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‘’ Father, I will do it myself. Last time you explained it to me and I forgot what I had learned with so much difficulty. So, I will ask you a simple question and you will only answer me. No more extra information. Have some mercy on your daughter please dad.’’

'' پدرم من خودم این کار را می کنم آخرین باری که برایم توضیح دادید و من آنچه را که با این همه سختی آموخته بودم فراموش کردم. بنابراین ، من یک سوال ساده از شما می پرسم و شما فقط آن را به من پاسخ می دهید. دیگر اطلاعات اضافی وجود ندارد لطفاً به دخترت رحم کن. "

Mr. Basid smiled looking at his naive daughter who was trying to learn a simple chronicle theory for the past few hours. He smiled and nodded his head.

She was hard working and smart but very stubborn.

‘’ You will never listen to me in your life.’’ he murmured and smiled while wearing his glasses back and took his book.

‘’ i heard you.’’

‘’ but one day you will not hear me. And then you will call me. I will hear you but you won't.’’

‘’ Abir!!!’’

The voices were coming from a distance. She could hear it, she could sense her surroundings, yet, her mind chose to shut.

Jahangir brought her to her house. There was no feeling on her face and that frightened him. He didn't tell her anything but she was awfully quiet.

Her life collapsed right in front of her when her eyes landed on the lifeless body of her father.

Her lunges clogged!

Her heart stopped!

Her pain grew!

Her life stopped!


Ah! ( a breath )


‘’ fath………….. Ah!’’



Her aunts were shaking her who was struggling to breath while crawling to her father’s dead body. Jahangir watched it and his heart was breaking every second.

Her appearance was disheveled. Her breaths were coming in puffs. She was hyperventilating.

She was looking at the man who taught her how to be strong. How to be a woman. He protected her from all evils.

He loved her unconditionally.

He fought for her.

There were days when he would be so tired but he would hide it from them just to not make them worried.

He would hide his pain just to not make them sad.

There were days when he would have a small bite of food and leave the rest for his kids so that they could have it.

There were days when he was searching for a job in hot sunny days skipping his food but pretending that he had food.

There were days when he would have a content smile on his face cause he had managed to bring something to his home.

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