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hello lovelies.

ok straight to the point.

there are some requests and questions which i need to asnwer.

some one requested me that why HOLD ME TIGHT doesn't have any bonus chapter?

and my answer to that lovely reader is:

yes there is a bonus chapter or may be not one but two who knows.

and i will post it soon bakhair.

and the second reader asked me that what is the twist of the IMPERISHABLE LOVE?

you have to wait dearest readers i will reveal it soon bakhair and i hope i wont disappoint you.

the third one was that when will be the flashback end in wandering  fate?

the next chapter will be the last chapter of the flashback and things will be revealed and i am taking time cause its a hard chapter to write.

hope i am keeping you guys happy.

i have less followers and readers but its not bothering me at all. i write cause i like to i hope you guys like to read it too.

bye :)

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