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Black sky and solo moon with millions of stars shining yet unraveled a secret so unfamiliar. But only the dark night and the silence made it familiar to her.

Silence and darkness!

They could see her like always and could hear her like always. She felt devastated and destroyed. The twinkling of the stars were like telling her a story so familiar yet unfamiliar to her ears.

Her heart was bleeding like he cut it in to pieces. She was murdered while still breathing.

The weather was calm, like the silence before storm. She didn't want to mistake the silence before the storm, yet she knew silence before flow tide in ocean is a call of silence before the disaster.


The barometer was falling but there was no wind yet, just silence. Up above where she couldn't hear it, the wind had already begun. The storm, the rainclouds, were racing along at full speed. There weren't many of them yet scattered serrated fragments. It was as though some city had fallen up on her and then the pieces of the walls and towers were flying down. The heaps of them grew with horrible rapidity before her eyes. And then they came closer and closer but still she could see them flying to the blue emptiness of her recent born reality before the crash down to the bottom.


My fiance

Rape her?

A jolt ran through her body and she heaved a shaky breath. Closing her eyes, unfaithful tears rolled down her cheek.

The clashing sound of the water, made her open her eyes. Mehar's eyes landed on a wooden door to the opposite side of the main door of the hall.

She stood up with shaky legs and padded to the door. With shaky hands, she turned the knob. The chill breeze of the night hit her on her wet face. A shiver ran down her spine as she saw the Qargha Lake in a few distances that is when she realized that she was in Qargha. A famous and beautiful reservoir and dam famous for boating, surfing, and golfing and much more. Now she realized that his farmhouse was near to the dam of Qargha.

A thought passed through and her feet found her way out side of the door. The cold breeze was piercing her skin through her bones but she felt the need to be out.

Taking her slippers off her feet, she shivered as the cold sand touched her bare feet.

The water felt calm like the silence before the storm. Standing just inches in the water as it reached till her anklets, that caused an upheaval of chaos in her heart. The only satisfying storm she felt was, the clenching of her heart. Gribbing her fists, a sob escaped from her mouth and resonated in the calm surroundings. Her eyes looked at her face in the water before it withered before her eyes. Mehar's hands reached to the cold water and splashed it on her face.

That act continued few times until she stopped feeling her face and her hands. But her tears didn't left her eyes though she felt her eyes cold and feeling less.

'' why me?''

A whisper escaped her quavering lips followed by a sob. Her life was always a chaos but never she felt such a thrash that she felt with him.

She hung her head low and covered her face with her hands. Crying silently on her fate.

The splashing sound of the water, made her to look up and turn to the direction.

The intense ebony eyes caught her in.

There was lava melting and molding inside his eyes but she saw a hurt and pained expression on his face probably for the first time.

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