[ CHAPTER 12 ]

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Real courage is moving forward when the outcome is uncertain.


There is nothing certain but everything uncertain.

Uncertainty is a sign of humility, and humility is just the ability or the willingness to learn.

She had learned so much in her life.

Some hurt her,

Some cracked the wall of her sanity,

Some shook her,

Some shattered her,

And some broke her.


She collected stimulus, drew them, crawling to find her focus, found out as much as she could, and stimulated herself.

It had always been her who collected her lost self and now, was not either different. But the only difference she felt this time was that she was married.

To some one she had few to word them but Mehar knew that there were things scattered around her feet and she couldn't walk on a shell after knowing everything.


Her family

And her husband.

A part of her felt betrayed of what her family was doing behind her back and she had no idea about. They thought of her as a useful pawn for their power and yet she was so oblivious about it.

She had always seen love and concern in Mrs. Durrani's eyes for her but deep down she knew that she was bound to listen to her husband. And her father!

Never a father to her at least.

Her heart clenched and she squeezed her eyes shut as bitter tears made their way down her cheek. What was she feeling?

They tried to swap her for their power to an old man but then they swapped her to a young man?

What was changed?

The treacherous strand of her hair flew with his breath on her neck. She shuddered thinking of the devil sleeping beside her.

Mehar looked at her husband sleeping calmly while holding her tight. He was by far the most handsome man she had ever seen.

His face held all the words to describe beauty. His presence excluding power.

But something was changed though she couldn't point her finger at. Maybe it was because he opened his heart for her last night?

His concern, his fear, his words and his...... love?


A word so beautiful but right now, it merely looked a word to her.

Mehar sighed and wanted to unhook herself from his arms which caused him groan and pressed her more to him nuzzling more to her.

'' sleep.'' His hoarse voice stilled her on her place. She went rigid and stiff. Her heart was drumming in her rib cage. Her breath was uneven and tangled.

Mehar bit her lower lip and closed her eyes.

''um... I n... need to get up.'' why was her voice and her whole being berating her when he was around?

A gasp left when he abruptly pulled her on top of him. Mehar looked wide eyes and he hazily opened his eyes only to be locked with her shocked ones. Her long hairs created a curtain and hid them both. Their faces were in an inch distance but their breaths were mangling. His hands were around her waist and her hands on his chest. Their bodies were plastered feeling every breath of one another. Mehar saw his eyes speaking with so much intensity when it was traveling through her face and then locked with her glassed eyes. A sudden crimson color prodded in her cheeks and she looked at his neck while tried her timid protest to unhook herself. Aaban was enjoying her shyness. He pressed her more and she gasped. Mehar looked at him. Their faces were very close. She couldn't remember when those dark expressive eyes failed to quiver her inside, when he had always made her stammer, stutter, and tremble even when she first saw him. That clouded party, only his eyes locked her in and her inside screamed of a voodoo magic his eyes were holding.

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