Chapter 12: Let's Return To The Very Start

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"Emiyo, Kameko!" called their grandmother, hurrying forward and hugging her grandchildren. "Oh, and Lisa-chan----how are you?"

"Fine." Lisa said smiling, as she pulled her into a tight embrace. The twins' grandmother shared her son's dark jet black hair which she held in a tight bun, although with streaks of gray. She pulled away, smiling gratefully at the three of them. Behind her was the unmistakable view of Mr. and Mrs. Oozora hurrying forward to their daughter.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" asked Mrs. Oozora, looking over her daughter, checking her up and down, she seemed worried thatsomething must have been broken.

"No." Lisa shook her head.

"Thank goodness!!" she pulled her into another tight embrace. "I thought...once we heard what happened to the might have been caught in the middle of it!"

"I told you mom..." Lisa laughed, patting her back, she looked at Emiyo and winked, "I'm not as weak as I was when I was little..."

The airport was overcrowded with many students, some surrounded by worried and grateful parents, friends, and students. As soon as the trio had entered, they were being swarmed from all sides. To Emiyo's left she saw Alice being hugged by her mother and older brother, both who shared Alice's blonde hair. One her right was that one art kid who had almost slammed her in the face, being slightly embarrased as his father ruffled his hair.

"I can't believe something like this would happen." came the voice of Sakurako Takashimizu, her hazel eyes surveying the surroundings before checking on her daughters. "Your not hurt, are you?"

"No," replied Kameko simply. "We were with Lisa..."

"See, they're strong..." their grandmother, Itsuki replied with pride.

"Tell that to Kameko," Emiyo raised her eyebrows to her younger twin. "she helped people evacuate..."

"Not just me..." Kameko pulled off her glasses, exposing her pale red eyes. "Emiyo did too, a little recklessly tho."

"WHAT?" chimmed their father, looking from one to the other with his pale red eyes.

"Well, it was nothing..." both shrugged their shoulders dismissively, Kameko put her black glasses back on.
"What's going to happen now?" Lisa asked aloud, which brought back the main question the girls were wondering.

"That's the thing..." Mr. Oozora scratched his head awkwardly. "We are taking you girls back to Japan, here's hoping for them to discover what kind of natural disaster caused it," -----Emiyo, Kameko, and Lisa furrowed their brows--- "and how long such repairs will take...and the fact that IF we'll allow you to come back---"

The girls tuned out immediately, they eyed another. If we'll allow you to come back?

From within the few possessions they could salvage, some of Lisa's medicine, her laptop, and their own school bags, Kibou and Yuki turned to one another, fearful at the sudden turn of events. Would this deeply intervene with their efforts of finding and restoring the rulers?

The twins and Lisa were thinking the same thing as Mr. Oozora finished talking. "---meanwhile you'll simply return to Japan and learn from home."

This last bit of news seemed to cheer them up, at least they'd be able to meet up like always without having to go to school, at least for a little while. "That's fine."

From then on the trip back seemed to pass by like a blur, except the time Kibou teleported herself and Yuki from plane to plane at each station they stopped.

"What are you doing?!" mouthed Emiyo from the window when Kibou teleported herself for the tenth time. "Do you want to be seen?!"

"No-bou!" Kibou yelped as she returned. "I was thinking of teleporting there instead to attract less atte----"

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