// 5 \\

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When dusk arrives, it already has dawn in its womb. Then hopes are born for a better day. Fear not the sunset. The twilight may give us way to the dark, pitch black. But soon, the dawn, harbinger of the light, comes.

Twilight doesn't really enthrall us, its just the sadness of the fading sun, tired, with the whole days' toil, filled with nothing but morbidity.

Leafs fluttered in through the window, as if supported by the sun, bird settled on the trees ready to escape anytime. Wild rays of sunlight hitting everywhere with its pride and glory. Her eyes fluttered and her weak body stirred as she felt the sunrays peeking through the curtain to her face. Slowly, her mind drifted into consciousness yet her eyelids were still heavy and her head throbbed in pain. she felt the heat of her body as her eyes were itching. Nahal pressed her eyes but then she felt a something cold and soothing on her forehead and on her eyes, it was soothing but it was wet which made her frown. fought to open her eyes and when with enough courage and strength she opened her eyes. Nahal was greeted by the unfamiliar surroundings of a white flush bed and pillows. She trailed her tired eyes to the ceiling in confusion. Nahal closed her eyes and a small smile darted on her pale face.

'' أمي ''

( mom )

Nahal whispered under her breath with a shaky and broken voice. Tears slipped from the corner of her eyes only to absorb on the pillow.

'' أنا جائع ''

( I am hungry)

She felt a soft stroke on her face and strangely it felt good. It was soft and it soothed her.

''حمى شديدة أبلغ الأمير ريان أنها بحاجة لطبيب''

( she has high fever, inform prince Rayan that she needs a doctor)

Nahal heard the faint voices around her. She could feel the cold patches on her forehead; she could feel gentle strokes on her face and on her hands. Fighting with her heavy eyelids, Nahal opened her eyes. With half opened eyes, she saw a woman in her sixties looking at her with love and affection. Blinking few times and clearing the daze, she saw her clearly. She was beautiful. So pure and so lovely that Nahal thought she might be an angel and she is in heaven. Her vision blurred again and she tried to open her eyes again. The woman gently massaged her head and she sighed with content but then her mind started to recall; realization dawned on her and she snapped opened her heavy eyes, Nahal started panting and she looked around the room, the old lady was looking at her erring a worried expression. And then she saw Zaida standing beside the old woman looking at her with sympathy. With struggle, Nahal succeed to sit but only to have her head spin and a bile rose in her throat, feeling the urge to puke. She emptied her empty guts beside the bed and her breath came short. The old lady was stroking her back to sooth her. Her heart starting thumping in her chest, and she looked at the old lady. Nahal looked around the room, it was the same room where she was brought up. Fear engulfed her as she realized the corporeality of her situation.

"لقد اشترى لك"

( he bought you )

That bitter word came crashing her yet again. She suddenly gasped for air but her lungs were refusing. She clutched her chest and tried to grasp for air but looked like her lung's veins were pressed not letting her to inhale. Treacherous tears were streaming down her pale cheeks. She started trembling like a leaf. With weak hands, Nahal started to crawl back and make distance from those people who were staring her with sympathy but couldn't do anything. Looking at her vulnerable state, a tear slipped from Zaida's eyes but alas she could do sympathy with her but couldn't help her.

"استرخ ابنتي ، لن أؤذيك ولكن رجاءا تناول هذا الحليب أولا. أنت بحاجة إلى دواء. ''

( relax my daughter, i will not hurt you but please have this milk first. you need to have medicine)

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