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The night summoned like an unquenched love, reckoning with the promise of dark desire. Desire which made the way ahead foggy and the roads, full of deceptions. The part left behind, blurred and the part ahead is uncertain. No flowery meadow to be reached.

She was not a nefelibata, she was a kalopsia.

Her meliorism was at prick and she knew it.

So much happened that it changed her life 360 degree. Never ever she expected that she would be someone's wife unbeknownst to her mother.

A cold sigh escaped her lips and she closed her eyes. The gush of cold wind was touching her face. Nahal wrapped her arms around her and felt the weather of her cocoon. But things were not the same; the weather's smell was changed. It's not welcoming her. It was pricking her skin, crawling till her spine and shuddered her.

She inhaled a deep breath but it didn't smell like home. it smelled like misty soil which she was not belonged too.

'' ناحال
تعال داخلا. الجو بارد في الخارج. ''

( Nahal

Come inside. It's cold outside.)

Nahal smiled and opened her eyes. she turned and looked at the one person who is the meaning of her existence.

Her mother.

She came inside and closed the balcony door. Making her way to her lap, she put her head on her lap and Nylah smiled at her childish behavior but deep down she knew something was wrong with her. She almost lost her sanity for not hearing about her daughter. She tried to contact her and Suraya, but nothing reached to her. She was at the verge of filing a missing complain but at the right time, she heard about her. One sad day, Suraya called her and informed her of her and Nahal busy roaming around and would be back soon. Though she had no idea, that it was not Suraya but someone whom Rayan told her to do. But that didn't help her throbbing heart. Her heart was not at ease. Nahal never did this before. She knew that her mother would be waiting for her and she would never be so irresponsible toward her mother. She had to wait and see. She contact that number again hoping to hear Nahal's voice but it couldn't reach again as it was a private number. Not long but few days passed and only she knew how she spent it. She even went to look after Suraya if someone knows her or her family so that she can contact them, but nothing came to her hand. She was losing her sanity, when one cold night, Nahal entered opening the door. Her heart stopped looking at her mother and she couldn't hold herself. Broking in her arms, she purred her pain in her tears. And on the other hand, her mother was not different. She couldn't believe her eyes. Touching her face again and again, she was sobbing too. its merely two days now but Nahal was quite. And Nylah was trying to talk to her.

Patting her head, she massaged her hair.

ألا تعتقد أننا يجب أن نتحدث؟ "


Don't you think we should talk?)

Nylah coaxed to her while patting her head. Nahal stiffened and closed her eyes. she knew this would come but she was not ready for it.

Still she was in shocked as how that night Rayan left the room not glancing her much to her disbelieve. She though he would scramble her that night beneath him, but he didn't.

He left her closing the door on her face and then she didn't saw him again. That night she spend in tears and fear that he might come to her and she wouldn't be able to stop him as she was his wife and she wanted to be his wife rather than living as his mistress. But that time didn't come.

The morning rays touched her face, and she looked at her surroundings. The room was as neat and clean telling the story of its chastity. She sighed and looked at herself but frowned. She was sleeping on couch, how she came to bed and covered in duvet?

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