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She was walking on a path but the road was patchy and grumpy, where was this path going, she had no idea but why was she walking then?

The hot air was bracing her, but the wind was telling her a horror story. The weather looked grey and so dry.

Stones were piercing her feet, but still she was walking. Her throat and her lips were dry may be chapped too, she was on the verge or dehydration. But there was no sign of life and water. Looking around she saw all dust and mountains but that path was calling her to walk. Sun was sucking her remaining energy, her eyes were going blur and her vision groggy.

She tried to swallow her saliva but her salivating purrs were refusing to create spittle and dribble. It was dry.

Her black salwar kameez was dusty and her feet were bleeding, making a trail of its own.

She was losing her conscious, she was dying but only one sight made her to turn and look. There was greenery and garden in the middle of the desert. She fought with her vision to look at it properly. Fighting with her energy which she was losing but she fought it and tried to stand up and walk to it. Staggering she reached the garden but suddenly she was forced by an unknown force and she was thrown back to the desert.

'' princess'' she looked up and saw a figure standing in the line of garden and desert. She fought with her vision to see the face of the figure whose voice was so familiar to her.

'' hang on princess'' the voice came back and made her cry but there was no tears to come out of her eyes.

'' Jawed brother'' the name came as a whisper from her mouth as the desert has swallowed her voice too. Aisha tried to stand up again and give her hand to her brother. But she couldn't reach him as he was going far with the garden. She stopped and looked at him in confusion who was smiling.

'' I can't reach you brother'' Aisha was whispering but she was shocked that how can he hear it as he was far from him.

He smiled and shook his head.

'' I know''

Aisha fall on her feet as she had no energy left more to stand up or fight. She looked at his brother who beckoned to two other figure, which made Aisha shocked to see her parents standing with her brother looking at her misery but they all had smiles on their faces. While Aisha wanted to cry and yell for him to take her with them to that garden, but her voice was swallowed by the desert.

'' get up my princess, you are my strong child'' she heard her mother saying which made her more weak upon hearing her voice. Aisha shook her head and looked at her with broken eyes. Which were losing all the colors and hopes of life, and they were losing the mere life in them too.

'' I can't mom, you all left me alone. I am alone here'' Aisha whispered again, it was difficult for her to talk as the words were stinging in her dry mouth.

'' no princess, there is someone who is waiting for you, you need to get up for him.'' she heard her father's voice which confused her. she looked at her father with confusion written on her face.

'' who'' Aisha whispered again but the reply didn't come. After a good few seconds which looked like hours, her brother pointed to a figure standing by her few feet away from her looking at her with a calm face. She blinked few times to clear her vision,

'' I am here baby, give me your hand'' Aisha heard his voice, which soothed her.

She felt so comfortable but at the same time felt so stressed. Comfortable cause he arrived and stressed cause she wanted to hide herself in him but still he was far.

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