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The sky broke like an egg into full sunset and the water caught fire. Twilight drops her curtains down, and pins it with a star. It looked like an embroider border on the fringe of the sky. It was of exquisite workmanship, a steady, sure gauge, vivid and sharp. It was the cover of night being pulled across all.

He was looking at the sunset with a thoughtful expression. His thoughts were everywhere but mostly it was around her who was oblivious to all and was sleeping till two days now. Her rough movement was preventing her injuries to heal so she was been sedated to heal back.

He sighed and closed his eyes, remembering the time his vicious eyes landed on her.

Her slender figure looking alluring to his systems in the off shoulder mermaid maroon gown. Her minimum make up was enough to not hide her real beauty from his mischievous eyes. her chocolate brown hair was giving him urge to smell it. was it as tasty as it was looking?

Her hazel eyes with a world of question that changed to furry. Her luscious lips. So tempting and so enticing and intriguing to him. her graceful steps was so seductive to him. right curves in right places. She was a well designed and well craft creation of god.

He wanted to have her, he wanted to taste her. A smile made its way on his lips. She was messing with his systems and he would make her sure to pay for that.

"لدينا صاحب السمو لدينا بعض delegates مقابلتها الآن ، وكذلك سيكون لديك خطاب في مؤسسة رعاية الطفل في اليومين التاليين لدينا"

(your highness we have some delegates to meet them now and also you will have a speech in child welfare foundation in next two hours)

His first hand's Adil Al Akeem's voice snapped him from his trance. Rayan sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Being the first born, he knew that he had a lot of responsibilities on him and he had no complains about it. He would be a king one day and he had to be prepared for it.

Rayan turned to Adil and nodded his head at him. Adil bowed his head and left him alone in his study. He knew better to not disturb him more.

The creaking sound of the door made him alert. Rayan looked from his shoulder to the person who entered with slow steps. Rayan looked back at the sky scrapers.

"إلى متى ستبقى هنا؟"

( for how long she will be here?)

Zaida asked with slow voice. She had put on a good courage in herself to enter in his study and to ask him something related to him. And she knew that he wouldn't like it.

But she needed to know.

He chuckled and turned to looked at her. she was sweating by now but she tried to stand in front of him. though her eyes lowered when she noticed her jaw clenched and his teeth gnashed.

''من يعطيك الجرأة لسؤالي هذا. هذا يعني أنك نسيت مكانك والواقع. هل تمانع في أن أخبرك بعد ذلك؟''

( who give you the audacity to ask me this. it means you have forgotten your place and the reality. do you mind me telling you then?)

His cold voice was enough to alert her of his anger. She swallowed through her dry throat. his voice was cold yet it had the lava of anger boiling in vista.

Zaida looked at him with mirth of hurt in her eyes.

لا تعطيني تلك النظرة. أنت تعرف بالضبط لماذا أنت هنا وأتوقع منك ألا تنسى ذلك أبدًا. أنت زوجة أخي الراحل وبعد موته ، اضطر والدي إلى إحضارك تحت نكاحه لأنك حامل مع طفله وهذا الطفل يحتاج إلى أب وسأكون سعيدًا ولكن لا أتوقع أن أكون زوجًا لك. كنت واضحا جدا من البداية. انا احترمك يا زايدة لكنك وستكون ارملة اخي الراحل. ليس لدي أي نوايا لأعطيك حقوق كونك زوجتي.
تذكر هذا''

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