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In everyone's life there comes a time when you have to choose to turn the page, write another book or simply close it.

There comes a time when the world gets quit and the only thing left is your own heart. So you'd better learn the sound of it. Otherwise you'll never understand what its saying.

But her life had come to a halt, there was nothing to think about, there was nothing to live for.

There was no one to live for, and there was nothing in her heart to listen to it.

She was still struggling. But the difference was that she was left all alone in this cruel world.

When you come out of the storm you won't be the same person that walked in. that's what the storm is all about. She was out of one storm but only to be left in another storm.

It's been a week of the ghastly accident in her life; she lost her only family, her brother. But he did something which she had no hope that he will do it. He saved her.

He saved her dignity.

He didn't let her to be scattered.

He saved her innocence.

Nothing is same in her life. She was left alone. She had no one. Her home was ceased cause of the horrific crime which happened.

Living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom and a hope. Rose is a rose from the time it seed to the time it dies. Within it all, at all times. It contains its whole potential. It seems to be constantly in the process of change. Yet at each state, at each moment, it's perfectly all right, as it is. But she had no sunshine.

She had no hope.

She was not that rose to change and have the potential to grow, she was a young girl in this man-kind world. Sitting in the garden and looking at the roses, she felt so defeated.

So lost.

So lonely.

She was so lost that she didn't realize a presents beside her. She looked up and saw Dr Ali looking at her intently. This man would usually intimidate her. But today his eyes are showing concern for her. She again looked back to the flowers.

Dr Ali sighed and sat beside her on the bench. He saw how much broken she was. She had lost weight and she was always calm. She won't utter a word to anyone. And would eat very less. He couldn't see her like this. He needed to do something for her. On the other hand the mayor's men were looking for her. They wanted her alive or dead. But she was oblivious from these stuffs. She was so entangle in her life that such things were far from her thinking. But Dr Ali couldn't let her be in danger. For past one week he is keeping her in his hospital and thinking about ways to keep her save.

'' did he you had breakfast?'' asked Dr Ali in his usual authorative but concern voice.

She didn't look up but nodded his head. Dr Ali needed to tell her the situations outside of the hospital. And he needed to see her reaction. She should come out of her shell and react and interact.

But before he could say something Aisha surprised him with her melodic voice which touched the strings of his heart.

'' you have done a lot to me. I have been here for a week and till this time you and your hospital stuff have been with me. But now...'' she licked her lips and looked at him who was looking at her intently But before she continued he didn't let her to continue.

'' before you say that you want to go. But you can't go anywhere. I don't know for how long but right now you simply can't'' he told her with rage of anger in his eyes which made her to shiver. But she needed her answers. She looked up and looked at his eyes where the had so many emotions. Which made her confused.

'' wha....what do you mean? Wh....why I can't go?''

It was more like a whisper but he heard it. And now was the time to tell her or to blast the bomb on her. He looked at her for few seconds. Her broken state broke his heart. He was not ready to let her go. He remembered the state which he saw her. Her bruised face and body, her disheveled state and her weak body. At right time her prayers were answered and she was saved otherwise she would be dispersed from life.

No he will never allow a finger on her. He will break that finger but will protect her.

'' Mansoor Durani's father and his men are looking for you. Your house has been ceased and your relatives has turn their back on you. It's chaotic outside. They are hunting you like wild hungry animals. They will eat you alive but that I will never let it happen. Whether you like it or not, you will stay with me if not here then in my house'' he said with so much authority and power but his words scare stiff her. Her mouth was hanged open and she didn't know when the treacherous salty water streamed from her eyes. She was confused of her feelings. Should she be sad or be scare!

Aisha was shivering with tears in her eyes and Dr Ali saw her body language changing. He knew he had been harsh to her but she had to know her situation. Dr Ali sighed and looked at her. It was the most painful thing to see tears in her eyes. Her face bruises were fade away but the was still a mere bruise marks on her wrists which was urging him to touch it and to kiss it. He wanted to protect her and to kiss he pain away. But he needed time for that.

'' Aisha,,,''

'' I can't live with you. With what relation I should live with you?

And why should I live in hospital like I am sick which I am not.

This is my life and I will face it. But I can't live with...''

'' marry me. You will be under my name and I swear no one in the world would have the power to touch you.


late and short.

sorry but keep reading a lot is coming.

Keep reading keep guessing.

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