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The course of a human life is sometimes altered by an occasional turn of events. Of course, that's how life is. A turn of events may seem very small at that time it's happening, but we never really know, do we?

How can we?

Life is a series of events strung together like a phrase of a sentence, forever chancing and forever adapting, we need to turn the page and read on. And adapting and adjusting are two weapons of survival.

Life took such a turn which lead people heartbroken, soul drained. But nobody knew that it was just the beginning of something nobody could dream about it.

The epidermis of her eyelids felt heavy but sleep was not her ally. The sunlight coming from the window was canoodling her features. Her thatches sprawled on pillow. The longing long on her eyes wasn't hidden from any one. The only evident of her being alive was her heart beat. But deep inside she was collecting her mind as the pictures and sequences of yesterday was flashing in her mind. Sending signals to her mind while her heart chose to shut them. Veeda had a slight thread of hope. Hope which was telling her heart of something which her mind was shutting it. The chaos inside her was hidden as from outside, she was nothing but a zombie.

'' Zara call Tahir. Ask him what happened?'' the tired voice of Mr. Hussain who was witnessing her daughter's state, couldn't hold his emotions as he slide down on the bench. He sighed as he had no idea what was happening. Hammad's team's mission was not disclosed now and all he was hoping is that the news shouldn't effect Veeda more than she already was.

'' uncle I am calling him, but his phone is off '' Zara stated and put her hand on his shoulder.

'' is he really dead?'' Zara asked out of curiosity. Tahir never disclose his missions or anything related to his job to her and she never bothered to ask him either. But she was scared to hear it from him. Hammad was dead but there was no dead body of him and they way Tahir was pacing around all this while was not normal to her. She knew he was up to something and like always she was scared for his life.

Mr. Hussain looked at her as her question was something that he himself was thinking but didn't asked Tahir either.

'' I don't know Zara ...'' he sighed and relied to her with a longing hope in his voice and eyes.

'' but 48 hours passed now, and today they will be handing them his body. Why didn't they

gave him before?'' she asked meekly as she was confused.

'' its protocol Zara. Their department is different and so their rules. Can't mess it ''

'' Zahir make an arrangement for the fucker. He should leave tonight'' he snarled to his secretary while still sitting in his car making his way toward Najib's fire house.

He was still couldn't believe of Hammad being killed by Farad. And for is absurd reason, he was not happy about it as he knew Farad's next step would be to get Veeda and that he couldn't let it happen. The moment Farad gets her, that moment would be the start of his calamity and holocaust.

'' sir we have arrived'' the voice of his guard broke his chain of thoughts as Mr. Abdullah sighed and took his gun and put it in his pocket for safety. Taking steady steps his guard opened the car's door for him and he left toward the house in haste steps while trying to show that all is fine but in real he was looking..................... miserable.

He knocked the door few times until Najib opened it and Mr. Abdullah entered immediately with his guards.

'' where is that bastard?'' looking around the house, he asked furiously but there was no trace of him.

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