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'' authority and power are two different things; power is the force by means of which you can oblige others to obey you. Authority is the right to direct command, to be listened to or obeyed by others. Authority requests power, power without authority is tyranny. If you don't own your personal power and stop pandering to the whims of others, your life will look like a poorly stitched patchwork of other people's fancies. Either use your authority or power and get it right. This news is not acceptable Aaban neither for you nor for our family or reputation. And I expect you to see through it hardly. You have been raised well and authority and power runs in your veins. You can't be a weakling to a certain person. What if nobody had found her?

It would be a shame for you and us. A big news that your bride to be ran away.'' Muhammad Hakeem paused and took a deep breath to calm his nerves.

Aaban clenched his jaw, his mandibles were ticking and its sharpness would cut anything unwanted. The pigeon silence in the room was like a tornado to his ears. He was on verge of killing someone and he would do that gladly but right now he knew he needed to teach the person herself some listen. His fists were tight and his teeth were grinding. The aura around him was an alarm of upcoming storm. Muhammad Hakeem could see his son boiling and he knew nothing would stop him now. He wasn't stopping him anyway. The news itself was very ugly for him. Never had it happened before that a girl would stand up against two strong tribes. His blood was boiling that a certain girl could cost him his image. It was Aaban who was ready to marry her otherwise he wanted to destroy her and her family. He wanted to tarnish their image but one word of Aaban was enough for him to know how serious he was about her but deep down Muhammad Hakeem knew that his son was up to something and he would be glad to see his wrath.

Muhammad Hakeem was a powerful man belonged to a powerful tribe and party known around the world. They were basically ruling the government though never came in presidential chairs since there was no need anyway. They were still ruling the whole country for decades and their power was left untouched but certainly hyped from their ancestors.

He was married to Sheherbano his cousin and with her he had three sons and two daughters.

Aaban Aurakzai

Subhan and Sabawon Aurakzai who were twins and studying business in Australia.

Sajida Aurakzai who was married and settled in US.

Sabeena Aurakzai who was studying in school and the youngest child of Aurakzai family.

The news of Aaban's marriage was big news for the family since he had always rejected girls in his 30 years of age but it was first time that he take a girl's name.

Muhammad Aurakzai and Aaban had kept the news hidden from the rest of the family. And mostly it was Aaban who suggested keeping it between father and son since he didn't wanted to ruin something before it could bloom but that didn't mean that he would let it go. He had things in mind and that needed to be settled.

It was a humiliation and he felt humiliated even in front of his father. Every girl would die to marry him. He was handsome; he had money, fame and what not. But she chose to run away from him and that was a slap on his ego.

And for him ego and self respect shared a thin line. The taste of his ego emerges out of non-acceptance is orders and it would camouflage his ego ten times more though no one dared to disobey him if they wanted to live. But this time, he felt humiliated in front of his father because of the girl he wished to marry.

For him between his ego and self respect everything else had an expiry date but this time something else was grooming.


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