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Twilight fell; the sky turned to a light, dusky purple littered with tiny silver stars.

Twilight; a timid, fawn came with glimmering hue, and night, the dark-blue hunter, was gone leaving scars behind.

Twilight dropped her curtains, and pins it with sun.

Twilight color, nature's wonders, birds chirping, early morning ambiance, soothing melody, perfect harmony, aptly defines every sunrise for the Aurakzai mansion.

The just-risen sun shone softly on the proud Aurakzai mansion, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity.

The sun poured through the window, the light of dawn seeped through into the room. The sunrise casted a rosy hue across the morning sky.

Dappled sun shone through the trees, creating mysterious shadows. The blue sky was dotted with fluffy white clouds that drifted lazily in the gentle breeze.

Aaban took a long and rancid breath; he opened his eyes slowly and blinked few times to adjust his vision. After such a long time, he went to sleep and that confused him.

He looked at his sight but only to find if empty. The crumbled sheets were present but not her. The sheet was half folded on her side like she was hiding something which he clearly knew what. A smirk appeared on his face but faded soon.

When he remembered her throwing emotions. her tears, her whimpers, her protest, her suppressed screams, her tearful eyes, everything was printed in his mind.

Whatever happened were clearly not his intentions. He wanted to give this relationship time but her stunt and words ignited a never dying fire in him. He felt his ego being pressed and then thrown away.

The moment his eyes caught her, he knew that she was the one. He also knew that it was not lust but a much stronger emotions which caught him on her first glimpse.

Aaban took off the sheets; he swayed his feet to the floor and took a deep breath. There was an unfamiliar fragrance in the room. And he knew whose smell was lingering in his nostrils. Ruffling his messed up hairs, he walked to bathroom.

The tripling water was reminding him of her.

Aaban was happy to know that Mehar was named to him and he knew that he would get her anyway knowing his power and her family's struggle to be back to politics. But still he wanted things to be good so he was waiting for their answer. In his mind he knew that Abdul Rasheed Durrani wouldn't miss a chance and he was also aware that they will never dare to say no to him. They needed Aurakzai family and second they would never dare to raise a voice in front of such powerful family.

He saw her when she was wearing afghani dress and her hands were clad in his henna. When she was unaware of his gaze on her. Aaban had chosen the ring for her with is choice and he was glad to see the ring shining in her delicate finger. He wanted to reach to her and hold her hand with his right but he knew that he had to wait till his nikah.

But Mehar ruined it all.

She ran away after all the guests left but unbeknown to her, Aaban got the news from the moment she put her foot out.

That was a slap on his face when she called him a criminal without knowing him. he felt the pain in his heart and the humiliation.

His hard hand, punched the wall cracking his knuckles but he cared less.

He wanted to give her the world, he wanted to spend time with her so that they both know each other before they move ahead but she ruined it a big time. Aaban had a warm carnal desire for her the moment he saw her but he was sure it was not just lust. It was something far more intense that she started to rule in him before she enters his life.

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