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'' mom how can you be so careless?

How did you allow her to go alone?'' raging in anger Dr Ali seething to his mother. He was restless and beyond angry. His wife Aisha was missing and it's been a day now.

'' nobody bothered to ask me before allowing her where I clearly told all of you to not allow her alone and whenever she goes somewhere just be with her'' Dr Ali roared seeing his security team who were rooted on their places.

'' s...sir we tried b..but she said it's no need she will just go and see her parents grave and come back'' tenderly one of his security guys replied to his raging boss.

'' and you didn't bother to call me?'' Dr Ali took him by his collar and shouted on his face, making him more tremble and fearful.

His security team was working but there was no trace of her. It looked like the earth swallowed her somewhere else beyond his reach; otherwise he would dig the earth and save his life.

'' I was not home my son. In fact I haven't seen her since morning'' his mother was restless too but seeing her son's disheveled condition, was clenching her heart to her chest. She was praying nonstop for that innocent soul, who was the life of her son.

Sighing deeply, he sat on the couch and hold his head in his hands. He was lost and his tiny hope was losing its light in the heavy storm of his chaotic life. The day was coming to an end and the bad demons of his thoughts were disturbing him. He had seen her condition. Remembering that time would clenched his heart. the demons were crawling to his mind, blocking all rational thoughts, making him more restless.

We simply can't abandon ship every time we encounter a storm in our marriage; real love is about weathering the storms of life together. Sometimes you just have to bow your head, say a prayer and weather the storm.

We are the little braches that quavers during the storm, doubting our strengths and forgetting we are the tree, deeply rooted to withstand all of life's upheaval.

Dr Ali rested his head on back of the sofa and deep sighed while her face was fresh in the eye lids of his eyes.

'' Ya ALLAH please save her. Please be with her while I failed to protect her'' a lone tear slipped from the corner of his eye.

'' sir someone has come to see you should I let him in?'' asked Gul bano his maid but in response she only got a nod from her boss. With his eyes closed.

'' good evening sir,

Sir we got something'' said in personal detective who he has appointed him for his wife's case before he involve police, since he had doubt that Mansoor Durani's father or brother is after this case, and the one look which he gave to his detective, he knew that he was right. Dr Ali gestured him to sit down and continue.

'' sir your wife left the house around 10 in the morning and she refused the guards to accompany her. and she took a cap and went to her parents grave, which is a 20 minutes ride. Her sandals and purse were found there. But there are questions'' before he continue he looked at Dr Ali who got curious and frowned.

'' you are alone here, continue'' Dr Ali said in a broken voice. Deep in his heart, he was feeling uneasy like something bad was happening and she was yelling for him to help her. it looked like their souls were connected. And his soul knew that she is in danger and needs him.

'' first question is when she left for the graveyard, why she refused the guards?

Driver which you have appointed for your mansion, when he says that he told her that he can drop her, then why she refused?

But hold your breath sir, cause the most shocking news is that she never reached the graveyard.

And she was in your car with the same driver who denied that he hasn't dropped her.

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