// 11 \\

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He inhaled the air he wanted to breathe on top of the misty greens fresh and free from the snags of life. He glanced around, misty mountains shroud; calling him to dawdle in that forest deep to find solace in its brooks and streams and clearing hearts from chaotic clouds.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes, this was so peaceful and so good to feel and live. How life changed for him, that one glance at her brought them to where they were standing now. The gushing sound of water fall caught his attentions. Although water falls from hills but it never thinks that it has fallen. It rises to run as unstoppable rive. She fell like a waterfall in the river of his emotions, and he came like a rain in her life and the water seemed to flow more heavily. What she created in his life, nobody ever did and he was amused on that. She came like a rain cloud, while he was like a barren land. That one glance at her ignited a fire inside him. She was giving butterflies in his stomach like blooming flowers.

She was like a river gushing down the mountains. Like an ocean cruising down the shore. But deep down he knew that the river lose everything including its existence. But that was fated anyhow. She was daring him to pour himself out. She was daring him to enter the soul that was more than his own. She was able to extinguish fire in mere seconds. She was letting lights comes through. And he didn't like it a bit. He was not raised to have vulnerable emotions but she was threatening him which he hated. But Rayan was always capable to hold a tight grip on his emotions.

'' I shall calm down my nerves not letting you inside me. You are playing with fire girl. And I am no saint to not feel the threads.''

Rayan closed his eyes and felt her presence around him. He could still feel her smell lingering around him messing with his every fiber of his existence.

The smell of her silky tendrils, the taste of her mouth, the feeling of her skin seemed to have got inside him or into the air all around him. She had become a physical necessity. It was a tough decision for him to send her away after having that hot encounter with her. Her soft sobs did something to him which he tried his hard to ignore but something pricked inside him that he couldn't.

إعادة نحال. وقتها قد انتهى ''


Bring Nahal back. her time is over.)

His voice was gravelly and intense and Adil knew him much better than others. He was with him since they both were kids. Literally Adil was brought up by Rayan's mother since his mother died while giving birth to him and his father was the most trusted man in the royal family. He died when Adil was 10.Rayan's mother took him in and he was same age of Rayan. They did their studies and training together and he knew Rayan more than anything or anyone else.

He knew that what was Rayan feeling for Nahal and what was he doing instead. But there was a thing about Rayan, he wouldn't like it if someone tell him something and keeping that in mind, he didn't bother to tell him. Rayan had tough childhood. He was mostly in training. Being the first born his father had put him in immense training and that one thing which he missed which was necessary in childhood was affection. His father was always treating him like a big man. He was not approving a single mistake from him and if he did one then he would face the hard consequences which would include lashing and starving. Adil faced the same but not as intense as Rayan since he was not the prince like him. Rayan's mother was trying her best to be with them but she hardly could see him as he was being far away from the palace in a special place and later Adil joined him there. Adil had a normal life with his father when he was alive, but then he was put to training too after he lost him. though he was grateful for the royal family to look after him and made the best of him but he always felt bad for Rayan since he was not treated as a child but rather a big grown up man. The understanding of love and affection was far from his thinking. He never felt that before since he never witnessed it but Adil knew that Rayan had feeling for Nahal the moment he saw her, but he was mistreating her and mistreating his own feelings. And it will cost him one day that he knew too. Nonetheless, now he could see that how restless Rayan was after sending Nahal back home. Though he had his eyes on her and on her every movement but still Rayan was not happy about her being far from him. She was physically far but virtually he had her in. Adil looked at the iPad in his hand and he froze. His heart stopped and his palms sweated. Rayan looked at him and noticed his instance changed. He got alarmed.

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