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'' what the fuck is wrong with you?

Can't you concentrate? ''

Poking his finger on his forehead vigorously with anger and exasperation in his eyes.

'' use your eyes and keep your hand straight and your shoulder strong. Keep this in your thick head and don't make me to repeat it again or else I have other ways to repeat it boy'' jerking him back while his soldier stood straight with head down.

'' s..sorry sir ''

'' strong dammit ''

'' I said sorry sir '' he repeated with strong voice making Hammad gesture him to continue while he stood there watching his soldiers getting training but it more looked like he was putting his anger out for who ever come his way.

'' A man in passion, rides a mad horse. And guess what Colonel you are doing the same thing'' stated Yusuf Aziz the deputy commander of his team while observing him for awhile.

'' you can't shake hand with clenched fist, they need to be ready. I am not training Barbie dolls here'' Hammad turned to him leaving the training ground. Hearing a roaring laughter of Yusuf behind him. Hammad entered his cabin and sat on his chair taking his hat off and ranking his hands in his hairs.

Her face was in his eyes again. He smelled her everywhere. He has stopped sleeping in his room, mostly he would work in his office or later would stay in his home office working but his mind was roaming around her. It's been a week now that she left but taking his mind and his heart with her much to his dismay. His anger was rising as he was remembering her. Her innocent face, but then her messages....

His intercom ringed and broke his string of thoughts. Sighing he took it with a tired face.

'' Colonel Hammad you will receive a fax regarding the subpoenas meeting. Time and sheet are there. Be prepared and also the designated documents as we are expecting this from you ''

The voice of brigadier general Usman Amiri gave him an alert as he stood his guards up ready to take commands.

'' Roger sir

You don't worry ''

The beep sound of the fax machine and the knock of the door made him alert.

'' come in'' his voice was grating and throaty.

'' Sir I got all the information '' his executive officer Ahmad Bilal said handing him a file content of papers that he wanted. Taking the file from his hands he roughly start reading he leaned back in to his chair with a smug look on his face as he looked at Ahmad who also smirked. At last his long awaited plan worked and today he was going to receive his reward which he was thirsty about it. And his plan worked tremendously as he was having all the information which he needed to make this issue a more governmental than personal.

'' act now!'' commanding his executive officer Ahmad Bilal with a stern look on his face.

'' Roger sir ''

He left his office in haste.

Fishing his phone from his pocket he called Tahir but his heart wanted to hear her voice, and his ego was not letting him. sighing he called Tahir instead.

'' yeah Hammad I am on my way to the meeting are you ready?''

Tahir asked as he picked up his call with bunching up brows but he knew that Hammad would never call him before any secret meeting so there must be something he wants to talk about and his guess was right.

'' yeah I am more than that, but listen to me very carefully. Set the guards on your house and do not let anyone leave your house I mean any one Tahir''

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