not like it, and I don’t know what they’ll say” he mumbles and Zayn nods, “I’m sure, and I don’t care what they think about it, all that matters to me is what you think about us” Zayn adds with a shrug. Liam feels himself smiling widely and pulls Zayn back in for a bone crushing hug, “I don’t care what they say either, I’m not giving you up” he murmurs and feels rather than hears Zayn sigh.

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