Chapter Fifty Four

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Chapter Fifty Four – Liam

Liam pulls away from Zayn reluctantly and takes him in completely, he can tell from the bags under Zayn's own eyes that his boyfriend hasn't been getting much more sleep than he has in the past few days. He uses his casted arm to wipe at his cheeks, wincing slightly at the scratchy material against his face, Zayn smiles up at him, before leaning back into his chest, and Liam is glad for it, he feels more level headed, and sure, just having Zayn close by. “So what exactly is the plan, Liam?” Zayn asks hesitantly, fiddling with the sketchbook he's kept in his lap, Liam smiles at him “for today, movies and room service” he answers avoiding Zayn's actual question entirely, “and I know Perrie wants to see you at some point today too” Liam adds as he guides Zayn down to lay his head in his lap. Zayn groans in obvious frustration, arching an eyebrow up at him, “that's not what I meant Li” he sighs and Liam nods biting his lip.

Liam starts absently playing with Zayn's hair, watching as his eyes slip closed and he presses himself closer into Liam's touch, “Eleanor's plan is to completely ignore the pictures and arrange more dates with Lexie than is actually feasible” Liam murmurs and Zayn hums in response, “I've noticed” he grumbles and Liam sighs. “What about us? What's the plan there?” Zayn asks quietly after a minute and Liam sighs again, “Louis has some crazy thing planned, its overly dramatic and a little insane, I want to do something more simple,” he explains, Zayn nods sitting up. “What do you want to do?” he asks and Liam shrugs, making grabby hands at Zayn to bring him closer again. Zayn chuckles but moves so he's back in Liam's lap, exactly where Liam wants him to stay. “I kind of just want to tell everyone...just say you know what? You guys were right I am dating Zayn” Liam mumbles quietly and Zayn grins “then do it” he says and Liam furrows his eyebrows because he's absolutely sure it's not that simple.

They've been sitting in silence just watching each other for a few minutes, “I'm serious Li, if you just want to tell the fans, have Louis arrange an interview and just tell them, or just do it at your next concert” Zayn shrugs and Liam grins at him. “You're a genius Zayn Malik” Liam crows because he never even thought of it like that, he's been over thinking the whole thing since Louis showed him the picture three days ago, and he decided to tell his fans everything. “If I do it at the concert you'll be there right?” Liam asks shyly and Zayn rolls his eyes nodding “of course” he murmurs and Liam relaxes for the first time in days. “I don't want to talk about this anymore right now” Liam whines and Zayn chuckles “how was your flight?” Liam asks and Zayn shrugs, “uneventful and they didn't lose my suitcase this time, so...” he trails off and Liam laughs, “that's good, although I do like you in my clothes” he purrs and Zayn blushes slightly making him grin triumphantly.

There's a knock on the door a few minutes later, and Liam gets up to answer it quickly, his eyebrows furrowing when he sees Lexie standing there, “sorry to interrupt but i just got a call from everyone's least favourite member of management, and apparently we have a date in like ten minutes” she murmurs, shifting her weight from foot to foot. Liam knows how much these “dates” the past few days have been affecting her, knows that they're causing tension between her and Anna and he feels terrible. “But, Zayn just got here” he mumbles and Lexie sighs, “I know, and I'm pretty sure that's what made her set this up” she growls, before peering past Liam to where Zayn is curled into himself on the couch sketching once again, “hey Zayn” she calls and he looks up to wave at her, but Liam notices he doesn't actually say anything. Liam frowns and runs his non-broken hand through his hair, “alright I'll meet you downstairs in like ten minutes alright?” he asks, and Lexie smiles slightly, “yea, okay” she murmurs and disappears down the hallway.

Liam turns making his way back to Zayn on the couch, pushing himself into Zayn's space and blocking his drawing “so your leaving?” Zayn asks quietly and Liam sighs pulling the other boy into his lap, “unfortunately” he mutters nuzzling his face into Zayn's hair. “Will, there be...I mean you're gonna have to kiss her aren't you?” Zayn spits and Liam sighs nodding his head. Zayn bites his lip and nods, “'kay, just, please don't be too long?” he pleads and Liam shakes his head, “I'll be back as soon as I can. Why don't you call Perrie and go hang out with her and the girls while I'm gone, hmm? Take your mind off things, give you new people to draw” he murmurs and Zayn sighs nodding a small smile playing on his lips. “Yea, I can do that” he mumbles and Liam smiles, “that's my boy” he murmurs getting up to get properly dressed. He watches Zayn for a moment before he disappears into the bedroom part of the suite to change, when he comes out Zayn is just putting his phone down, “Perrie just texted me back, we're meeting up in her room in fifteen minutes” he mumbles and Liam nods “good, I really don't want you to be alone” he answers and Zayn blushes which makes Liam grin.

Liam's about to leave the room except Zayn is making it difficult in every way, he's currently wrapped himself around Liam's leg, like a toddler who doesn't want to be left behind at daycare. “Zayn, I have to do this, but I swear to you this is one of the last times, and I won't be long” Liam sighs, Zayn pouts up at him and Liam wants to give in right there, wants to call Eleanor and tell her to do her worst because he's not playing anymore, but he can't she's threatened Zayn again if Liam doesn't cooperate and until he's sure there's nothing she can do to hurt the boy currently clinging to him, Liam's not willing to risk anything. “You'll have fun with the girls, and Louis' here too, if you wanted to hang out with him” Liam tries, reaching down to once again try to pry Zayn off his leg. Zayn of course doesn't make it easy, and with only one good hand Liam's struggling, Zayn finally lets go with a loud sigh and a dramatic pout, standing up to his full height and wrapping his arms around Liam's waist instead. Liam relaxes into him, “I'll see you soon” he murmurs against Zayn's neck, not missing the way he shivers at the words, Zayn nods silently before stepping away, Liam leans in and presses a deep kiss to his lips, Zayn kisses back instantly, and when they pull apart they're breathing heavy, “you better go” Zayn pouts and Liam leans in unable to resist giving him one more kiss, before he reluctantly leaves the room.

Louis' in the hallway when Liam gets outside, “Uh Li, what are you doing?” he asks confused, and Liam sighs, “she who must not be named is on the attack again, and Lexie and I have another date, like now” he mumbles. Louis' face twists into an expression that Liam knows all too well, “you're joking, right?” he hisses. Liam shakes his head, he absolutely wishes he was joking, “I've told you this before but I know a guy, who can make her disappear, no questions asked” Louis seethes and Liam chuckles. “As much as I hate this, I don't really think organized murder is the answer Lou” he chuckles and Louis shrugs, “I'm just saying” he mumbles and Liam laughs. Liam groans as he checks his watch and sees it's been more than ten minutes since he said he'd only be ten minutes, “I gotta run Lou, but do me a favour?” he asks, Louis just arches an eyebrow at him in response, “can you check in on Zayn for me? He's gonna hang out with Perrie and the girls for a bit, but I really am worried about him with all this” he explains chewing on his lower lip. Louis sighs and nods, “yeah, I'll check in on him, just don't be too long. Harry's been telling me how Zayn's been the past few days watching all the coverage of your 'dates' and I think he needs to know he's still your number one” he says.

Liam groans, he knew Zayn wasn't happy that much was obvious after the first time pictures of him and Lexie kissing were released, when Harry had called him on Skype to show him how devastated Zayn actually was. His heart had broken as he helplessly watched his boyfriend sob uncontrollably against his best friend's chest, as Niall cursed him out. Liam pulls on his hair “what do I do Louis?” he whines and Louis' face softens instantly, “I don't want to do this anymore, but until we're out, I have no choice, she threatened Zayn again” he adds. Louis frowns pulling Liam into a hug, “I know, I know” he coos, “you go with Lexie and do what you two need to do, Perrie and I will take care of Zayn until you get back” he starts Liam nods against his neck in response. “Just don't take too long, and make tonight all about Zayn when you get back” Louis finishes. Liam nods as he pulls away “thanks Lou” he murmurs before running down the hall towards the elevator.

Liam spots Lexie, leaning against the wall once he gets to the lobby and quickly crosses the room to meet her, she looks up from her phone at his approach, “you ready?” she asks him and he sighs nodding. “Let's make this quick though, I need to get back to Zayn” he murmurs and she giggles “yes, I need to Skype Anna, before she never wants to speak to me again” she groans and Liam nods slowly, before grabbing her hand and heading out into the crowd surrounding the hotel.

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